кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г _____ _ _ _____ Г Г |_ _| | | | ____| Г Г | | | |_| | _| Г Г | | | _ | |___ Г Г |_| |_| |_|_____| Г Г ____ ____ _____ ____ ___ ___ _ ___ ____ _____ Г Г / ___|| _ \| ____|/ ___|_ _|/ _ \| | |_ _/ ___|_ _| Г Г \___ \| |_) | _| | | | || |_| | | | |\___ \ | | Г Г ___) | __/| |___| |___ | || _ | |___ | | ___) || | Г Г |____/|_| |_____|\____|___|_| |_|_____|___|____/ |_| Г Г ____ ____ ____ Г Г | __ )| __ )/ ___| SYSOP : GAMMA Г Г | _ \| _ \\___ \ Co-SYS: --> LOOKING <-- Г Г | |_) | |_) |___) | ************************* Г Г |____/|____/|____/ TELNET : xxx.xx.xx.xx Г Г PHONE# : YOU KNOW IT Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __________ _____ / /________ ________ \ / __/ __/_ ____/___ _/ _ / ___/________ / /-----/_______/ --------/ -------------/ s m a l l r e s p e c t s by cyberkid. @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ____ | |_ ____ _____ ____ ___________ | _/______________ ______ _| __| _/ _| |_____ __| _/ __ / | |_/ _ _/ __ // / \_ |\_ | \_ | // _ | l__/__; |\ | \_ l__/| |_/_ | |_| |_ | | /| | |____ || | \__; |____ | | |ps| _/| _/ | ___/_| | _/ | || |_/ |/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ||___|| | | | | | | _; |_; | | | |___; | | | ____| | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | |_/ /| | |_ | |_ | |_| || | |___| | | |\______/___\ \______/______/______/|___||___| |____| |___| k. a. t. h. a. r. s. i. s. !. a. s. c. i. i. p r e s e n t s _________ ____________ \ ___/____ ____________ ____________ / ______ \______ / _ _ /__ ---\__ / /_ /__ --------/-----\___\_______\ ----/_______/ -------/ _______/ck ____________ ________ _____________ ____________ _ / ____/___ / _/ _ \__ /______/__ ______ / -/----/ /________/-------/-----------/---------/ / ______/ s m a l l r e s p e c t s b y c y b e r k i d a__ ___ .Ц Ќ^w_ _ _^"""Єw_______ _ЕЕ___АmцА"А*&ЕЕЕЕбZЦZ_ЏЏ"Аs f o r e w o r d ]и@ЖЎиицЎ#wЦииЎиииииииииццццЕm_ will happen when _циибциииииииибиииииииииииииии#Циииwe*АА* uh, saw dune on _цииии#ЎиииииииииииииииииииииииииMиииии__. i die? will rot ,/"M#бииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииmЦииииЄC#_ the sci-fi ИKцА_ЕииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииK_ 4М in the ground, ЖЦ ЌЖииииииииииииPАА""ААААААЖбиииииииииииб# бQ channel today. ЖWЦи#@иииии#@P"Џ Жииииииииии@б_ Ќ# and never see Ќ"m_Ци##ии#w,___ __ЕЕј^АА"ЖииииииииииЎи# not for the first ииАЖЦииии ЌЖА^^ ЌЏЌАЖ" Жииииииииии#Џ@Єw_ the sky again? иQ ииииF _ЦииииииииQи&.mrА time, but it still Ќ2Еи#уииQw_`---------' __gииибии@иииАЏM# will my soul "б#иибибЖg_ __ ___w*А_ии@А ЖL ииQ Жи rocked. made me А" ,*ЏЏЦ@о-WWw*P" ЕЦииW@# ЌОЦии_ reincarnate in wQ__ ,ц""*w_ __,w*Аби ЖK,w_иЖииw wonder a bit. year J#m4W#_ Ќи" ЖK"#И Ќ" some new body? Ц0о ЌЄЄ@*w__jf Ж& Ж_ 10000+. what would #0о и"Ж__ ЖK Ќ#_ what is life? #0о иД ЌЖ#Ц^-w.__ # Жw i be then? 20th cent. #0о # Жw_ "А-4бm-M*ww*Цw, i kinda need to ЖиL_ JF _*_ Ќ*w__ ЖK Џ ц" bones deep in the Ќи#wmqчЄQиЎЎ"& Џ~*m_# _иЖ know... Џ АwЌ^А"NZ 2* ,P ground? reborn 1000 times Ќ#_a- ЌАm,_ АgЦ a/ peace, cyberkid/kts ЖЌ*_ Ќ^m.___циАЏА" as some other dude? what ио ЏААу# [ ЉMt/dS! ] _ /___ respect goes to hiro p. and his modemland. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ get some telnet man :) peace and stuff. /___ _______ _______ / / /______/ _ /_. /_________ _______ ______________ ______________. _ /_____| _ / / _ \_ __ |____/ /-------/_________\ ______/_______/---------/ ------/_________/ck _ /___ respect goes to omi. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because he's cool. /___ _________ /________/ _____________________ ________________ ___________ _ \ __ / _ _ /___ / .__ /____\\-------/_________/-----\-----\_________\ _______/ /___|ck _ /___ respect goes to whodini /___________________________________________________________________ /___ so remorse is tha sheit these days. /___ .::::::::.. __________ _ /\ _________ ::: ..... ::::. / / / / \ _________ /___________ :::::::: :::: _______/ / \-------/ /\ \ / _ /: .. :::: ::::: __ / ._ \-------/ \________/-----/__________/:: ::::: ::::'__________\-----/ /_| /\ :::......::::: ck ::::::::: _ /___ respect goes to mortimer twang. