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CHQ / \_________/_____\__ ____/ ttAb WHQ! /______| /_______/ tAf! member |_____________/ _______________ |· \______________ | ·| ____________ _________________ | ________ ______________/ \__\_________ \___________|_ | _____\___ / \\ _ \ _/ | | |/ _/ \__________________/\ | | | / \________________/ \_________________| | \__________/ . . | | | · rOadhOgz · | __________ | |________ ____________ _________\ \ | |_ |/ \ ________________\__ ________/_ | _/ / \\/ / | | | | / / |_ /\__________________| l________| \_______________\_________/ / . l________| . l____________________/ | | | iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! l_______________ Mo!/aC! | \______________| Ö=zEn= ÖsATAN'S FIRe ÖsAL-1 ÖRiGOR MORTiS ÖGML ÖjABBAH ÖqUBE ÖWiDGET ÖjOPiTER ÖEiNSTEiN ÖTHe ReaPeR ÖnOSFERATU ÖDiABLO ÖASHTON ÖCASTRO ÖlUCiFUGE ÖThe Doctor ÖbUT^4^wAREZ ÖbACk fIRe ÖBooNDoCKS ÖX-Treme BBS ÖkAOZ lANDZ ÖMATERiAL WORLDS ÖvIRTUAL dREAM ÖCENTRAL STATiON ÖtHE cOFFEE sHOP ÖCORRUPTiON ÖDiSCONNECTED ÖDaRK STaR ÖtHE nECRONOMICON ÖtHE pAYOFF ÖpLANET gROOVE ÖwANNA jOIN, cALL +31.4192.15288· @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______,-----.__,------.___,---.____ _ __ | /___ _/ ______ _| \I |,----.__ \_ \______| /____ _ |______ _ / ==sLv==`------'=== `----'=== =`------'= #19 þú.c0URiED BY t.T.A.B!.úþ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ this is a pack. this is only a pack. it is katharsis ascii's 19th pack. enjoy. this is a mini-pack. voice calls will be placed to all members during the next four weeks. ack has returned. a few people have left. nuff respect to them gs. this is the tinyz part. tinyz really had better things to do during this time. ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- dA jOINT ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ _/\_ /\ /\ /\ \ / _/ \_____/ \_ _/ \____________________ ______/\__ -\/-___\_ ________ _/- - -___\__ __ ___ _(______)_ \ _ _/_- - - | _/ ___ \_ __ / \_ _/ / \_ \/ \_ \_ \ \_ ____)__ | -\ \/ / \/ / \ \_/ / / / / \ / /- | | \\ \ _/ / __/ \\ \ _/ __/ __/ \\___/ __/ || - - -\ //-\_____/+tZ- - -\ //-\_____/ -\___/ -\_____/ -\____/- - - | \___/ \___/ | 'da joint |=| smokin' it up in da +358 |=| bloodbrothers member | katharsis!ascii member |=| run by shock "da ascii god" g! | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- dESTINY ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ______. _ _ __ _____ ____\_ _ | _ __ ___ _ ________ __________._____.___ _____ /____ _ __/ __/// | ___ / ______/_ __ ___|_____| \ / /\ _ /_ \\\ \| |_ \___/_ _\_____ _/_ / \_: | \ \______\ / \ : _____/_ / \/ \_ /_ |_ \ \_ / \_____/+tZ \______/_ ___________/_______/______/___| /_____/ |______| ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- iCE hOUSE ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ______ _ ________ _ ________ _\____/_ _______/_ _______/ _\_ _/_ \ _/_ ____/____ \ / / \ /-----------------------------------. -\______/__________/__________/--iCE-hOUSE-(*)-sYSOP:-sKY/fREEZER--- | fREEZER pOLISH hQ (*) 21.oo-xx.oo | _|___ _____ _ ________ _ __ _____ _ ________ _ ________ | -_\_ | _/_ _____ /_ | _/_ _______/_ _______/----------- _\_ _ _/_ / _/_ | _/______ _/_ ____/____ | \ | / _/ / | / / / \ / | \_____| /__________/__________/__________/__________/ | `---|____/+tZ---------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- sHACO ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ._______ _ _ ___. _ _ ______ _ _ _______ _ _ _______ ._: _____)___ :______ ______ _)___ _/___ _ _ _/___ : _ _______ _/_. | _ _/_. | _ _/_. _ _______/_. | _ _/_. ===| \/ : _ _ : _ _ : \ _ : | :=== |_____ _ / |____| |____| |____. |_ _ | | _ _ _/ /_ _ __| +tZ| _ _ __| | _ _ __| | _ _ __| | | _ _ __|_ _ \\ \\ \_______/ |____/ |____/ |____/ |______/ // // ------------------------------------ -------------------------------- uNSEEN fATE --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ##### #####___ ____________/\________ _ _______ _ ___ ______ ##### ##### \ /_ _____/__ ___/__ ____/__ \ /_ ##### ##### \\ _______ / _____/___ _____/___ \\ / ##### #####____\ _/______ _/_______ _/______ _/__\ _/ _____ ##### ##### __ _\ /____ _\ /_____ _\ /____ _\ /__ _\ /_ ____ __\ ##### ##### \\\/ \\\/ \\\/ \\\/ \ \/ / /__ \_ _ _ ######### \ / _ _ _/ _(_()_) \/ (_()_)_ /_ ######### ________________________ _\ /_____ ##### #####_______ /__ __ ____/__ ___________________________\ ##### ##### __ / / \__ _____/___ +tZ## _ _____ _/_____ _/______ _/ ####### _\ / _\ / _\ /_ ##### \\\/ \\\/ \ \/ / ##### \ / \/ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------- sO wATCHAWANT -------------------------------- ------------------------------------ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . | ____ ____ | | (___ (____) | -|------' | | | |_______ _________ _______ ______|__ __|\ _/___ _ _____\__ __/_____ ___\ /_ ______ __\__ __/ \ \ / /__ _____ /_ \ ___/_ ____ _ _____\_ \ /______ / \ / \_ _\ /\ /_ _ \ __ / / _\ \ \ /__ _____ /_ /\ /_ __ / \ \_ __ ___________/ \ / __/____/_ _______\ _ \ __ / ______/ / __/__\ /__/ | \______\__\+tZ _ ___/ \ / __/ _ ____\ \ / | | \______\__\ \/ | `- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- uNDERGROWN --------------------------------- ------------------------------------ .---------------------------------uNDER-. |_______ _____ ______ _______ _____ | | _ ___/__\__ /__\___ /__\ /_\ /--' |_/ \ _/ _/ \_ |/ \_ \ // \ \_ `\_ ___\ ____ _/ /\ / \ / - -\___/+tZ-\ //- \_______/\_____|\ //- - `---------\/-> Undergrown #9 <' \/ =============================================================================== that's it for this time. not much this time around, but it's almost summer and well, i really do have better things to do. ascii is fun, but graf, girls, music, money, etc are a lot more fun. i'm still gonna do this shit. just a lot more slowly, and with a lot better quality control. peace out niggz. =============================================================================== ____ ____ `88' `88' .88 .88 ____ ___ o8' o8' `88' .o88o88'.88o88. o888o o888o .88 .88 o8888o. .88'`88' 88' `88 .88'`88:.88'`88o88o88' ____ .88'`888' `888.`' o88 .88.88' .o8.88' `'.88`88o `88'.88' .o8' ___ `88o .88' o8'88' .o8'88' o._ 88' `88. 88' .o8' `88 o88' o88o.o8' 88.o88' 88.o88'o88o. `88. 88.o88' `888' .o88o.`888' sp`888' .o8o. `8888' o8' o. .o8' 8oo88' `88' - -- ----------------------------. SHOCK G of - - ------' _____ ___________ ____ ____\_ \_______________ _ /________ _ ___________________ / / / ______/ ______/ // _ \_/ ______ ______/___ _ _ _/ / _/ \ \______ \______/ \ \______ \_ \ // \\_____\ \_________/ / ____/_____\_____\______/ / ____/_________/-sg .------- \_____/ ----- \______/ -------------------- \______/ ----------------. | -*- K A T H A R S I S ^ A S C I I -*- | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | tINYZ * sPARR * sHOCK G * k-SPIFF * eERIE * rEDD * mOTION mAN * sLIVER * | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' p r e s e n t s : - -- --------------------------------------------. my contribution to the new KTS pack - - ----' __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * THA KAOZ LANDZ for RIGOR MORTIS/TTAB/ETC. * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' _ _____ _ ______ \_ \________\ \ ___________ / ______/ \_ \ _ \ _ _/ \ \_ / \_ \ \_ _ __ _ .------------------ \\__________/ \______/ \______// -------\/---------. | .___ _ _ \ \ | | | _ ____ ______ ________ __________ __________ _ . | | | / / / _ \ _ \_______ \_ | | ù _ _/ / _/ \ \_ \ \_ ______/ ù | | . \\_____\ \_ \______/__________/___\ \_ _ | | | \_____/ \ -sg\______// _ _ ___| | | _ ______ __________ _ __________________ __________ _ | '-------- / /____/ _ \_____\ _____ \_______ \_ --------' _ _/ _/ \_ \ \____ \ \_ / \_ ______/ \\_____________/ \______/ \________/__________/___\ \_ _ \ \ \______// .. a remake of the older logo .. this one looks better in my opinion .. __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * WHITE LABEL for GUARDIAN/LT/TRSI * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' ________ ____ __ _ _ / // // // ______ / //___//_// _______ ___\ \ / ____/_______ _________ ____\ \/ \_ \/ \__ __/ _ / -sg _ _ _/ /\ \_ / \_ / \ /_____/__ __ _ .------ \\_____/\_______/____\______/ /________\___________/ -------\/-----. | ______ ________/_ ____/______ __________ ______ | | _ / /____/ _ \/ __ _/ _ / /____ | | \ _/ _/ \_ \ \_ \_ \_ /_____/__ _/ \_ _ _ | '----\--- \_____________/____\______/__________/__________/___________// -----' \ _ _ _ _/ / \/ \\_______/ [ w h i t e ù l a b e l ] __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * JUVE REHAB for SNAKE MAN/LSD/DOM/PMC * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' _ _ ________________ \\ / _______ ____ ______\ /___________ ____\ \/ \ \ / _ / -sg _ _ _/ \ \_ \ \__ __/ /______/__ _ _ \\______________/______________/ \_______________// \ / _______ _ _ ___________ ________\ /___\ \\ ___________ _____________ / __ _/ _ \/ \_ \/ _ \/ __ _/ _ _ _/ \ \ /______/__ / \_ \ \_ \_ \_ \\_____\ \____________/_____\_______/____\_______/____________/ \______/ __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * CRIME SCENE for NEVERMIND/ADR/FINLANDIA * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' _ _ ________ .__________ __________ /____ _____ _________ .:/ _______/ __ _/_______/ \/ \/ _ \_ ú - -----------. _ _ _/ \ \_ \ \ \_ \ / \_ \______/ ª | \\___________/____\ \________/____\/_______/___ \_ _ _ | -sg\_____/ \______// ú - - -' __________ __________ ________ _ __________ ________ .------------ - ú _/ ______/ _______/ _ \_____\ _/ _ \_ | .___ _ _ _\\_____ \_ \ \_ \______/ _ \ \_ \______/ | | _/ / ____/__________/____ \____\________/____ \_ | | \______/ \______/ .:\______/ | ù ù | | | __ _ _ |___________________________________________________________________ / \/ __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * THE HACK SHACK for K-SPIFF/KTS/UNION * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' _ _ /\ // \ _______ / \ ______ ______ ___\ \/ \/ ___)___/ /________ / \_ \ \ \ \ / __/ _/ / \_ \ \ \_ \ \_ _ _ -sg\_______\_______/ \__________/___\_______// / .\ ______ _____/_ \\ ______ ______ _ _ _/ __/__ ___\ \ \\/ ___)___/ /________ \\______ \/ \_ \ \ \ \ / __/ _/ / \_ / \_ \ \ \_ \ \_ _ _ \____________/____\_______/ \__________/___\_______// \__________________________/ .. this one wasn't requested .. .. it's a tribute to K-SPIFF and his awesome ascii piccys .. __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * SOMEWHERE IN TIME for AOD/FINLANDIA * -sG/kTS * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' .___________________. _________ | __|______. -sg! _/ __/___|__ _ _ _/ |_ .____\________ \ \\_ _/___________. ú| | \_ _ _ _/ | |ú . .:|_______________________// \_______________________|:. . ù |___________________| ù ú - ---ö¯ (sOMEWHERE^iN^tIME) ®ö--- - ú __ _ .----------------------------- - ----------------------------\/---------------. | * t h a t w a s t h e l a s t o n e . . . * | '--- - ------------------------------------------------- - ---------- - ------' - -- ---------------------------------------. next - greets & stuff - - ------' greetings. scion. peak. biohazard. authentic. snake man. analog. rigor mortis. morbid angel. sparr. tinyz. urea leak. lord puke. betacarotine. aod. aleksejev. krusher. madman. contrast. reflector. vindigator&dragonis. sliver. nevermind. treeman. micky zombie. and everybody I forgot. ascii respects to the ascii elite of finland + the rest of the world. stezotehic. nUp!. reflex. ranx. elvis. zombie. zeus. coco pops. mogue. splat. juan. nike. treach. u-man. karma. ramon. shapechanger. contact me in da'joint if you're after my asciis. - -----------------------------------. that's it. - - ------' `"Y88P' . d$b db db `$$' ,l $$$ `' `' $$ . $$ .,oo,. $$$ _.,._ .,oo,. _.,._ ,oo, ,oo, $$.,o8" .,$$.,o $$b,._ `$' ,dP"`"Yb., $$b,._ ,dP"`"Yb $$ $$ $$`"Yb "'`$$'` `'""Yb. ` $$' $$ `'""Yb. $$ `' $$ $$ $$ Yb $$b _ ,$$ ,A, Y$, ,$$ _ ,$$ Y$, ., $$ $$ .,o88o, 8Yb, `Y88o,`'#o88P' `V' `YbodP`Yb `'#o88P' `YbodP' ,o88o, ,o88o, aZZKEy bY k-sPIFf . aZZKEy bY k-sPIFf . aZZKEy bY k-sPIFf . aZZKEy bY k-sPIFf o o __/_\__ _,---------------------------------------._ __/_\__ /- _ -\ .' _,-------------------------------------._ `. /- _ -\ _(_)---(_)_ .' `. _(_)---(_)_ (_) `---' (_) sAARKAAZTYYK tOAAZTTER (_) `---' (_) (__kTs__) `._ _.' (__kTs__) _| ._, |_ `._ `-------------------------------------' _.' _| ._, |_ (((_| |_))) `---------------------------------------'kS^(((_| |_))) .. the newest innovation in household bread-burning mettalic boxes .. . . -l- l-. .=. `-. '.' `-. _.,oooooooooooooo,._.,oooooooooooooo,._ d8P",oo###########o,.,o###########oo,"Y8b 8P d888888888888888888888888888888888b Y8 Yb 88888888888888888888888888888888888 dP `8 Y888888888888888888888888888888888P 8' " `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""` " .,,,oooo#####888888888888888888888888888888888888888#####oooo,,,. 