ControlPanel -- Class to control the top level SwarmProcess
ControlPanel keeps track of the users requests to run, stop, quit, or time step the simulation. It cooperates with the GUISwarm to control the execution of activities in Swarm.
- setStateSave Saves the objects that are registered for archiving.
- setStateNextTime Stop the running activity, and then set state to `ControlStateNextTime'.
- setStateQuit Terminate activities, and set state to `ControlStateQuit'.
- setStateStepping Stop the running activity, and then set state to `ControlStateStepping'.
- setStateStopped The -setStateStopped message is particularly useful since it will cause the simulation to stop until the user interactively sets it back in motion (in other words, this method is useful in generating a software-triggered pause).
- setStateRunning Sets the state to `running'.
- startInActivity: (id <SwarmActivity>)activityID
- setState: (id <Symbol>)s
- (id <Symbol>)getState Get the current button state of the controlpanel. Is one of ControlStateRunning, ControlStateStopped, ControlStateStepping, ControlStateNextTime, or ControlStateQuit.