+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonesetA: (unsigned)AsetV: (unsigned)vsetW: (unsigned)wsetStateFromSeeds: (unsigned *)seeds
+ create: (id <Zone>)aZonesetA: (unsigned)AsetV: (unsigned)vsetW: (unsigned)wsetStateFromSeed: (unsigned)seed
Phase: Setting
- initAll The initAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of segment #0.
- initGenerator: (unsigned)vGen The initGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of segment #0.
Phase: Using
- (unsigned long long int)getCurrentCount: (unsigned)vGen The getCurrentCount method returns the current count of the specified virtual generator (i.e. the number of variates delivered).
- (unsigned long long int)getCurrentSegment: (unsigned)vGen The getCurrentSegment method returns the number of the current segment of the specified virtual generator.
- (long double)getLongDoubleSample: (unsigned)vGen The getLongDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size long double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 2 calls to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa. Warning: use of this method is not portable between architectures.
- (double)getDoubleSample: (unsigned)vGen The getDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 2 calls to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.
- (double)getThinDoubleSample: (unsigned)vGen The getThinDoubleSample method returns a random floating-point number of size double, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 1 call to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.
- (float)getFloatSample: (unsigned)vGen The getFloatSample method returns a random floating-point number of size float, uniformly distributed in the range [0.0,1.0), from virtual generator (data stream) vGen. This method uses 1 call to -getUnsignedSample to fill the mantissa.
- (unsigned)getUnsignedSample: (unsigned)vGen The getUnsignedSample method returns a random unsigned integer uniformly distributed over the interval [0,unsignedMax] from virtual generator (data stream) vGen.
- jumpAllToSegment: (unsigned long long int)seg The jumpAlltoSegment: method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of the specified segment.
- advanceAll The advanceAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their next segment.
- restartAll The restartAll method resets the state of all the virtual generators to the start of their current segment.
- jumpGenerator: (unsigned)vGentoSegment: (unsigned long long int)seg The jumpGenerator:toSegment: method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the specified segment.
- advanceGenerator: (unsigned)vGen The advanceGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the next segment.
- restartGenerator: (unsigned)vGen The restartGenerator method resets the state of a virtual generator to the start of the current segment.
- (unsigned)getSegmentLength The getSegmentLength method returns log2(the current segment length) = w.
- (unsigned)getNumSegments The getNumSegments method returns log2(the current number of segments) = v.
- (unsigned)getNumGenerators The getNumGenerators method returns the current number of virtual generators (A).