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(__kTs__) _| ._, |_ `._ `-------------------------------------' _.' _| ._, |_ (((_| |_))) `---------------------------------------'kS^(((_| |_))) "Y88P" ,8, oo oo `$$' ,l $$$ `' `' $$ . $$ .,oo,. $$$ _.,._ .,oo,. _.,._ ,oo, ,oo, $$.,o8" .,$$.,o $$b,._ `$' ,dP"`"Yb., $$b,._ ,dP"`"Yb $$ $$ $$`"Yb "'`$$'` `'""Yb. ` $$' $$ `'""Yb. $$ `' $$ $$ $$ Yb $$b _ ,$$ ,A, Y$, ,$$ _ ,$$ Y$, ., $$ $$ ,o88o, 8Yb, `Y88o,`'#o88P' `V' `YbodP`Yb `'#o88P' `YbodP' ,o88o, ,o88o, .. katharsis!ascii pr0udly presentZ a gnu k-RaD asskey pic fr0m k-spiff .. _.,oo###88888###oo,. _.,o#8$P"'` `"Yb .o#8$P"'` Yb .$"' Yb. .$' _.,ooo###ooo,._ _.,.`l $' ,oP"`"-. _.-'_.,oo##P"'`'"Yb, :$ .oo###, . .-' ,oP"'` `Yb _ l$ ,oP"` `' l .-' _.,oooo. `l$ "$$888###ooo,,.._ .o#8$$88##o,._ $. ' .o#8$$$$$P"`"b .l$ ._ ```'""`,$P"'` ``'""Yb, `$ ,oA$$P"`. ,._ ' dP' `--...--_.o#.$' _.o###,_ `Yb l d$$P'`,dP"` `"Yb,`' _,ooo._ o#P"` l' d"` `'"Yb, ' ' `\` .dP'`-. _.-'`Yb, .._ P'` .`"Yo, `-. ` .oo, ` _.-- . dl' .oo, ' __.`lb `"Yb _.ooo,_ ,dP'Yb,l$ d'o.`b ' .--. Yl. (l:ol) -' .lP ,oP"'. `'Yb. dP' `"` ___.`..._'_ o' `Yb,_ `""` _,dP' $l,dP'Yb, l$ P .--'` `' ` `'"Y#o,,oo#P"'` `Yb,_' $o. .---. .---. `""` `Yb. ` $' . . `$ .,ooooo,,,..__ `Yb _.ooo##`Yo,_`Yo,.,oP'_,oP' ` l$ _.oooP'` ______......,,,,,,oooooooo,._ __ `$ . _.ooP'` _.,oo##88P"""""""""""'`````` _ `'.oP'Yb, l$ l .oP'` _.,o#8$P"'` . `-.-"'` `'-. .-' `-_.,ooP' `Yb, dP' Yb.oP"` .,dP"'` :' ' `' .oP"'` `Yb,.__ ,dP `d' dP'` `---...___.'_ . .oP' _. `'""Yb` d' .$' `---...-'-..____ _$l .o#' . `Yb,. $ l$ ``'' `$ .$' l `' Y, `Yb, _.oo###oo,.o###o, .$ ,$' $. `o, `Ybo,_--..__ ,oP"'` `':. `'$. $' ,dP' _,o####o,_ `Yb, .- `Yo, `'Y8#o,. `;--.._l. `. `$ oP' .dP' .oP"` `"Yo. `Yb.dP' `Y#o,. `'Y$8#o,._`$, ` 'oP' $l $l __....__ l$ l$ _`'Y#oo,...___ `$o, $l $l `--' `--' l$ _oAP' `'''"""~~~` `'Y#o,.__.,o `Yb,._`Yb, ,dP' _oA$P `'""'` . `'"o `Yb,. .,dP' oA$$P l. l. `--`'"Y#o,.__.,o#P"'`Yb, .d$$$P `$ `$ `'""'` `Ybo,o# `""""` ' ' `'"'` ,ob,. `'Yb, hey dere, sizzlechest, quit usin telix.. dis herez tha term fa th 90s. `Yb _._ __..__ _._ _._ `Y$$P' Yb `Y$$P'`Y$$P"`"Yb `Y$$P'YP`"Y$$P"`YP,P"`"Yb `Y$$o, `Y$$P'`Y$$P"`Yb `$$' Yb.`$$' `$$' `$b `$$' ` `$$' ',$ $b `$$'Yb. `$$' `$$' ' $$ `$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ .,$$oo## $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ .,$$oo# $$ .$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ ' $$ .$$ ,dP'.$$ .$$ .$$ .$$ . .$$ $$, .$$ .$$ `Yb,$$ .$$ . ,d$$bo#8P',d$$b,,d$$b, ,d$$b,,d$$boo#$,d$$b, `Y$#o#$P',d$$b, `Y$$b,,d$$boo#$ art pic by k-spiff . dialtone terminal by wintermute . stuff by halaster, too .-------a+n+o+t+h+e+r--k+t+s+^+a+s+c--p+r+o+d+u+c+t+i+o+n--------. ____|_________________ _____________________________________ | \__ /_ / __/_____ __/_ __ /_ __ _/_ | _/ /\____/_ _____ /_ __/ /_ __\___/_ \__ \ | \ ___ / _/ __ / \_ / / / \_ | \//_________/__________/\/__________/__________/______/_______/ | - --|------------------------------------------------------ -- - | ____|____________________________ .--[-p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s-]--. | \__ _\ __/________/____ \_ |}->my 3rd askii col.<-{| | _/ \_ /_/ /_ \_ /_ |}->for the kts^asc..<-{| | \ ___ / \_ __ / __/ / |}->called: 'Why we <-{| | \//___/_______/____/\/___________/ |}->should get free <-{| | - --|-------------------------- -- - |}->POT FOR ASKIIS!' <-{| | | `-----------------------' | | +w+o+r+d+s+ +p+h+r+o+m+ +t+h+e+ +a+u+t+h+o+r+ | | ______ | | //_____\ _ # # # why should we get phree pot for our | | _\\ o o /__) #_#_# askii'es? simple: programmers get paid | | \_/\_==/_)____.# for making their shit programs, and welp | | / __u\\(_ /_#) we don't get shit for our high-quality | | /_____|: *\\_\.# askii'es! since these fine askii'es ofcoz | | / |: \ #' can't be counted in money, we should | | /_____|_____\ # (ofcause!) get some pot instead! without | | ==================== pot, how should we make this anyway? | | | `------------d+e+m+a+n+d--p+o+t--f+o+r--a+s+k+i+i+s+!------------' . : . as some of you dewds might _ _:_____: _ _ :______ have guessed, this collection |o |_______ _____ ___|o / wasn't JUST made on dope, but also |: | / \_ / A on some requests.... the table |. | ___/ _ /__\___\ S of ..blahblahblah.. might look | . \ :|--' |: \ C something like this: `-----|: \_---'_____. \_ _ 3 x anonymous psychosis - 2 x submo _ |_______/ck! _ |_______/ 3 x pridelands - 1 x dominators : : 1 x revolution - 1 x kts^asc - 1 x valhalla - 1 x the end ... not much really, but what the hell .. maybe it WAS just made on dope when you make a second thought?..... aNONYMOUS pSYCHOSiS aSC #1 .-------------------------------------. .------------------------------'->one÷day÷Mm÷said:'go .-====-. kts | | make÷some÷askii,÷and÷i'll÷give÷ya÷some÷danish pot' `+oO )' pot?| `--------p-u-n-k-s--o-r--w-h-a-t-?---------------------(-|__. |------' )//__/ * .----------[-a-n-o-n-y-m-o-u-s---p-s-y-c-h-o-s-i-s-]----------. | @ @ | /\__|_ ___ _/\ ______ ___ _/\ /\__ __ ____ ____ ______ ___ _/\ __|__/\ / ___ \ \ \ __ \ \ \ ___| \ | \ __ \/ | \ ____\_ _/ __/ \_. \_|/ \_. \_ \ \_ \_/ \_|/ \_ | \_ _. \_ \___\ /_\ /______/_\ / _____/__| /______/___ /___ / \____/ \___/ \___/___/ \____/ \____/ | \____/ | : : *- aN0NYM0US pSYCH0SiS -*- d0MiNAT0RS -*- kTS^aSC -* : : *- 0/3 dAYZ iBM c0NSUMiNG -*- m0Ti0N mAN / m0RBiD aNGEL -* : : ___ : /\__|___ ____/\ /\__ __ _______/\ __ _/\ ______ ______/\ / Oo\_ _|___/\ / _____ \ ____\ ___| \ _ ____/ | \ __ \/ _____\ _--_/ _____\ _/ \______/__. \_ \ \_ / \_ \_|/ \_ _. \_ \_ _. \_ \__ /o\____ / _____/__ /__| /______/___ /_____/___ / \___/|oo \____/____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ oo|\____/ |OOOOooo.... ....oooOck!| `----------[-h-i-n-t-:-h-u-m-a-n-s-&-a-n-i-m-a-l-s-]----------' . . .--|> aNONYMOUS pSYCHOSiS aSC #2 <|--------------------------------. | *------------------------------*->so i smoked it with some good | | ###### imported whiskey, got high, and made his askiis. | | (_ Oo_) 'oh, i get high with a little help from my phriends' | `---| ___|-)-------p-h-r-i-e-n-d-s-&-p-o-t-!-!--------[kts^pot?]---' `--_\\( * _____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ________ \ \ _\ \ _____ _\ \ __\ / ___ ___ _____ __\ \ / / / \/ \ \ / _ \/ \ \__ \ \ / \/ \ / _ \ \ \ ___\___\ / | \ \ \ | \ \ \ \__ \ \ / \ | \ / \ \ \ /____| \__\____\_______\__\____\_______\___\/ \_______\_______\________\ | \ / \ | \ / \ __|_____ _\______ ______ ____ / _____\__ __/\__ ________ \ _ \ /__\ / ______/ /__ /_____ / / \ Oo / / / / \__\___\__ \ \/ ___ \ / \/ _ \____\___\ /_O _\ ___\___\ / \_____\ \ \ \__ \ | \/\ _\ \ | \ \ \/ \/ \ \ \ /________\/_________\_______\_______\_\____\______\________\_____\_________\ | . . . \ / . . . . \ |> |.l0CAL. . \ / aFFiLS: . . \ _____ /\ |. .m0Ti0N mAN.\ /. d0MiNAT0RS/vLC/kTS^aSC \ | . __/_.\_ |:rEM0TE: . :. .\ _ |>_ /.dEDiCATi0N: : .. : . .: \ |: |.::.|:| /\|:::m0RBiD:aNGEL:\/\ |/o\| /\/:::0-3:dAYZ:iBM/aSCII/c0DiNG:\/\._|_ .:|.| __/:ck!::::::::::::::::::\|_A_|_/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\___|__|_|_ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:::::. .----------. .--::| |:-| i smoke |----------------------------------------------------. | :/ Oo \ | kts^pot! |*and*after*making*these*askii's*i*felt*real*good!* | | :\ ___ /)>/---------'*hope*all*you*other*askii*dewds*will*feel*like*me!* | `----`--\\(-----------------------------------------------------------------' * ./. aNONYMOUS pSYCHOSiS aSC #3 .\. .--------------------------------------------. _ ___ | _ _ ___ _ _____ ck!| _ _____ ___ _ |__|______ _ |__ __ _ ___ _ |_____ _ __ __ | ______ _ __ _ \| \| |___ ___ \| | | _ _ | |_ _ \__ | \ _ \_ / __\ \ . \ | _/ \ . \ |___ \| \_/ | _/ \ | \ __\____/ _/ \_ \ \ | \_ \ | | \_ | | \_ | \_ \ \_ \____/ \_|\___|_______/_|\___|________/___| |_ ______/_______/__ / /_______/ | |____| | /____ / * A * N * O * N * Y * M * O * U * S * * P * S * Y * C * H * O * S|* I * S * :::::::. .::::::. .::: ::: .::::::. .::: ::: .::::::. .::::::. .::: .::::::. :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::.::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: ::::.::: :::::::. ::::.::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::: :::::::. .::: :::::::. :::::::: .... ::: .... ::: :::: ::. :::: ::: :::: ::: .... ::: :::: .... ::: :::: :::: ::: ::::.::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: ::: :::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: ::: :::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::::: |. .| .xXXXXXx. anonymous|: local-*-motin-man.-.remote-*-morbid angel:| _| \ / |_ psychopat|::. 0/3-day-ibm.-.askii.-.coding .::| (__-O_O-__) (mM?) |%%::::.affils-*-dominators./.kts^asc!.:::%%%| | (_) | <---' |%%%::::::::....... .......:::::%%%%%| | --- | <-- --+--------------------------------------------' `-----' __/\__ - ---\ oO /- -->*and*now*for*the*evening's*first*interview*....--- -------. /_--_\ +presenting+our+first+special+gueststar.+a+man+known+for+his+ | \/ +huge+knowledge+in+the+world+of+science....+dr.+potinbrain... | clapclapclapclapclapclap... .------k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?------------' | | V . . %%:: . .: :. dr. (___ ___) :::%%::: .::. ..::%:%::.::%% . potinbrain (_______) .. . _____ _______/\ _____ .:%%: : | ( 'i just say: ____| /____| //\\ __ \ ______ : . | ______ ) as a doctor with \_ | / |__\__/_\_ __/ /\ |. :. `->//_____\ ( grades in lung- | /_ | | | | | \___/ \ | | %:. _\\ Oo /=/==* capaticy and shrink|__| | |__|__ | | | | / |__| %% \_/\_-_/_/\_) knowledge in smoking | |__| |___| |__|\___/ __| : %: / __|: _ | habits, i've never ex- |___| .:% . /____|: \_\_| perienced any problems caused by smoking pot! furthermore . / |: \ i can say that chances of getting cancer are smaller when . : :: /____|____\ you smoke around 5-10 joints everyday instead of being :% %::. what we call 'clean'. heh. you can say the old saying: 'a joing a . ::. day keeps the doctor away' really IS true.' (quote: dr. potinbrain) . % .: : ck! - - - ------------>*let's*get*back*to*the*show*.-----------------. (____).thanks.to.dr..potinbrain..ain't.that.a.man.we.can.under-. | \OO/ .stand..we'll.be.back.later.with.our.next.guest..now.for.| \/ .some.commercials....clap? .---------k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?--------' | | V .####. .-########----i-s--t-h-i-s--l-i-f-e-?------- --- -- - - | ##()()## -and+then+you+find+yourself+asking+the+same- k t s | | __ |)-old+question:+'is+this+my+way+of+living?- p o t ? `-- \_\\(-------:------------------------------------ --- -- - - * `-- --> sUBMO aSC #1 <---------- - - __ _|__ .__________\/____. /_/\ |ck! \/ | ____\_\/_/\ _______/\__|___ _/\______/\_|_ ___ /\ _____ ______ \______ // \___ // / _\// \__ // \/ _\// \ _\ ____/ ::. /.____ \_/. / //. ___ /_ /\/ //. \ //.:: :::/________ /________ /_______ /__/|/___ /\_______ /.::: ::::::... \/ |\/ \/ | \/ __\/::::: | | /\_\ -+- S -+- U -+- B -+- M -+- O -+- \/_/_ | | | |___/\___________| /\ //_\ . . - -*-------------------y-e-a-h-!--s-u-r-e--i-s---------___/\___----*- - -even-though-you-wake-up-this-morning-and-find- /________\ kts! -yourself-dead-you'd-say:-'it-was-worth-every-bit'-\_{__}_/ pot? - -*----------------------|----------------|----------]=| __.|=)---*- - ' - -<|> sUBMO aSC #2 <|>- - `.__\\( ' * . : - - -- --- --------------------------:-- - _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ .| .another _ _ _ ______/ /_ ___/ /__/ / _ ____ _ :| legend _\\\_ /__/ / ______ /\_ ___ \\\ .:| __/\__ /___\___/ / / / / /_/ \/ / / ::| \[oO]/ / / / / / / / / \ / /_ .::| /_--_\ _ _/___ /_____/_____/___/ \__ _ .::::| \/ _ _/___/ck! _ _/________\..:::::::| -s+u+b+m+o- - -- ----|--- -- - | : . .--------_/\____/\____/\____/\______/\_----s-u-b-m-o--i-s--m-i-n-e-!--------. about / \_ / \____ \_ / \_ _ \ ehmn.just.forget.you've.ever.heard this /__\__/ / / __ _/ /_/ / / / this.word.and.for.all.you.nasty. thing / / / / / \/ / / / / / newbie-sysops.then.don't.rip.this. /____ /____ /____ /___/__ /____ / sucker.got.it?!?! `--------\/----\/----\/------\/----\/----k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?-c-u-m--o-n-!-------' />---------------------[-k-t-s-^-a-s-c-]---------------------<\ _/ ____--->well+someday+someone+should+really+consider+paying<-\_ | .-' \ ->or+sponsoring+the+hardworking+kts^asc+crew with<- | | \_ O O_/ ->some+fine+pot<-----> kts!pot? .---------------------' `--|++++|-)-----w-h-a-t--i-s--d-o-p-e-?-----' pRiDELANDS aSC #1 \__\\( * . . : @ @ : | __________ ________ ______ ________ ________ | | _) ____ \__) ___ )__ )_____)_ _) _ )__) _____)__ ____ | | /: \ :\: \__ :\_ :\: _\ :\_ --' :\_ )___)| | \___ \_______/_____/ /___ \_____ /_____ / | [======\_____/==========\_____/===\_____/====\_____/=====\_____/=======] |. ________ ________ ________ ________ _________ .| |:. _) __/__ _) ___ \_ _) _ \_ _) _ )__) ____)_ .:| |:::/: / :\_: \_ :\_ | :\_: _\ :\_---- :\_..:::| |:::\______ /____| /____| /_____ /_____ /::ck!| [=========\_____/=====\_____/=====\_____/=====\_____/=====\_____/======] |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |::::}->sYSOP: lIGHTNING jACK<-{}->28k8!<-{}->fAST iBM/hUGE hPAV<-{::::| :::::}->rEVOLUTION hQ<-{}->nUMBA/nUP/iNVITATION nEEDED tO aCCESS<-{::::: . :::..::...:::::::.:.:.:::::.:....:.::::::::::...:::.:::..::::::::.:.:. . . .... ... . .. .. . ... .. . . . .. . . . . . . . __ . - -|-------| |----------------------p-u-n-k-s-&-p-o-t--------------|- - |kts __|__|__÷and÷so÷did÷he.÷as÷quoted:÷'this÷was÷really÷worth÷ | |pot? \ OO / ÷spending÷my÷pot÷on.÷hail÷the÷kts^asc÷crew'÷(LJ)÷ | - -|-------)__(-)-------h-u-h-?-------------|-----------------------|- - : `-\\( - -- - ------|-> pRiDELANDS aSC #2 <-|- - * : : / \ /\ .---------------------------/\------------------------. /\ / \/\/ \/\_| › / \ › | / \/\/ \_________/\ ______/\ / oO \ _______/\ ________/\//\ /\/\_ ___ \_ __ \_ (__--__)____ \__ _ _____\__\/\ /\ \ /\/ / \_________/ \__ /_/ \ \__ \/ __/ \ \/ \/ _/ \_ / \ \_ / \_ \_ \________ /______/ \_ _____/______ /______ / | \_______/ \________/ \______/ \______/ / /\ | | /\ /\/ \/ \/\ | ______/\_ | / \/ \_____/\ __________/\ _____\ /______/\ ________/ /\_ /\ /\_ ___/__ _ _ \_ \ /____ \__ _ ______\__\/ \ /\/ / / \/ __|__ _/ . \ \ \__ \/______ \ / _/ \ \___ \ \ \_ / \_ / \ \________ \_ __| \_ ___\_______/______ /_____ \_ \___________/ck!\________/ \______/ \__________/ | › › | `-----------------------------------------------------' .------------. ________ | i smoke it | \______/ . . . `-----------\< \oO ) . +-+----j-u-s-t--+--s-m-o-k-e--+--i-t-!------+-----------(-\-_/----+-+ | +and+so+should+everyone.+pricelist+will+follow+ .-)//_/---.| | +for+the+poor+askii-junkies.++++++++++kts!pot?+ \ * . /| +-+----m-e------+---y-o-u-----+-e-v-e-y-o-b-o-d-y-----------------+-+ ' ' ' -+ pRiDELANDS aSC #3 +- .-----d-e-n-m-a-r-k-'-s--p-r-i-d-e------. _ _ __ ____|_______________________________________|___ _ _ /_/\ \ __ / __ / \ __ \_ ____ //\ _ _\_\/ __\/ |/ / |/ /\_____/ |/ \ __)\/_ __ _ _ \// \_____/ / \__ \_ \ / /\_\ _ _ /________\ |____\______/_____/_________/______/ \/_/_ _ | | _______ | ____________________________________|_________ /\\ |_|__| ___ /_ \ / __ \_ _____ / \/ | \ |_/ \| \ / |/ \______ \/__ / \_ / \_ \ \_ \ | \\/ /_____________/__\_______/___\______/__________/_________/ | ck!| - -- ------| Put your info around here |------ -- - | or whereever yer like. | - -- ------| |------ -- - | | : : . . \|/ \|/ | - -*------>+and+we're+back+phrom+those+nasty+commercials.+---------*-. | now presenting a very special gueststar, who've come all | | | the way phrom the place where you grow the wonder-plants. | | | .ooo. welcome to this humble pleasent: mr. dontjustgrowit | | - -*--(|o-o|)-------------k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?------[clapclapclapclap!]-*-|-. |___| ) | | | `--\\( | v | * V | v :. ...::::.:.::::%:%%%%%% %:. mr. dontjustgrowit--. . :::.:::%:%ck!% : _ ______ _ __ | . ::.::::%:%%% \_ /____ \__ _ ______ (___ | ____) . ..::.:::::%% :. // / ___/ __/_ _ ____/ 'eye'd like (____ _|___) _ . . :.:.: _/. \_ . / \/ _\ \_ to say: with my ( | ____/ \ . :: :. \__/\___/______/_______/ life long expe- ) `-> /______/O #--.__ .: %. _ __ rience with growing pot ( || oO ||| #__ \_ : _ ______ _ ___ _ \__ and in my childhood, *==\= _\_o_/_ # `-. \ \_ _ \_ _ \/ __/ where everyone smoked (_/\/ \ # `-.\ . // / / / / / \ this 'magic-grass', i've \ | \ \ # \| _/. ___/\____/______/ never experienced any `-'|____\ \#== . . . \__/ problems, hoho except the fact that my job | | |\_#) . :::.: has always been illegal, but eye guess that's | | | # .:.::%%%% . something one have to live with. what? oh ___|_| | # . . ::%% yeah. now i'm 105 years old, and i'm still /_/______| # .: . looking after my farm, so... hoho.. guess the old saying: 'a joint : :: a day keeps the doctor away' really IS true..hoho' . :% %::. (quote: mr. dontjustgrowit ) .:: : . V \|/ V \|/ V | | V | .-+------->.welp.better.get.back.to.the.askii'es.rite?..+---------+-|-' | | ^wow.^that^man^sure^knows^how^to^express^himself^ _____ kts | | | |^let's^get^some^commercials^before^we^starts^out^ _/_____\_ pot| | | | ^growing^the^shit^ourselfes.^^clapclapclap.^ \ o O / ? | | .-|-+----------------------------------------------------\(_)/-)----+-' | | | `-\\( | v | * | V | v .-----------------------------------------. dOMiNATORS aSC #1 .------. | .xXXXx. .we.dont.really.want.no.domi- `---------------------' kts | | / Oo\ .nation.we.just.want.our.daily.ration.of.pot.!.!.. pot? | `--< ___ >)---------------p-u-n-k-s-&-p-o-t----------------------------' `--\\( * _______ .--------------------\ /-------+D+O+M+I+N+A+T+O+R+S+-------. |OOOOOOOOoo _____/ /_____ ___________ ____ ooOOOOOOOO| |OOooo(____) _/ __ / __ \_ \____\_ (____)oooOO| |Oo \Oo/ / \/ / \/ / / / / / \oO/ oO| |o \/ / / / / / / / \/ o| |o / ______/ _____/ /__/____/ _/ o| |==========\___/=====\___/====\___/=======\___/================| | _____ | | .we.will.dominate.the. / / .warez.flow.and.rule. | | ______ _________/ /__ ______ ________ _________ | | _/ \_ _\___ / ___/ __ \_ \_ \_.| |. / / / __ / / \_ \/ / / /____\____/o| |oo/ / / \/ / / / / /____/ \/ /oo| |O/ /____/ ______/____ / _____/ / / ______/oOO| |=\___/====\___/==========\____/__/====\___/====\___/==========| |OOOOOOOoo. .ooOOOOOOO| `-----------------÷b÷r÷i÷n÷g--y÷a--t÷o÷d÷a÷y÷:-----------------' ______ \_ _/ .--__|__|__--------+s+u+p++s+u+p+--+k+t+s+^+p+o+t+?+-----------------. | "\ OO /"*another*day*LJ*said:*let's*make*a*revolution!*with*the* | | / > \ *purpose*of*getting*legalized*the*pot*he*added*later.* | `---\ \__/-)---------------------------------------------------------' `--\\( -> -> -> rEVOLUTION aSC #1 <- <- <- * . _ _ __ : _ _ /_/\ <----|---------*R*E*V*O*L*U*T*i*O*N*----------. _ _\_\/ |::::... | |:: | ___ |: ___ ___ ___ | ___ ___| _ |--._|_ __| _ |--.__|._ | __|. |_ ___---.__|. |___ | | :| __ | | :| _ _ | :| ___| _ | _/ |___| _ _ | _ | | .| ___| | .| | :| .|__|. | :| |__|._ | | :| | :| |. |___| _ | | | .| | | | .| | | :| | .| | .| |:_ | |___| :|__|---'__ |__ |__ |__ |__|__ |__| | |___| |___| `---' |___| `---' |___| .| `---' |___| | -!- only the best can start one -!- :| | .::| | ....::ck!| __ _ _ `----------------------------------------|----> /\_\ _ _ : \/_/_ _ . .-------a-t--h-i-g-h--c-o-m-m-a-n-d------. .---p-u-n-k-s-?---. -|| welp.then.we.called.the.big.dewds.in ||-kATHARSiS-|| kts **** ||- -|| the.kts.itself.they.just.said:'we.want ||----aSC----|| pot * oo * ||- -|| our.share.of.the.magic.plants!'.sad. ||-----#1----|| ? ( |___ | ||- `------t-h-i-s-i-s-o-u-r-l-i-f-e-s-!-----' `------)//---'----' * _ _ ___ .---------_--_-__----------------------------------------------. ____ / |%:%:::'''' | +^k^a^t^h^a^r^s^i^s^a^s^c^i^i^+ | | | / |::' __ /\ _| | _ _ __ _ _ _ /\ _ _ __| | | /__ _|____\// \\/ |___ _______ _ \ \_/ \ \_ | _ | __ \ \| | __ \| _ /__ \____/ \_____ \____/ | | | \__ \ \ | | \__ \ |\/ | \/ \ | \| |____| |____/ \_ \___| |____/ \ |______ \ \____ \ _ _ ___| | _ _ __\ _ _\ _ __| _ _ __\ _| _ _ ___\ _ ___\ _ _ __\ | .| | the damn best _ _ __ askii group in both quality :| | and _______ \_ _______ quantity .::| | btw fuck / __ \_____ \____/ \ remorse ....::%:%%| `-=======>_/ \__ \ | \ |_____/<==============ck!==-' \______/ \ \ \ _ _ __\ _ _ _\ _ _ __\ - - - -- ------------------. .---------------p-u-n-k-s--s-m-o-k-e--p-o-t--------------' | .:%%%:. and now for this evenings last event. an interview | : < oo> . with mr. lucifer-cannabis himself. even though this | :| '|. was a hard man to get here (had to give my soul). `---| __|-)---------k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?-----------[clapclapclap]-----. `--\\( .--------------------------------' * | | v %:.. . .::%%%::. . . ...:::%%:%:% :. mr. lucifer-cannabis .:%:: . . . . ::ck!% | :. .:. :: (__ ___) | A A A haha, i'd like to _____ _____ _________ . (__ ___) __(__) | # # # state this shit: \_ :|___ :|__ :| . ( //__\/_\ | #_#_# i like people who | | :| _/_ ___\___| :. . ) . _\\ 00 /<-' ~#~~~ smokes pot! coz they | __| | :| \ :| :: *==\\_/\_-_/____ # do always end down here |___| :|___ |___ | %%:: (/ \ |:__ /_# at my place. just damn bad |___| |___| |___| %:%: . \___/ |: \\_\/# that they do all have _________ _____ . %%:%::. . / |: \ # such a great health. i \_ __ :|---.___ :|__ .:% %:: /____|____\ # have to push 'em into | | | _ :| _/_ : : the fire all the time. well guess you can say | ___| | | | :| . . the old saying: 'a joint a day keeps the doctor |___| |_______|___ | away' really IS true. sad for me though. |___| . . . quote: mr.lucifer-cannabis . :: %:. . .::% .----------------------- -- - - - - `-----------------------------------------------. welp. thanks to this last special gueststar. may kts | the forces be with you until the next time we ___ pot | will transmit here phrom kts^tv! -your host- /___\_. ? | .--------------------------------[clapclapclapclap]-\-OO/-------' `-------------------------------. / __\ ) | \__\\( | * v .----------s-m-o-k-e--o-n-e--b-e-f-o-r-e--l-o-v-e----------- - - - | _||||||_ *they.say.one.can.die.from.smoking.grass*. | \_+00+_/ *wonder.why.the.cows.ain't.dead.yet?* - -|--| (_)|---k-t-s-^-p-o-t-?-------------------------- - - - | | __ |) `--`--\\(-------->!why!not?!>---> vALHALLA aSC #1 <--- - - * . . . (____) . : . : . . : . (__\OO/__) : : .--ck!--: : :-*^VALHALLA^*-: : :------------\oO\/Oo/ | |____ | _____ | | |___ ______ | | | ______ \/ |\/ |: |\ \|_\__ \|: |: \ __\__ \|: |: |__\__ \ | |: |/ / ____ \: |: |\ \ ____ \: |: | ____ \ .| | ___/_________/ | |/___/_________/ | |_________/ o| | | |O | | | pReSENtS: | | | fEATURiNG: O| : : |Oo : : : aNOXiA wHq : : : bACKlASH oO| . |OOo . aND . aND iSDN oOO| _ _ __ |OOOOOoo... aLPHa fLIGHT sITE aND 16k8.oOOOOO| _ _ /_/\ <---+-----------o-n-e--o-f--e-u-r-o-p-e-s--f-i-n-e-s-t----------' _ _\_\/ v | | `-------------------------------. *and*now*for*the*last*and*most*important*part*of*the*show* | .--------------------------------------------------------------' | -+the+great+finale+-+the+exciting+conclusion+-+the+whatever+- |%%%%::::::........ -+the+pricelist+- .......:::::%%%%% `------------------------------. | | . v : . %%:. this should be meant as the conclusion for this askii collection. . :%% :% we hope that people will respect our demand for pot, and pay our fair :% : prices for some good quality askii. we would also appreciate if future . . askii demanding people would PAY IN ADVANCE!: ______ .----------{-p-r-i-c-e-l-i-s-t-}-----------|- - /_____\\ : . | 1 x askii ............... 1 kilo pot | \ oO //_ _______ | 10 x askii's ............ 8 kilo pot | ___ ____\_-_/\_/ /______/| | 100 x askii's ......... 110 kilo pot | ~(_\ _ |__ \ | ==== | | | 1 signed askii ........ 1.5 kilo pot | \/_// |____\ | pot- | | | 10 signed askii's ...... 13 kilo pot | / | \ | box! | | <- -|------------------------------------------' /____|____\ |______|/. | . `---------> prices valid: 1.1.95-1.1.99 <-- . . . :.. send the pot to: . ::. .: ck!::. the kts!asc crew. . :%%%%. . . :::% %%. cannabis street 123 .::. . .:% :. 1000 katharsis : . grassland . ________ ________________ _______ +--------\ /_____ ______/ _/-^-a-s-c-/-p-o-t-?------------+ welp. at // __/ ___/ /// ____ // last we're at this damn lousy end _/. \ \__ ./\____ \_/ again. afraid i'm gonna wommit, so \_____/\______/___/___________/ it's gonna be a fast ending scene. ehmn. i've tried to make this package askii only, and in another style than i use to (with those small stories between the pictures - that is). some last few p-greetz should go to: lightning jack, motion man tinyz, ranx, KATJA, the glorious kts!asc crew, the outkast, backlash, ozonic, shock-w, tar, barbarian, triple-x, zany, and the sector2 crew. ups. some fucks too: junker jake, terminator and sundancer. i know where you live! laterness, ck! (the junkie?), kts^asc/*secret* oh, btw, if ya have some requests, then leave me mail on anonymous psychosis, or tell someone who knows me to tell me, since i've really been needing some requests (just look at this pity collection - 10 askii logos and the rest on dope). +------------+ *some*more*punks*&*pot*histories* :| ||||| | welp.on.my.way.home.from.this.lousy.folk-high-school.i.meet . .| /oO \ .| some.other.fellows.who'd.found.the.magic.of +--------------+: | ( \__ / o| smoking.some.pot.too.great.danes.i.just.say. | _____ |: | )//-' .oO|: btw:if.you're.going.to.get high +------------+ __/____/__ |. +---*--------+-+ anyroads,then.do.it.while .+-+ ____ | ) _) | .| .:%%%%:. | you're.listening.to.some .:| / /| |. ((_) ) | :| :| |: |: good.ole'.jimi.hendrix .:%| .--'---'---. |o (\ __// |. .|. \_ oO _/ | muzak.it.really.rewls ..::%%| `-\ OO /--'.|Oo. )//--' |: |o :| ___|:) |. yeah.bigtime! +------------+ ( )___( o+----*---------+. |Oo. `---\\( |:. SMOKE POT! .| _ | )//---' .oO| .oOOOo. | +----------*+--+%::.. . . :| .-' `-. +---*----------+--+ +00 + | | |%%%%%%%::::... ..::| | ) .| | |< | |. | oOOOo +---------------+%%%:| (| __ | o| _____ | ( |__/| .| .|. _| Oo|_ | _.xXx._ |::%%| )//---'.oO| / \_ | )// | o|. :|o(_ __ _) | (_ ** _) |:%%%+----*---------+ / oO _) .| * ---'.oO| .|Oo.`--\\( |. | 7 | |:::::::... . . . | ( __/ / o+-----------+. +--------*--+o | ___| ) |:. . +----------+ )//___/ .oO| . . ::: . |Oo. `----\\( |. | .||||.+--+-*----------+ . .: : . . . +-----------*---+. . | |(oO)| o| . . . . ..::% ::.. . . ..::::.. . | ( | __ |.oO| .:. . ...:ck!% %%%%::::... . ..::::%%%%%:::.. +---)`//--'---+ .:%%:: . ...::::::%%:%%% +---------------------------r-e-a-l--e-n-d-!----------------------------+ burps!.... yuck.... wommit all over the keyboard.... +---------------------------r-e-a-l--e-n-d-!----------------------------+ HAHA.... guess what i just found today?... while i was cleaning out in some old hpa stuff, i found my very first askii'es i've ever made.... just for the hell of it, and to get you guys an indeed good laugh, i've put 'em in here.... tz it's up to you to remove 'em if ya think it stinks too much, but welp... it was made long time before i got my first modem. i think it was in 1992 or something like it. it was the first time i wanted to start a board (yeah-long time ago!), so they're still unpublished (coz it took me 2 years before i got the permission to buy my first modem from when i wanted to start the board). enough old memories, watch your eyes, coz here goes: ( heh... i left em all in - tZ ) -> First askii - weird but somehow.. welp.. btw: i'm (used to be long time -> ago) Zip. ù ù ù ù ù ù ù ----=[ùsæSOP:ùZiPùùùùùùùùù]=---- ù ù ù ----=[ùsPEED:ùv32B,ùùùùùùù]=---- ù ù ----=[ùhDD:ù+]:)ùùùùùùùùùù]=---- ù ù ù ----=[ùsæSTEM: PCEù1.1xùù]=---- ù ù ù ----=[ùpC-mAC-uNiX-wAREZù]=---- _.._ _ ù ù .Ao, ù ù ù ,AA. ù ù ù ù Yø oø ". , ^7 ù [iNTO tHE fIRE] | . _ _ ù _," | _ _ _ _` _ . o _'_oo A_. . .AA. ,A›. ,. A_. . .A ,A›. oø oø _ ^ø ø ~".` I"ø_.ø " ."I _ ø _' I"ø_ ,ø @ _.ø .ø. ". I' o _ o"_ø ø. ø . I' " 6 .ø' _ø _ _I _ø " " _ o_ _ J’ 6Z Z øW W "~ o W' Z " ø ' ' ø" ø ` --------------------------------------------------------------------- i i o . i o . o o 7 . . . . i .:::::. .:::::: .:::::. .:::::. .:::: .:::::: .:::::: .:::::. ----------:: :::-::::::.-.::.::.-::--:::-:::::-::::::.-::::::._:::.:::-------- __ñ45________::::_..._:::_:::_:::____::::___:::_..._:::_:::.:::_..._:::________ ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: >>> wHY dONT yOU wARM uP yOUR mODEM rIGHT aWAY <<< ---------------------------------------------=[PANDEM0NiUM: +45-75871569]------ -> This one was actually used some of the first weeks my board was online -> as the login-screen. Nice - eh? :) /_/\ ___________[ wHY dONT cALL tHE dAMN nEW dANISH ]___________ /\_\ \_\/ [ bOARD PANDEM0NiUM rIGHT aWAY? ] \/_/ ____________.________________.______________________.________._________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\____ / |\ __/) _ / () / | / / (_) / ____/_/___/\_______/ /\____/\____________/\____/\_/\____/\_______ / /\___/ / / / __ / / / / / / / /\. / / / / () / / / () / ___/ / / / () / / / / / / / / / / (____)/ (_____/__/__/_____/_____/__/__/__/____/__/__/__/_____/__/__/___)/ \____) \____\__\__\_____\_____\__\__\__\____\__\__\__\_____\__\__\___\) [iNTO tHE fIRE] _________.____________________________.____________.___________._______________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /_/\ ___________[ > sYSOP: ZiP, sYSTEM: PCE 1.1x < ]___________ /\_\ \_\/ [ > cONFERENCES: pC / mAC / uNIX < ] \/_/ [ > dIAL THE NUMBER *TODAY* < ] cALL: >>>>>> .:::::. .:::::: .:::::. .:::::. .:::: .:::::: .:::::: .:::::. <<<<<< +45>-> ::: ::: ::::::. .::.::. :: ::: ::::: ::::::. ::::::. :::.::: <<<<<< >>>>>> :::: ... ::: ::: ::: :::: ::: ... ::: :::.::: ... ::: <<<<<< >>>>>> ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::: ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: <<<<<< -> Unix warez... kewl rite :), welp This one was never used! guess why :) -=ð wHY dONT yA cALL: ð=- )\___ )\___ )\_ __ )\____ )\____ )\_______ ___ )\_ __ )\ __ )\_______ | \ | | | \ | \/ \| | |()| || | | | \ _ | | | | ____| ___ | | | |__| || | ___ | | () |_) | | | || | |__ | || || | | | | | | || | || || | | / | | || | |__|| || || | | | | | || | || || | | __/ | | | | || | |___| || || | | | | | | || | || || | | | | | | | | | | | | ||_|| | | | | | | | | ||_|| | | | | |__| |___| |___/ |___| | |__| |_/| |___| | |___| | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ð| |ðð| |ðð| |ððð| |ððð| |ððð| |ðððððð| |ðð| |ððð| | |ððð| |ðððððððð =| |==| |==| |===| |===| |===| |======| |==| |===| | |===| |======== -| |--| |--| |---| |---| |---| |------| |--| |---| | |---| |-------- | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | /| / | / |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ |/ [iNTO tHE fIRE] rUNNING: pCE 1.1x sYSOP: ZiP nUMBA: +45-75871569 jOIN tHE pHUN 'n' fAME.... -> Neither was this one... weird rite... btw: these last askiis MAY be used -> even though my logo (ck!) is not in them :)... if some of you want me -> to make something with this 'style', then just say so :) )\_______________ __)\__________ )\__________________ __ () _____)\________ | ______ | | .________|| ____________ | |________________ | | |_| O | | | || | |_ | || || | | | | | | | | || || | | ___ | || | || | _|| || || | | | || | | | | || || | | | | | | | | || | |__| ||_|| | | | | | | | | ||_|| | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__|__|___| |___|_____| | |__|\___/| |___| |_____| | |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| [iNTO tHE fIRE] \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ---sYSOP: ZiP--------------sPEED: v32b,------------------nUMBA:+45-75871569--- ---sYSTEM: PCE 1.1x--------hDD: 1.2 gIGS oNLINE----------cOSYS: nOE----------- \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ -8<---------------------------------------------------------------------- .-----------------------------------------------. | _______ | __|_________ \_ \ ____ | / \_______/ __/___ ________ / \__|_ / __/_____ / / \ \__ \ __ ___/_/. _ \ / / /_/___ / / / / / /_____/ \__________// / /_________/__________/____/ | | /_________/ | | ______ _____|_ | _________/ \ / _/ | \_ / /__ _____/_ /| presents for / _____ / \ ___/ / | your entertainment: / __ /_/ / / / | | \_____/ /______/_________/ | | /_______/ | | | | a kts^ascii sponsored production: .. | | _ _ _ :::: | | _|_ |__ __ __ .__ __| :: | | |__)| )(_/_) (_/_)| )(__| : c | the end k | ! `----kts^ascii---the-worlds-finest-ascii-art----' _________ / / /________/| the table of contents (askiis): | | | | =======|======|================================================================ 3 x anonymous psychosis, 3 x dominators, 4 x end of time, 2 x pridelands 2 x submo, 1 x bodycount, 1 x susperia, 1 x darkland, 2 x valhalla, 2 x anoxia, 1 x dark dimension, 1 x the ghetto, 1 x joe's inn, 2 x da joint, 1 x katharsis!ascii, 1 x freakmode, 1 x state of euphoria, 1 x holy kts crew, blahblah, the end, goodnight story. btw, requests wanted! \ / -_()_- | | ___|__|___ .-----------------------------------------------------------> ----|O__O|-----|--. *psychosis?..*that*gotta*be*something*in*the* ( (__) ) | | *right*direction....*shrinks*for*everyone...* ----| -- |-----' | `----' V Anonymous Psychosis Asciis (ehmn got some already?) --[^Anonymous Psychosis #1^]--------------------------------------------------- ___________ ___________ _._ _ __\______ \___\ \_ _|__:__._ / ____/ // ___/_ // _ : _|__:_ _ - -/ / / /________/--------------:--|------------------- -- - - /______________/_________/ ..... .. ... .................. ....... ..... {==================} :::... ::.::: :::... ::: :::.. ::: : :: :::... _ _.__:__|_ _ [ck!] ...::: ...::: ...::: ::: :::... ::: : :: ...::: - - ---_:__|_-:----------------------------------------------------_:- ._ - - _ _:__|_ : staff: motion man/dom/vlc/kts-morbid angel/dom _ _:__|__|_ _|__| _ 0-3 day ibm/huge ascii&coding sections _.__|__|__._ : _:_ dominators site/velocity development hq/kts hq :_ :_ |_ . : . --[^Anonymous Psychosis #2^]--------------------------------------------------- .------------------------------------------------. /\_|___________ /\____________ | ___/______________/___________ ___/_____________/____|___ \________________ _/ \_______________ \ / ____/ \ / _____/ \_ _/ \__ \ _/ \_________________/ \______________/ \()\_____________/ | () | __ / \ | _ ___________|__\// \ _____________________|___________ _ \/ \/ ____ ______________________________\ |__________________ ____. __________ / __ / | / __ / _/ / _______/ \ / | / __ / /\__ \/ | /\__ \/ | / __/ / \/ |/\__ \/ /_________/______ /_________/_________/_________/ \/_____|_________/ |____\ /______/ _ ______________/\ /\_________________________________ _ | \ //\ ck!| `-----. .------------------------' . . --[^Anonymous Psychosis #3^]--------------------------------------------------- .-----a-p--s-y-s-t-e-m-s-----. ____ _______ |______ ________ __|_ ____ | | __/_. ___/__ __|\___ \_ /___.__ \__ | |_______|_ \/ | ____| |____ \ / ____ |__ | |____/ \| | | \__|| |___|__ | |_______/ \__________| \| | |____|\ |______ / |____|____ \______| | |____|\ | |____| /_____/ \________/ | |____| | | | | _______ | | / ___/__ ____|___ ________ _____ _______ _|______/.____ \_____/_ ___/__ __ __/_ ____ \ ___/__ _/. ____/__ | ____ \________/ | \ / \ || |______/____ \__)____ \ | /_______/ \______ /________/ __ | \_________/ |________/ |____| /______/ | |____|| | |____| | | |____| | ^this^is^the^place^if^you^ | ::: ::: | ^have^any^intentions^to^ | : staff?: motion man / morbid angel : | ^trade^like^a^maniac,^ | : dedication?: fast ibm stuff : | ^or^simply^turn^into^an^ | : affil?: dominators / kts^asc / vlc whq : | ^animal,^or^an^AP^ | : huh?: the elite's best phriend : | | : where?: +45.ask.elite! : `------------------------ck!-' :::.. ..::: _________ \___o___/ .---------------------. \ o o / .___| dominators asciis | _____\_-_/_____ `---------------------' \ __ : __ / ------\__/ : \__/---------------------------------------> \/\__:__/\/ ^nah!^the^roots^don't^leed^us^back^to^ /\\ | //\ ^domination...^ -------/____|____\----------------------------------------------------> --[^Dominators #1^]------------------------------------------------------------ .------------------------------------------------------------. |....... .. ________ _______ | |... ____| /___________ _____./ / | |. / // //___ / || // | |. / | / / / \/ |_____/ | |. /___________/___________/ \/______| | | /______/ | | | _____|_________ _______ _____________ ___________ __________ ____|_______ \ _ / \ ___/ /_\___ \/ __ / / / // \\ || / / // / /\__ \/ /______/ /____________\_______|/___________// \______\__________/ /____ / /________|ck! .| | \/ .: *d*o*m*i*n*a*t*o*r*s*'*9*5* :. ...| | ..........| `------------------------------------------------------------' --[^Dominators #2^]------------------------------------------------------------ __ _____________________\/_____ : / \/ \ .:| \ ^world^domination^through^ / - -+- - -------___\_ ^modems^ /-. ______ _|___ _____| | ______ / |_____ _____|__ _/ _____ | ||__ \ |__\___ |____ ____/__/_ ___/___ / ____/ |__|___ \/ |___)__\ |\___ \_|' \___|__ _ \____ \ \__________|____ \_|| |___| |_____|____ |_____/____ \ | /_______/ \_________/ |_____| \_________| \_________/_|____\ =================/\=========================\ /================= . /_\\ | \ / .:| . . . `----------------------\ /----- - -+- - . . :. . . . .. .. \ / | . . : :: . . . ::: ::: .:::. .:: . \ / : . .: %:::. . . . . . ::..:: ::..:: ::.:: \ / . . . ..::% %:%%:::::: . . . : : ::... . :: \ / . . ...::::::%%% %ck!%::%:%:::::...... . .. . :..: \/ . . ...::::::%:%:%%%% --[^Dominators #3^]------------------------------------------------------------ .-===========> dominators '95 <===========-. | | ___ _|_ __ ___ ___ | ___ ___ ___|___\_ _____/ |_____ ) _/ |___ _____ _/ |__ ______|/ |___ ___| \_ | ____/ _ \_ _ _ (__\_ _ | _ \ __/_| _ \_ _ | ____/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| | | | | | | | | | | | |_ | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|_|___|___|___|___|___|____/______|_______|___| |_______| .:================| |============ck!=:. | | | ::. .::::. :::::::. | | :: :::: ::: :::: ::: | | .: :::::::: ::::... | | ... :::: ... :::: | | ::::::::: ::::::::: | | ::::::: ::::::: | | | | | `---b-o-r-n--f-o-r--t-h-e--b-i-g--o-n-e-!--' ______ _(_ _)_ -this-is-the-end-..-dum-dum-dum-...-(the-doors)- (___ __ ___) _______ )||( __________________________________> End Of Time Asciis <________ plof! --[^End of Time #1^]----------------------------------------------------------- . . . . : . .:: . . _____ ______ | . :::%%:: . : .___ | _///__ _/// . ::%%ck!%:: . ______|__|. \| | _\ \_|. .::%:%%%%:: . \\\_ _____/ . || _\ / .::%%%:: .. // _)|__|. \ |_______ // . .::: .. _/ \ //___|\___| \/// . . \_______ / __ | __________ \/ __ |_ ) |/\ _____ ____\\_ _____/ | (__)| // \\_ | / / _)____ . :.. | __________/___ \ \_/ \/ \ // ..::%:: . | \\\ __ ____/_/ | \______ /// .::%%%::. | \/ | || ||____| \_ \/ . ::%%%::. : || ||____| ||______/// . ::%:: . |____| | : : . . . --[^End of Time #2^]----------------------------------------------------------- ________ _____________________________| / / ________\ _ / / .-----------------------------// __/ / / /// | / |ck!''' /____________/_____/ /___________/ |:' | /____ / |. ____________ | \/ |. / /____________ | | // / // ______/ | |. /___________/ ____/ | |. /________| | _______ ____________ |:. ___________|_/_ / _____/ _________/ |:::... \___ ___/ /____ / | __/ / `---------------------------|| |______// \/ ||_________/ |_______| / \/______| /_______/ --[^End of Time #3^]----------------------------------------------------------- .----------------------------------------------------. | | ____ ____ _______ __ _ | _ __ _____| __ |________| |______| __//_/// | \\\_\\__ || |_____ _ __|___ _ | ____ | | _ ___|__ | _| |__ | _| | ___/ __/ | | || | | || | | || | / _ \ _/ | | _|| | | || | | || | \___/__\ | _ __ ____| __ |_| || _|_| __ |____ __ _ | \\\_\\______||______|____||__________||________//_/// | | | | ____ | _ __ _____ _________________ ______ ___| __ | _ __ | \\\_\\__ |___ ________|__ || __/__ || ||_||| | | ____|__|. | | |__| |__ | _ ___|__ | | || | | | || || || | .| | || | | | || || || | .| _ __ ____| __ |____|_| || | __ | _ __ :| \\\_\\______||______| \_______||______|___||______||_||| :| | .::| | .......::::::| `------------------------------------------------ck!-' --[^End of Time #4^]----------------------------------------------------------- .-------e-n-d-o-f-t-i-m-e-------. | | | ________________ ________|_____ | \_ __ /\___ \| _____ _/ | | __/ \ | \ | |\_ \ | | |/ \| \ | |_/ \ | |__________\___|\___|_________/ OF | <--------------------------|----------------------------------> | | | ______|_____________ _______________ | \____ ___________ \/ _________ /\_/ |. (758.sec.ret!) | | | | \ / | __/ \ | 10 megs/300 baud | | | | |\/| | |/ \ |. invited only |___| |___|___| |___|__________\ |: <-------|----------------------------------> |::. | |%%:::... . . ck!| `-------------------------------' - what is this? - a joke? - .::::. \ / :|Oo|: - () - _:\__/:_ / \ +sweet+child+in+time,+you'll+see+the+light!+(deep+purple)+ ()/ | \_() /___|__\ ---$ Pridelands Asciis $--- =============================================================================== --[^Pridelands #1^]------------------------------------------------------------ _______ ._______ __________ __________/ /___| /___________ _\____ \_\___ \ / / ________/ / _/ / / /____/ | / __/ / / \_____/ \______\ /__________/___________/ {===/_______|===/_______|===========================================ck!=} ______. .________ .. \ |_______ ___________________________| /___________ :::: / | / \. _ / / __ / ::: / | / o O \ / / | /\__ \/ : /____________/_____________\___/ /___________/___________/ .. {=================================/___ /===============================} \/ [lightning jack/usr 28k8v.ev/24hrs/2 gigs/dk's fastest ibm/+45.ask.elite] --[^Pridelands #2^]------------------------------------------------------------ __ .---------d-e-n-m-a-r-k-'-s---p-r-i-d-e----\/-------. | | _____| __________ ____________ ___________ _ | _ ___/____/|/_______ \__/________ \ ______/// | ///________ \ _/ /_____/ // / ___/___ | / ___/ / _ \ / // / / | _/ /_______/___// /___/____ /____// / | ====\_____/===| /____/ /____/ /____/ |=== | | | [lightning jack/usr28k8v.ev/2 gigs/fast ibm!] | | [+45.ask.elite] | | | _ ________ | ________ ___ _________ __________ | ///___ /_|_/______ \______ / \_____ \ \ | / // / /_/ \ // / // /____ /____/ | _/ _ / _ / \\ / // / / / .| \____// /___// /___// /____ /______ /_ .| =========/____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/// .|=== | .:| | . ...:ck!| `---------------------/\----------------------------' //_\ (_( (_(_|_(_( ( (_| |_( ( ---\__- __/-----------------------------------------------------> _|| |_ .welcome.to.where.time.stands.still,.no.one.leaves. -/ /| |\ \- .and.no.one.will.... .pure.punks. <----------------------------[^Submo Asciis^]--------------------- --[^Submo #1^]----------------------------------------------------------------- | | -|:... ...:|- -|%:::::.... _______ __ __ ___ ....:::ck!%|- -|%:::.. _/ ___ \ ___/ \/ \____/ \___ ______ ..:::%|- --|%: / \___ \_/ / / / __/ /_/ \/ __ \ :%|-- ---|%. \___ /___ /___ /____/ \______/ .%|--- ----|%. _ _ ___\___/_ __\__/_ __\__/__ / \ ___ _ _ .%|---- ----|% \/ \/ %|---- ---|: :|--- --|: +sucki+stats+placed+here+ :|-- --|: .... ... ...... ... ... :|-- -|. :::...: ::: :::.::: :::..::: .|- -| ::: :: ::: ::: ::: .:: ::: ::: |- -|. :::::::: :::::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: .|- | | --[^Submo #2^]----------------------------------------------------------------- /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ _____________/\ ____ __/\ ______/\ ______ ___/\ /\____________ \_____ \_ | \_ ___ \_ | \_ __________/ ___|____\_____/ | _/ /____/ \_/ _/ | |___ : \___ | :| | :| _ :| | :|: | __/ : | | | || | || | || | ||| | | | .:=|=====| | || | || | || | ||| | |=====|=:. | | | || | || | || | ||| | | | | | | :| | :| | :| | :|: | | | | | | .| | .| | .| | .|. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |. | ! | ! | ! | | | ! | .| |. | | | | | | | .| |: |_________|_________|_________|_____|_____|_________| :| |:::... ...ck!| .:=|========================>s<>u<>b<>m<>o<========================|=:. | | : : .::::. (_ oO blam! | > ^wake up this morning, and find yourself dead^-jimi- | C===--. +----`----'---)\_\--------------------------+^Bodycount Ascii^+---------------+ --[^Bodycount #1^]------------------------------------------------------------- : .:| - -+- - ---------------------------------------------------------------. | () | _:_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | _/___|___ _______ ___|___\_ _| \_ _____ _______/ |___/ |___/ |_|. \____ | _ | ____/ | _/ \_ _ \_ | \_ _ \_ __/_ | | | | | | |____ | |____/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|___|_______|_______|_______|___|___|___|___|_______| ============================================================================= | [bodycount/devilstar/28k8x3nodes/fast amy/polka brothers/vanity] | | : | () .:| `-ck!----------------------------------------------------------- - -+- - | : ?? :::::: | Oo | *susperia?,*never*found*out*what*it*means.*help?* | -- | `----' -------------------------------------------->^Susperia Ascii^<----------------- --[^Susperia #1^]-------------------------------------------------------------- .-======^s-u-s-p-e-r-i-a^======-. .........................................| |.... ___________ ______________ | ___________ _________ ____|__ / ____ /______/.____ / /__|__/.____ / ___ / / _ \ __/ /___/ // //___/ /_______ //___/ /____/ /__/.___/ \ / /_____/____//__ /____/____//__ / /____/____//_ _____/___//___ __/ / /__/ / /_/ / /__/ // //_____//_/ / / /_/ / / /__ /__________/_________/_______//___/ /________/____/______/___/___/______/ .........................................| |.... .-==================================-' ... .... ... ... | | :: :: :: : :: :: :: :: :: | | Affils: Omen PC Hq, Vanity Amiga Hq ::.::: :: : :: ::.::: :: :: | | Sysop: Zany :::: :: .:: :..: :: :: | | . . .... ... . .:.. . . | | Fast Amiga/IBM Wares :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: . :: :: |ck! ....| Cool Ascii ::.::: ::.::: :: :: :: ::.::: ::.::: |.... | ::: ::::. :: :: : :::: ... .:: | `---d-k-'-s--f-a-s-t-e-s-t--t-r-a-n-s-f-e-r--s-t-a-t-i-o-n---:::::---' .::::. world 3-00-E | | __ | blam! v *see*the*blind*man* ,-`----'-----./-==== < - - o () *shooting*at*the*world* / .cant.----'/_/-' *(deep*purple)* /|see!| --------------------------[^Darkland Ascii^]----------------------> --[^Darkland #1^]-------------------------------------------------------------- .------------------------[^d*a*r*k*l*a*n*d^]-----------------------. | _____/\ ________ ________ /\ ck!_|___ _|____\ \ \ ______ __\__ /_\___ / / \ ______ ___ _____\ \ / __ / \/ / / / / /__/ \ / / \ __ / / \/ / __ \ / __/ / \ __ \ _ / \/ / / / \/ \ /\____/ \ / / \/ \ / / / / / \/ / / / \ / / / \__________/__________\ \____/_____/________/_________\ /_________/ | /_____/ | |. from the darkest abyss in dk. darkland. featuring: .| |. syski: wild van damme, affils: shurkien, alpha flight, .| |o. sector2, fiasco, dedication: fast ibm/amiga/console/hpa .o| |Oooo... ...oooO| `-------------------------[^+45.ask.elite^]------------------------' ... . .... ... . ::. :: ::.:. ::. ::: )\/\/\ )\ :: :: :: :: ::..: : )\( )\) )\/\ ) *somewhere*between*heaven*and*earth* ( ) ( )) ( ) ) ============================================>^Valhalla Ascii^<================= --[^Valhalla #1^]-------------------------------------------------------------- __ .---\/-----------------------------------------. _____ | | ______ / /_____ _|_____ _____ _____ ______ ______ _|_______ /_ // /____ \ _ /_____ __ / /____ \ __ /__/__ /__/_______ \ / // / /_/ \ // / // / /_/ \ // / // / /_/ \ / / _ / // / _ / _ / // / // / _ / /_________/___// /_____ /__// /___// /____ /____ /___// /_ / /____/ | /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ | /____/ / /____________________| |_______/ | [anoxia whq/afl dist/some nodes] | |. [some gigs/backlash/wedlock/hpa] .| ^only^the^greatest^ |: [real fast ibm wares/+45.no.way] :| ^warriors^can^enter^ |:. .:| . . .. .. :. |%::.. ..::%| ::.: ::.: ::.: :: :|%%:%:::... . . ...:::%ck!| :..: `----------------------------------/\----------' /_\\ --[^Valhalla #2^]-------------------------------------------------------------- .-------^v-a-l-h-a-l-l-a^--------. | | : : | : ______: : : | : : __ _/| ____/| .|_/| \___ |___ ____/| __/| | __/| ____/| _/ | \_/ _ \_ |____/. _ \_/ _ \_ |__|__ |_____/ _ \_ \_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/_ | _/ / | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | |/ | | / ! | ! | ! | | | ! | ! | ! | ! | \_____ (_____ (_____ (____! (_____ (_____ (_____ (_____ ( . \___/ \___/ | \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ : | | . : [anoxia whq/backlash/isdn/16k8ds/19k2/+45.forget.it] : :: | | : :::: | -one-of-denmark's-finest!- | :: %:::::::.... | | ::%% %%%:%:::::::::::::::`--------------------------------' .......:::::%%% %ck!%%%%::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::%%%%%%% smash! -don't-drink-and-drive- ______ ______ / \__\ /__/ \ \_o___o /_o___o_/ ____/\ ___. Anoxia Asciis .___ /\___________________________________________ \/ \/ --[^Anoxia #1^]---------------------------------------------------------------- .-===========> anoxia '95 <============-. | | | ___|___ _________ __|_______________________ ______/ /_________ / \ _ / /_____/ / / \ // \ / // / //___ / ___/______// \ /_____________\___/ /___________/ \_____\ /______________\ ================| /____ / /_______| |================ | \/ | | | | .. .:::::::. ::::::::: | | :::. :::: :::: :::: :::: | | .: ::::::::: ::::::::. | | .... :::: .... :::: | | ::::::::: ::::::::: | | | | -another-day,-another-ware- | | | `-----------------------------------ck!-' --[^Anoxia #2^]---------------------------------------------------------------- .-------------a-n-o-x-i-a--------------. | | | | | __________ ___ | _____ __________ | /________ \ ______ / \_________|_____ / /_/________ \ | / /_/ \ // /____ \__ // __/____/ /_/ \ | / _ / \\ / /_/ / _ \ / _ / |. /____// /____// /____ /____// /____/____// / | /____/ /____/ /____/ | /____/ /____/ |. .| |: +^your^finest^hour^+ :| -'95- |: :| |::. .::| |ck!::...... ......:::::| `--------------------------------------' .oOOOOo. (_--O-\_/) ^there's^something^wrong^in^the^world^today..(forgot^it!)^ | .____| `------' <=========================================>^Dark Dimension Ascii^<============> --[^Dark Dimension #1^]-------------------------------------------------------- __ .--\/------d-a-r-k---d-i-m-e-n-s-i-o-n----------. | | () | /\ _____ _________ _/\________________/\ | () _ | / \__ \ _____ \/ \___ / _/ __/ | _ (_) | / / / _/ / _ _/ _ /_ | (_) | /________ /____/___ /____/___ /____/____ / | -+=============| \/ \/ \/ \/ |=============+- | | /\ ______/\_|___/\_ ___ _/\ _______/\_ ____/\ _______/\___/\|_______/\_ ____ / \__ \____/ \/ \/ \_ ___/ \/ / \____ /____/ \ \ \/ / / / / / /\/ / ___//. . /\___ \/ / \ / / /________ /__ /___/ /___ /________ /__/\__ /________ /___ /________ /__/\__ / -+======\/==\/=| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |==\/======\/=+- | | _ | ^[dark^dimension/the^outkast/crypt^whq!]^ | _ (_) | ^[fast^ibm/elite's^hangout/+1.206.what?]^ | (_) | ^[more^info!^more^groups!^more^nodes!]^ | () | | () ...............| |............... :::::::::::::::`-------------------------------------/\--------'::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::://_\:::::::::::::::ck!::::: _----_ ( oO ) ^blackend^in^the^end,^the^rebel^will^defend^-(metallica)- ) < ( ----+||||+----------------------------------------+^The Ghetto Ascii^+--------- --[^The Ghetto #1^]------------------------------------------------------------ __ :______\/___________________: | \/ | | < the > | : ______________| _____ _________ ______|._______ : : /___ ______ /|___ / / ____ / __ / __ /_______ : :: / /__ \/ // / __/._\/ /.\/ / \/____ \ :: ::: / / / / / / / / / /_/ /::: :::/____// /____// /___// /____/ /____/ /_____ /:::: ::::::::/____/. |/____/ /____/ | ..../____/:ck!: | | _ _ __ | [one of us' finest] | __ _ _ __ _ /_/\ | [some nodes, some gigs] | /\_\ _ __ _ _\_\/ | [try of die!] | \/_/_ _ | | |__________________/\_______| : /\ : //_\ ____ . (____)(_) .dreaming.my.dreams,.it's.going.one-way.(TFF). ___|_______|__________________/\ /\________________________ \< Joe's Inn Ascii >/ --[^Joe's Inn #1^]------------------------------------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ __ __/\__ __ __ ___| \__ ________/ |___ 'S \(Oo)/__/ |______/ |_____ _\__ _/ ____ \_ _____/_ /_##_\ ____ _/____ _/ _/ | \_ \/ \_ _/ \_ _/ \/ \_ | \_ | \_ \ _____/________/__ / \ ___/___| /___| / .:====\____|=================|____/=======\__|=======|____/====|____/====:. . . . - 14k4 connects - 300+ megs - . . . . - hpa only - relaxed atmosphere - . . . . - staff : joe and neuromancer - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --> First they ask me to do an askii, then they tell their board is called --> 'Louis' Drive-Inn'.. Well.. Fuck you! I don't care! ( ) one piece 'a mega-joint _________ )( | (________(:::. <---' *i've*got*the*powder*(deep*purple)* [---10m---] ==============================================[^Da Joint Asciis^]============== --[^Da Joint #1^]-------------------------------------------------------------- . . ____ . ____ : : ____ / \ . / \ | | / \ /__/\ \ /__/\ \ | .:::. | / /\__\ ____\ \________ . __/ /_|___/ oO \______|_/ /___ / __ / __ /. \ / __ \_--__/ __ \ ____/_ / \/ / \/ / . / / \/ / / / / / / \______/\______/ ::___ / /\______/\___/\___/ /\_______/ ===================::==\ \/ /=====|============\____/=====ck!=== :: \____/ | | ..................... |shock-g's place.| : ::: ::: | | : ::: ::::: | +358.go.dig.it | :...............:::.::: | | : : . . --[^Da Joint #2^]-------------------------------------------------------------- .----------------------------------------------------. _ | _ _ __/\__ _ | _______| \_|______| \_ ___| \__ _______ \[oO]/______| \|___________ \_______ \ _______ \ _\__ _/_____ \ /_--_\ ______ _/ _ / _/ | \_ \_ \_ _/ | \_ | \_ \/ \_ | \_ |\/ \______ /____| / \ ____/_________/______/____| /____| +------|____/ ck!|____/ \____| |____/--------+ : : : - your chance of getting high - : : ..... : : :::: : : : :::: : :: : : ::.. ::.:.:. :::UR ENJOYMENT! : /____/ SEVERAL DiFFERENT STYLES, COVERiNG AMiGA & SOME ¦ CONSOLE GROUPS SO iF YOUR GROUP iS THERE... WHY | SOMEWHERE, iN THE BACK NOT USE DA LOGO? HELLOES GO TO CENTURiON, iCON, | OF MY MiND, i THiNK, i SHADOWER, CHARON, SKELETON, MDR, HAMMER, SASHA, | HAVE SEEN A STYLE LiKE HOTWiRE, DELTA TX, TOD, BiGGLES, MOGUE!, CRAZY, · THiS...... AM i JUST A LiNEBACKER & ALL THE THOUSANDS OF OTHERS MiSSED : PARANOiD OR RiGHT?!?!? OUT BY ME iN THiS 5 SECOND GREETiNGS LiST ;) | ---- ------------------------- --------------------' __ ___ ###. ,#### -xXX._ _,=-._ "###. ,####" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXx--ú "###. ,####" """""""" #####. "###._ _,####" "#####. "### ####" _.,###### "######. " _ "" _.,######" :::. .. .:::. "###### ,#####. ,#####" ,::::::::.::::.,::::::. "",######## ####" ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ######",########## " `:::::::::::::::::::::::' """" ##########" ####,_ `::::::::::::::::::::. ,### "##SLV#" "#######,_ :::::' `::::::' `::::' ,###" "##" ###, "##### `'' `:::' _,###" #,_ "###, ###" ### "###, aurinko on pikkasen pilvess„. " ##" "### ## "# ____ _ _____ ,-----.__________ _\ /__ /__ _,----._____ _,-----._____ _/ _________ /___l \/ | / \_ _______ \_______ _/_ . \________ \_ / | | / _/ /________/ /___ \__ _ : _ ______/ _ ______ _ L_________\ _ _____________/ . | - - ------' `----' `------' `-----' sLv`--------- - : | | `=============================================================================' S L I V E R ^ K A T H A R S I S ! A S C I I presents an tiny contribution to the official kts^a pack .=============================================================================. | | : ______ _ _ : . __________\ _______________,------.__ _ ______,--------, . øOø`'':øO\________ \ \-----. \_ __/__ ______ /Oø;'''''''øOø ;' ;' ; ,; '\ | \ \ | / / \_ /________/.,:' ;. `;..;. `:'._,:;.:..,:\ | \ \________/ / /___ _ / ;,. '; :,: .; oOo......;...oO`--|________\sLiver-------,_______/ `------'Oo..;..:....;.oOo í if you use my stuff, don't modify it, coz it's copyrighted wares. don't remove 'sliver' or 'slv' or any other thing! í first i'd like to give some info. i'm a new member of katharsis^ascii, coming from finland, like some other members are too. something may be written in finnish, but it shouldn't be important thing, if it's so... í don't mess me up with sliver cut, we're not the same guy! í this is my first pack for katharsis^ascii. it's something, . . it's not big at all, but so? this shit was done in horry. : : | | í a big thank to tarot/ascii legion for that cute little | | 'sliver' ascii logo, but this is mine pack, so i won't | | use it. : : - sliver . . =========ÜÜÜ======================ÜÛß========================================== ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜ ÛßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÛß o ÛÛÞßßßÛÛ ÛÛ ÛßßßßÛÛ ßÛÜÜÜÜ ÕÍ͸ ³ ³|ÕÍÍ͸ÆÍØÍظ ÛÛ ÜÛÛ ÛÛ ÝÜÜÜ Û ÜÛß ÕÍÍ͵ÕÍÍ͵ÕÍÍ͵³ÆÍÍ;ÕÍØÍؾ ßßßßßßßß ÛÛ ÛÛÛß Û ÜÛß ÔÍÍ͵ÔÍÍ͵ÔÍÍ͵ÏÔÍ͵ ÔÍØÍØ͵ ===================ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛ==ßß============================================= _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| angel dust Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | a fuckin'old request by \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ ratter | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' :,oo0OO0ooo._,o._ ,-._ ,oooOø' `øOo.Oø~'øOOOo._ `-' ';. _,oOø'~ `Oo._ ~`øo,.,oø' ,ooOø' angel dust `Oo. ,oOø `Oo. ,oOø' sysops: ratter, homie `Oo. ,oOø' pcboard + v.nopee + over 1gb ~`Oo. ,oOø' finnish O-3 day ibm stuff ~`Oo. oOø `øOoooo. oOø +358-O-LAATAAMO! ~`øOo. _ _ ________/\___ ________ _____/\___________________ - --------, _ ___________ \_\____ \___\ __________________ \_ __/ _\_ .___, \___ \ \ \ \____ \ /_________/ /-----. \ \ \ \ \ \_____ _ \__________ _ / \_ `--------' _ __/____\ \ \ `---------' `-----------._________/ `-------' - ----------.________ _______,-----.___,---------------------. _ _________ \------| __/ ._______\_____, ._____/ / / \ | \__________ / \ / / / | \ ' / \ sliver / ' /---._____,----\_______,-----/ \ '95 /______,-------' `---------------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| gorezone Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by darkdruid \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _______ _ _ ___________/\___________/\__________ ________________ \________ /_________ \::::::::::::::::::::::::::. \____ \_ | / /___ \_ /______/__ ":: _______ _ /_________/______| /________ /__________ :: sLiver------'______ \_______'-------'_____ |--'-.______ \_ :: _/ ________/__ | \_ / | | /______/__ _,:: ,::::::::::\______ _ /___________/____/ Ù |______ _ /:::::::::' ::' '-------' '----------' '-----' :: +358.xx.xxxxxxx/24H - nup: 'xxxx' - 288OO connections - some networks :: :: ....eli laitappa ite t„nne infoa ku en l”yt„ny enemp„„... ::,_ "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,.. . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| tombstone Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by caramon \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' -----. |__________ _ _ _______________ - --------. _ _______________________ ______________________ | . |---------._____________ |_ | | | | | | | |____' | | | | | | | | |_____| ________ _ _ |______________| | | | |________,------------ ---------------' ________|-------| | |______| | .________ --------. ~~| |--------. |-----' | | ,------'- _ __________| | | |------. | |_______ _ ________| ^sLiver| |________________|------| ^ | |________ | : `------------' | tombstone ü the ultimate wareadventure ü | ü no public domain online, only 0dayz warez ü smile! --> ;) ü sysgodz: caramon "the mudplayer", reflex ü . (...NOT!) _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| final ravage Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | made for dr.dom's bbs \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _,------.______ _____ _ _ _,---._ \__ _______/ _ _,---._\ _ _,-----.___ | _/ ___/\__________ \ | _______. \_ |_,--. - - -| | | \ \ |' ______, / | \_--------------. | _ __| _ ___| _ __\ ' | _`________/ _ ________/ sliver^95! | `------' `----' `----' \____|`------' `------' | _,-----.____ _,-----.____ _,---._ | _,-----.___ _,----.___ _,----.____ | \_______ /_________. \_ / | _______. \_ _______________ \_ | | /__ | _____, / / |' ______, / \____ \_ /_______/ | | |_____| _`________/ _ ______| _`________/_______ _ /_____ _ _, | `-----' `------' '-----' `------' `----' `-----' | ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------+- | F I N A L R A V A G E | +----------+--------------------------------------------------------- - - : | | (space for some infouh....) . : | (space.4.sum.nfo?) . - - -+----------------------------------------------- - - | : _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| hot warez inc. Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | request: 'wannabe' ascii \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ by dr.eagle | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' - --------. _ _,----.____ _,------------ - _ ___ _|_____________ `\_ _____ _ _/ .__ _/ \/ / `\ hot_warez_incorporated! \ |_____\___________/ \ `-----' __________________,-----\_____ _,------.____ _,-----.______ _ ____ _/_ __________ `\________ _/__ ______ `\_________ `\_ _/ / / `\_ ___.` \_ /__ `\_ /_______/ __________/ . \ /_______/ '_ _______/ |________/ _ ___ _ \_________ _ : `----' `-------' `------' _,-.`-.----'sLiver^95 `----- -- | - ---\ /.________,-----.____,-----, | <space for ravestuffpossewhatever> _ __\/ \_ \ | _ / | _| | \ ` | |___/___ | <valuuttaa> \______|-----\______|----.______ _ | -#¯!=------------------------------------------------------------ - - | : . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the damned Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | not requested \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ,----------------------------------------------. | .---------.________,-----. ,------.___|___ | \_____ ____ _ ||_______/ ______ \\_ º:._ / \\ ___ \\ /__________/_ ú-=!=#$=--ú/ `\ || `\_ | ___/ º;' / _ ________\/\ ____| /_______ _ \\ | `------' \/ `-------' `--------'sLiver] _,-l---.___ _,----.___ _,----. /\___ _,-----. __|_,-----.__ _,---.___ \______ \______ \ \/ \_ \| \_ ___ \_____ \ | | \_ ___, \_ \ / | \ | :| /_____/ | \_ | _ ______/ _ _______/ \ /______| \______| _ ___| _ ______/ `-----' `-----' `------\/ - --------` | `-----' `-----' | enough space for nothing? | | | | | `----------------------------------------------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the mystery #1 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by myssy \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . . ====#=====================================================================#==== ---.l ________ _,-.___ _,-----._ _,--------.___ _,----. _,----.____ _,---|___ \/ __/ | \ .____/___ ___/____ \______ /_ | \ \ / \______, \______ \_ | ,_______/_ /___ \_____, \ / / | / | / | | / | / | -----\/______/-----.____/----.______/---.___|-----.______/-----|_____/----.____ ====#======================================================(sLiver'95)====#==== | _M_Y_S_T_E_R_Y_ | | ^memberboard for: dcc, bc!^ibm_wares^hpavcd^pcboard^over 1gig hdd^ | : ^system_operators: myssy, sliver, render^ : . ^protected_with_spw_and_nup^ask_myssy_for_access^ . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the mystery #2 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | for myssy. this is just a \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ joke ma'so dump it away.. | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' oOOOoo. _ooooooo_ oOO _oOO oOOOOOOøøøøøøOOOOoooooOO~øOOOo ø o ,o øøø OOøøøøø øOOOOOOOOOo, o, oO. oOo oOO Oo oOOOOo oOo OO oOOOOOOo OO øOOO øOo øOo oOOOo oOøOO. OOø øOO oOOø øOOOO OO oOø øOOO OO oOO ,OO øOO OO øOo oOø øOO OO OO OOO øO OO OO oOOø OO,oooOOø,OOø OO øOo OoOø OO OO ,OO øOOo,._ ø oOO øOo oOø OOo OOø ,OO OO OO OO OO ,ooOOø øOOOOOOo OOø oOOoo, OS øOOo OO ,ooOOø ,o øO. O ,OO øOOOOøOO øOOo OO oOø~ OL øOO.øOOOOOOøOO Oø OO O ,OOø o OO oOOo øOo OO OO OV øOO OO Oo oOO ø OOO oOo oOO øOOø oOOO OO OOo oO OO OO oO, _oOO øOOOOOø øOO øSLiVERø øOOOoooOOOø Oø øOOOoooOø ,OO oOø øOOOOOOOø ,ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-øOÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-øøøøøÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄøøøÄÄoOOøÄÄÄÄoOøÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ. ³ . T H E M Y S T E R Y . . T H E M Y S T E R Y . ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ dcc and bc! memberboard ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ O-7day ibm h/p/a/v/c/d over 1 gig of storage nup ³ ³ da staff: myssy, sliver, render ³ `ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| abduction Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by turpentine \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' : _,-----.________ _,------.____ _,------._____ _,-----._________ : | \____________ \_______ _/________ \ | ___/ | º _/ ' \_ ' \_ \ \_ | \_ º =#======\ /____, / |__` / ' / | /======#= º \ _ ________/ _ _________/ _ _________/ _ _________/ º º `------' `------' `-------'sLiver`-------' ________ º º _,-------.________ _,------._____/\ _,------._______ _,------._| ___/ º º \___ _ \_ _____/ \_________ \_ _ | \ º º | |_________/ \_--\__/-\ | / \ | \_ º º | | \ / \_ | / \ | / º =#===| _ __________\ / _ ______/ _ ______/ \_________/==#= º `------' `------'------' `------' `---------' º º A B D U C T I O N | | psst. try to fill this space with something.. : : . . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the tribe #1 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by the sysop of \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ the tribe (i don't remember his alias..) | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ; mY uSERs hAVe bRAINs aNd bALLs ; '/\_______________ /\_________ ` . /____ __ /_____________ \_ : / | ,__ \_ /_______/ \|/ . _/ |____/ /____ _ \_ - ------Í#Í------- - : \________| /______/ /_________/ /|\ | /\__________ _ /\_____ ____ /\________ /\________ | | /____ __________ /_ __\ /______ _/_________ \_: .| / | /__ \_ \/ | /__ \_ /_______/. ,:º: _/ |_____/ /_____| _/ /____ _ \_ _,::;º°._ \_________| /______/sLiver____________/ /________/ -=#%&!#«ð===--------------------------------------------------------- - - ~`°º;:'~ PROPHECY SCUM GLORY GANJA PST LORD :º:' 4 NODES ALL VFAST RUNNING SYSTEM/X |; FASTEST BOARD IN +32 : . <my ol'style> _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the tribe #2 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by the sysop of \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ the tribe (i don't remember his alias..) | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . . : _ ___,-----.___ _ _,-----. _ _,-----._____ : | _ ___ _______ |______ ______ \_ | - --+------------| | \_ .__ \_ /_________/-------------+- - | |______ _ /______| /_______ _ | | `------'sLiver!`------' `------ - | |__,-----.___ _ _,-----.__ _ _,-._ _,-----.__ _ _,-----._____ | |___ _______________ /_______\ /_________ /____ ______ \_| | | | \_ /___ \_ \/ \_ `---, \_ /_________/| | |______ _ /______| /_______/_______ _ /_______ _ | | `------' `------' `------' `-------| | prophecy scum glory ganja pst lord | | 4 nodes all vfast running system/x | | fastest board in +32 | - -+---------------------------------------------------------------------+-- - | | : : . . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the tribe #3 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by the sysop of \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ the tribe (i don't remember his alias..) | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . ,¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ ¥_ _______________ : _________ ,¥¥" _ __ ____/ |_ _\______ _\_ warning! should be shown ¥¥" _/ ³ __/_/_ _|/ / /_ only in 80x50 textmode!! ¥" \ .³ _/ \_ /_____/ \_ ¥ __ \ |³ \___ _ / _ / __ ¥ /\\//\\ :³_____/ //___ _ ///\\//\ ¥ /__\/__\\_____| /____/ /________//__\/__\ ¥ ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥. ¥ _ ____________________ __________________ _________ "¥¥. ¥ _ __ ______ \___\ _________ \__\______ _\_ "¥¥ ¥ _/ .³ __/_ __/_ \ / .| _|/ __/_ _|/ / /_ "¥ ¥ \ |³ /____ \_ \/ || /____ \_ /_____/ \_ ¥ ¥ __ \ :³ / _ / :| |_/ _ / _ / __ ¥ ¥ /\\//\\ ³____/ //_______| //___ _ ///\\//\ ¥ ¥ /__\/__\\_____| /_______/sLiver! |____________/ /________//__\/__\ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ <phuckin'inpho into this small area down here!> ¥ ¥. ,¥ ¥¥. <jes'nowhere else, get it?, hmuhh.. ;)> ,¥¥ "¥¥. ,¥¥" "¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥SLV¥¥¥¥" _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the tribe #4 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by the sysop of \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ the tribe (i don't remember his alias..) | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . _.,,,,. : _,x%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXx,. | ,x%XXXXXýXXXXXXXXâÁý¦ÀXXXx xXx "ýX™" ,XXXXXXý ~~ XXXXX _,xx% _,xx%#XXXXXXx._ XXXXXXX. .,xXXXXxx,._ """ ,x%XXXXXX ,x%XXXXXX¦ý"ý¦XXXXXx .XXXXXXX|x%#XXXXXXXXXXXXXx xXXXx "XXXXX" "XXXXXXx. "¦"~ |XXXXXXX| "XXXXX" "ýXXXXXX XXXXXx "XXXX,xXXXXXXx. "XXXXXXXXXXXx, XXXXXXXX %XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" %XXXXXX XXXXXX""ýXXXXXXx XXXXXX~"ýýý"~ _ XXXXXXXX XXXXXX" XXXXXx XXXXXXX XXXXx._.,xXXXXXXx `XXXXXx. _.,x%XXx "XXXXXXý |XXXXX `ýXXXXXx `XXXXX" xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "XXXX" xXXXXXXx `XXXXX| "X" x%XXXâÙý"""""""""""~ x%X(SLiVER)XXXý" "ý¦¦ý" """' | : . <add tha info by yerself> <so this is the 'tombstone-like-style' ya liked, hope ya like this one too ;)> _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| shaco Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by tinyz \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _,---.____ _,-------. - - -----.______ _,----._____ _,-----.____ _/ ______/____ |_______________ \ \______ \_ \________ |_ .__ \_ ____. \_ |______/ | / _ ______/______| /_______ _ /_____ _ \___________/ - - -----' `------' `-----'sLiveR------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| the cellar Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by tinyz \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ,-----------------------------------------. | | _ _________________/| /\__|________ <space for info> | __ ___ |______________ \_ | \/ / | ,__ \_ /_________/ | _/ | | / | ____ _ | \__________|______|_____/___________\ _ _____ _ ________ _ ________l _/ _ \_ ______ \_ /____ /___________ \_ ____ _/__ \ |______/ /_______/ / \_ / \_ ___. \_ /__ \_ \ _ _____| _ ______/______ _ /______ _ /____ _ /____| / `----' `-----'sLv^kTs!a|`------' `------' `-----' `---.--' | | | <space for info> | | | `-----------------------------------------' ==================ÛßßÜßßßßÛÜ=================================================== ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ý ÜÜ Þ ÛÛÛ² ßÛÛ² ÜßßÛßßßßßÜ Õ͸Õ͸ Õ͸Õ͸ ÛÛÛß ßßßß Ý Þ ßßßß ÞÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÝ ß ÜÞÝ Þ ³ ³ ³³Õ͸³ ³ÔÍ͸ ÛÛÛ ßßßÛÛÜ Ý Þ ÜÛßßßßÜÞÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÝ Û ßÜÜÜß Ôͳ ³ÔÍ;³ ³ Ô; ßÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛ Ý Þ ßÜÜÜÜÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ßÜÜÛß Ô; Ô; ============ßßßßß=ÛÜÜÛ========================================================= _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| katharsis^a! Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | for katharsis^ascii (eh?) \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' - -----._____ _,-----.__ _,----.____ _,-----. _,-----.__ _,----._____ _ | /________ \ ____/__ _|_____________ \_______ _/_ || \_ __ ' \_ | \_ __ \_ __ ' \_ /__ \_ |_____| /____`_ /_____ _ /____| /____`_ /____| / `------'--, \----Â-'____,--Â----' \ `------'____`-----' `------' _/ _____/___\ /__ ____/_ /__/\__\ _ ______ \ sLiver'95 : \________ \_ \/ |______ \_ _/ __ ' \_ | =========| _ _____/ ___| _ _____/==========\______`_ / ============#=== `-----' `---' `----' `-----' | : . _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| bc! Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by bc! \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ßÛÛÜ ßÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÛÝ ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛßß ÛÛÛÝ ßÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Þß ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÝ ßÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛ ÜÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÝ ÛÛÛß sLv^ÜÛÛÝ ßÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÜ ÜÜÛÛÛÛßß ßßßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßß ßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ßßÛÛÛÛß B R A I N L E S S C O D E R S ! _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| coma Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | miggim! i didn't like the \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ old ones i made, so here is new one! | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ß ßßÛÜ ÜÜ ÜÛÛÛßß ß ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ßÛÛÜÜÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜ ÞÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÝ ÛÛÛÛß ÛßÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛßÞÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÜ Ü Ü ÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛÛ ß ÞÛÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÞÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜ Ü Ü Ü ÜÜÜÜÜ ÞÛÛÛÛÝ Ü ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÝÜÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜ Ü ÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛß ÞÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÝ ÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÝsLv ßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛß ßÛÛÛÛÜÜÞÛÛÛÛÜ ßßßß ßßß ßß ßß ßßßßßß ßßßß _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| panic Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | in panics nfo-file, they \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ requested someone to make an ascii, so... | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' __,-------.___ _,----.______ _,--------._____ ____ _,----._____ ======\_________ \_________ \ _ | _/__\ /_ sLv\_======= | /________/ ___ \_ \ | \_ \/ | |______/ ========| _ ___| _ _____| /_____\ / |______ _ |========= `-----' `-------' `------'`------' `----' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| kts_diz #1 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | for katharsis doods \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _ _____,----.__,----.___,--.___ _ __ | /___ _/ _____ _| \I |,---.__ \_ \_____| /___ _ |_____ _ / ===sLv=`-----'===`---'====`-----'= asskey pack (xX) _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| kts_diz #2 Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | for katharsis doods \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ,---------ÜÜÜÜÜ--ÛÛÛÛ-----------------. | ßßÛÛÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÝÜÜÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßßßßßßßß | | ÞÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛß ÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜ ßßßßÛÛÜÜ | | ÞÛÛÛÝßÛÛÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÝÞÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÝ | `---ßßßßß-ÛÛÛÛÛÝ--ßÛÛÛÛÛß--ßÛÛÛÛÛÛßsLv' {#} kAY-tEE-eS xX/xX/199X {#} _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| pmp_diz Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | for pmp doods, i guess \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' .PRODUCT'S.NAME.................[xx/xx]. ,-----.____,---. ______,-----.____ \_ ___ \_ \ / _ \_ ___ \_ / / / \/ / / / / / /______/ \ / / /______/ / \sLv____\ /_____/ | `---------' \/ `--------' ======================================== (C) 1995 KAKKASOFT INC. ======================================== =========ÜÜÜ======================ÜÛß========================================== ÛÛ ÜÜÜÜ ÛßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÛß ÕÍ͸ÕÑÍ͸³ ÕÍ͸ ¸ ÕÑÍ͸ Õ¸ ÛÛÞßßßÛÛ ÛÛ ÛßßßßÛÛ ßÛÜÜÜÜ ÆÍѾÆØÍ;Ô;ÕÍ͵ÍØÍ ÆØÍ;ÕÑÍص ÛÛ ÜÛÛ ÛÛ ÝÜÜÜ Û ÜÛß | Ô¸ÔÏ͵ ÔÍ͵ ³ ¸ÔÏ͵ ÔÏÍϾ ßßßßßßßß ÛÛ ÛÛÛß Û ÜÛß : Ô; ===================ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÛ==ßß============================================= _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| bulls Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by betacarotine \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _ ______________ _ _____,------.______ _ ____ __________ _ _ _______ /__ | | \_ \_ _/ ___________ / ,--'_ \_ | | /_____ /____\__________ \_ / /__/ / | | / \_ / \_ / / / _ ___________/______ _ |______ _ /____ _ / _ ________/ '-------' sLiver'------' '-------' '-------'--------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| leech Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by betacarotine \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ________ __________ ___________ __________ _________ \ | _/ \L \_ \_ /-------, \___ |____\ ____ / ____ / / _/_ ___/ _/ | \_ /______/\_ /_______/_ /_____/_ ___ / \ _ ______/______ _ /______ _ /____ _ /____/ / `------' sLiver'-----' '-----' '-----' '------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| upload Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by betacarotine \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ________,-----|\__________,-----. _ ____________ _____________ _________ \ | | \_ | \_ \_ \ \_ \___ | | ____ / |___________ /________ /___\___ / _/ | | /_______/ | \_ / _/ ____/ _/ ____/ / \ _ _____| | \_______ _ /________\________ _ \______ _ / `------' `------' `-----' sLiver`------' `-----' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| mainmenu Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by betacarotine \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _________ _________/\______/\______,----._____,----. ==========\_ _ \/ _ _/ ____ \_ _ \_ | | \_============== MAIN \ \ / / /_______/ / / | | / =============\____\ / /_____ _ \____/ / |_______ _ /=============== \/----' `------' `---------'sLv `----' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| guest login Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by caramon \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ___________ _____,-----._____,------,_______ ____,----.____ ,------| ______/__| | | ______/ ___/_____ ___/__-------. | | \_____ \_ | L ____|___________ \L l \_ | | |______________/__________/____________/____________/____________/ | | __/\__ ______ _____________ _______ __.--,___ ________,---. | | \ oO / | |____\______ | ____/_____| \/ |_____ | | | | /_ÄÄ_\ | L \_ | L \_____ \_ L | | |_ | `---\/---|________ _ /__________/___________ /_______/_____| /-(sLv)-' `-----' `------' `------' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| amy Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | made for all amywaredudes;)\__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ù _,-----.___ _,------._______ _,-----.________ .: __\_______ \ _ | _ \ L ___/ :| _/ ____ ` \_ / | \ \________. \_sLiver! .,;º - - ---\________`_ /__/ | \_____/ _ ________/-------===@#$ð™==- - `--------' `--------' `-------' |:' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| ibm Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | made for all ibmwannabe's \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' /\__ _,----.____ ___\ /_________ _/sLv,------|\________ ,-----. : \_ \/ | _/_ \_ _ | _ _/ |ibm | : | | | / / / | \ \ |ware | | =#==========| _ ___| _ ________/____/ | \____\==|conph|================#= º `---' `------' `---------' `-----' º _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| underground Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by caramon \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' =============================================================================== ,-------.______,----.__ _,------._____ _,-----._____ _,----.______ \___ | __ |___________ \ _____ \________ _/_ _/ | \_ \ | | / \_ /_______/ /___ \_ \ _ ________/____\ | | _ _______/ _ _____\ |________/sLiver! - ------'___ _,------`------|_,----' `------'|____\------'_ _,-----.__ _ _______/____________ _/________ \_ | __ |__________ \______ \_ /___ \_ | / | \ \ | | / _ _____ _ /_____| /_____ _ /______ _ \____\ | | _ ____ _ `-------' `-------' `-----' `------` `-----'-----' =============================================================================== _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| script Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| questionnaire| for everybody! \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ,----.__ ,----._____,----._____ _,---._ ,----.______,----.___ _/ _____/__ __ \______ _/_ \_/ | __ \_ _/ \_______ \_ /______/ /__ \_ | ______/ \ ,-====`----._____/--.____/--.__/---.___/---._|---.__|==`--._______\==(sLv)===-. | Q U E S T I O N N A I R E | +-===========================================================================-+ | <psst. ya can fill this space, and make it larger if ya wantto...> | `-===========================================================================-' ====================ÛÛßßßÛÛ====ÜÛß============================================= ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜ ÜÜ Û Û ÜÛß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÛßÛ Õ͸ ÍØÍÍ Õ¸ÍÑÍ͸ ßÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛÜÛßÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛ ßÛÜÜÜÜ Û Û ßßß ÔÍ͸ ³ ³Õ¸ ³³ ÆÍ ÍÑÍ͸ ÛÛÛÛÝ ÛÛÝ ÞÛÛÛÛ Û Û ÜÛß ÛÜÜÛÜÜÛßÛ ¸ .³ ³ ³³³ ³³ ¾ ÆÍ ÞÛÛÛÛ Û ÛÛÛÛÝ Û Û ÜÛß ßßß ³ |³ Ô;ÔÏÍϾ ¾ ====ßÛÛß===Þ===ßß===ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ==ßß=================ÔÍ;=========================== _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| drago Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | req by: jaydee&drag0 \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' /\__________ /\_________ /\_________ /\_____ /\___________ ===_/____ `\_/____ `/__/________ `\__/ _____/___/______ `\_==== | `| / /__ \_ ____/ / \___ `\_ | / ==| | / `| / \ / / / ~ /===== `-----,______/----sLv|________/-----,_____/-----,_______/------,______/ _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| hangover! Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | req by: jaydee&drag0 \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . ________ _________ ______________. : ______ |----------| `----------| _ : |----------' | |_________l_____ | | | | _____|______ ___ | _____| | | | | |_____ | | | | | | | | --------|__________|---------.__________|-------|____________|__________,------ sLiver____ \_ | / _______ \________ /__ \_ _/ | _/ | _/ /__________/ /___ \____/\__/ `--------.________\______,------\______.-------' `-------/_________/ /__\ _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| bcp Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | req by: jaydee&drag0 \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' . : /\__________ /\________ /\_____________ :;._ __/_____ /___/ _ \______/ ______ \_ `:::::::::::/ ---'__ \_ /_______/ \_ / /:::::::::::. . / /___/ / / /__________/ `;: : / _ ____________/_________ _ /____ _ /sLiver :: :;._ `-------' `--------' `-------' _,;: `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| pnshr Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| | requested by punisher \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' ===/\________================================================/\=============== _/______ ¿\_______,----. /\_______ _ _______,-------. / \/\_______ | / /___ \_ ¿|_/ ______/___ _|_ ¿|_/______ ¿/__ | /_________/ | ¿/ |________ ¿\_ ___ | /____ ¿\_ | ¿| \____| / | ¿| / ¿| |_______| / |___,---' `--------.________,-----/_______|-------'sLiver!`---------' ============================================================================== _,--oÂ-. ______ \|___|_|____ ,---|#XXXX#|-------------------. c 0..0 e | |#XXXX#| strange Ã---------------------oOOo--\ __ /-----------. | |#XXXX#| phantasies | <grin> \__/ sLiver'95! | `-`##XXXXXX##'-----------------´ (tz: is this okay to the intro? ;)) | `#XXXX#' `--------------------,-...-.---,---.-...-.---' `##' `-----.__,'.__,-----' _,--._ / '-._ (don't take me too seriously!) | | \x -- What the fuck! XXXXXXXXX\__XXX I should be deli- c 0_0 |c " vering the presents _____(C /__ |C______ to the kids, what _,-- .. _,-' | | C|___|C | | `-._am doing in here?! \\|/_ (())))) \||/_ /\ | | CCCCCCC | | /\ \\, /””")))) / / ,-'__`-. ,| | CCCCCCC | |. ,-'__`-. \ \`=='))))/ / | (__) |/_| |__CCCCC__| |_\ | (__) | \_\|v))))) / |______| CCCCC \|_sLv__| (o) (o) _/ |__|) // CCC \\ (|__| \___\___) (_=_)____// c \\____(___) | . | \ _ | _ / /~' ,`~\ _,--.\________|_________/,--._ < \/ ) (_______ | | ________) \_ / /--.__,. `-----' `-----' \( _ <.____. ) ..wait a minute, this must be \_ ) .' one of those sliver's strange \,- \ `-' fantasies! Slvc-' Yohoo Santadood! Take me, rape me! . . : : | | | | #=============================================================================# | | | yeap, i'd like to make much more of asskeys to this pack, but ya know, | show must go on... i don't want you to feel dizzyness when looking : | hours and hours of samekind of asciis. . : . thanks to sparr for giving me an idea to join katharsis^ascii-posse thanks to caramon and heap for being my so called 'managers' ;) . and thanks to the finnish goverment for new tobacco-law! ..and for disabling the rights to smoke cannabis... FUCK THE GOVERMENT! hey, for something, reach me from sliver@tombstone.fipnet.fi or if it's IMPORTANT, try sliver@triplex.fipnet.fi ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÜÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜßßÛßßÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÜßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÞÜÜÜß ~`ßÜ Üß ~`ßÜÜÜÝÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Û Û ÜÜÜÜÜß ßÜÜÜÜÜ Û Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ÛÜ ßßßÜÜÜÜÜÜÛÜÜÜÜÜÜßßß ÜÛ ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß #ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÞÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßßÜÜÜßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÛÛÛÛ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÜÜßßßßßßÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜßßßßßßÜÜÛÛÛß ßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÜßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜßßßßßßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜßßßßßßßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ sLiver! ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Û ÛÜ ß ß ßßßßßßÛÛßßßßßßßß ß ß Û Ü - S L I V E R - sends greets: _ ____________ _ ____________ _ ____________ _ ______________ /\_____________________ \___________ \___________ \__ _____/___/\ _____________/ / / / / / / / ________ /____ \_ /_____/ /__________/ /__________/ /________ _______ _ / / _ _______ _ / _ _____ _ / / _ ________ . `------'_____/ `-------' `-------' _ ______/------' sLv : : | | heap,trancer,weasel,caramon,myssy,punisher,betacarotine,syanid,d136,jude, | | humanoid,slithermorph,lobster,zenith,tarot,distance,reflex,greaser,raven, | | hcraver,copter,maniac,slave,ecstacy,lemming,render,sparr,lumen,puhelin, | | + the forgotten perverts, members of deep and katharsis!ascii... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 01.04.1995 - sliver^kts!a | `=============================================================================' negros. that is it. no member list. no board list. no black list. but. we have greets. mca . valg . omi . veks peace tinyz. ______ \ __|________ Ö«É +31.(0)4192.15288 - 28k8 »«· ____\_______ / __________ ÉÖÉ +31.(0)4192.ZOEN! - 28k8 »·» \ \/ __/___…_______ \__ ___________ .-\\____ \ ___/ _\_____________ \__ _____|________ _ | \_______/\ \_______\ ________/__/_ \ ___/ //---. | \________\ sF!\ \/ /____\ \ | | \ ____/ \________\ | | -(«BACk fIRE!«)- \________/ | | | | sATAN'S FIRe ÖMAJOR 0-2 DAY ASCII PACK SUPPORTÖ1.5 GIG ONLINE ¦ | THe ReaPeR ÖASCII REQUESTSÖNO NUPÖHUGGING SYSOP CREW ¦ | RiGOR MORTiS ¦ | =zEn= Ö2* CREDZ FOR MAJOR UPLOADS : | ______________________ Ö3* CREDZ FOR MAJORS OF YOUR OWN GROUP | _\ _________________/ . ¦ // ____________/ _________ ___________________ | / _|______\_______/ _\ ____________/ `--/___________| _\_______________ \ _______/_____ |__________\____________ / \ \/ // rOadhOgz! CHQ / \_________/_____\__ ____/ ttAb WHQ! /______| /_______/ tAf! member |_____________/ _______________ |· \______________ | ·| ____________ _________________ | ________ ______________/ \__\_________ \___________|_ | _____\___ / \\ _ \ _/ | | |/ _/ \__________________/\ | | | / \________________/ \_________________| | \__________/ . . | | | · rOadhOgz · | __________ | |________ ____________ _________\ \ | |_ |/ \ ________________\__ ________/_ | _/ / \\/ / | | | | / / |_ /\__________________| l________| \_______________\_________/ / . l________| . l____________________/ | | | iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! l_______________ Mo!/aC! | \______________| Ö=zEn= ÖsATAN'S FIRe ÖsAL-1 ÖRiGOR MORTiS ÖGML ÖjABBAH ÖqUBE ÖWiDGET ÖjOPiTER ÖEiNSTEiN ÖTHe ReaPeR ÖnOSFERATU ÖDiABLO ÖASHTON ÖCASTRO ÖlUCiFUGE ÖThe Doctor ÖbUT^4^wAREZ ÖbACk fIRe ÖBooNDoCKS ÖX-Treme BBS ÖkAOZ lANDZ ÖMATERiAL WORLDS ÖvIRTUAL dREAM ÖCENTRAL STATiON ÖtHE cOFFEE sHOP ÖCORRUPTiON ÖDiSCONNECTED ÖDaRK STaR ÖtHE nECRONOMICON ÖtHE pAYOFF ÖpLANET gROOVE ÖwANNA jOIN, cALL +31.4192.15288·