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ havent seen you on some danish pubs yet. /___ ____________ /\ ________________ _________ __________ \ ______/_______ _____/ \ _________ _ / _______/ __/__ \___________ / / /\ \ / /_________/ ____/_____ _____/ ------------/-------/ \________/--------/ --------------/--------/ _____________ ______________ ___________________ ______________ _/ __/__ __/ _ _ \___ __ / _ \_ ____/ /------\----\_________\ -----/________/_______/---------/-----------/ck _ /___ respect goes to poskgubbe. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ type 'r00lz' under the asc, and you got the one you wanted :) /___ .................... ___________ : _ _:________ _________/ / _____________:__ `-' : ____/_______ / ___/ / __ _:________ / _ / / /-----:- : ------------/------/_________/ /________/ ck :..................: _ /___ respect goes to tinyz. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because he is one leet ascii-fucker. peace tz! /___ ________ __________ /_______/ _________ _______________ __/_ /_ ________ ____________ /________ ________ / /___ __/ /_/ _ \__ ___/_ / _______/ ck - /---------/ _________/-----/___________/------------/-------------- - _ /___ respect goes to motion man and his anonymous psychosis. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ you are my god! luv and stuff. /___ ___________ _____ _____________ ______________ __/_ /____/ __________ __________ __/ _ _ \___ __ / ___/ _____ __ /__/ _ /__ /-----\----\_________\---------/--------/ _______/-----------/-----/__________\ ______________ _____________ ____________ __/ _ _ /__ ---\__ /_/ _ /_ /------\____\_______\-----/________/-----/__________\ck :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: :: :::::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::::::: ::: :::.:: :::: ::: :::..:::::::: ::: :::: c o m m e r c i a l b r e a k ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::: зззззззззззззззззззззззззззззззззз ззззззз[ pLANET lOVE! ]зз ________ зззззз ззз ________. ззззззззззз _\\ ______)___ зззз ______\\___ | зззз ______|_ ___) (_ зззз _\\______ \_ :| ззз _\\_____ \ \l / ззззз | l/ / |_____|_ l/ \_______/\/______ |: ______/ \\____ \___/ \_ _) __ //_ |: |__________/ _/ \_/_______/ з \ \l | |______| _ _/ \ / ззз \_____\ :| зз \\ \_____\ / ззззззззз з _ _/ :| ЉhP!зззззз \ // ззззз .___/\_ \\ \_______| зз__/\__зззззззззззз \/ _______| (_ зз\[Oo]/зз ________. __\___ | / ззззззззз з/_\/_\з _\\ |_\___ \ l // зззззззз з\/ззз | | l/ \_ _/______ ззз |: | / _\\ ______)___ |: |______ /___| ___) (_ call us someday. |__________/ \/ | \l / |____________/ :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: :: :::::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::::::: ::: :::.:: :::: ::: :::..:::::::: ::: :::: o n w i t h t h e s h o w ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::: _ /___ respect goes to relief. (and webster too!) /___________________________________________________________________ /___ denmark is a huge country eh? /___ ______ _________________ ________ /_____/ ______________ ________ _____________ _ / / __________ _ / ______/___ _/ _ \__ /_______/_ /___ / /_______/ _____/ /________/--------/------------/-----------/_______/----------/ --------/ck _ /___ respect goes to wasted. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ so much for mad skilz eh. /___ ______| ck ________ _________ ___________ / |_____ ____ ____________ ___/______ _/__ _ /__/ _/ _/------/--\__ /________ / ___/ /_______/ __ _______________/-----/_______/ ----------/-------/ ----------/----/________. | | _ /___ respect goes to dino. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ never ever let him talk to your girlie. /___ _________ _____ :::::::. / / /____/ ::: ::::: _______/ /__________ ____________ :: .:::: ::::: / _ / /__/ _ \__ : :.: ::::: /------\________/__________/-------/___________\::....:::: ck :: ::::::: :: _ /___ respect goes to shoch-g. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ one of my first real heroes. /___ ___________ ___________ _______ ________/ / \ _____/_____ /______ ________________ ___________ / ___/ \_________ / _ \__ __ / ________/ _ / -----------/-----/__________/-------------/-------------------/________/ _______________ ___________ _________ \ _ /_ _ / _______/__ \_______\ / /______/___ _______/_ ---------------/-------------/ ----------/ ck _ /___ respect goes to mexx. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because he's cool. /___ _____________ _______________ ______________ _ / _______/ __ \ ______ __/ _ _ /__ /______/___ / /_ \ /_ /-----\----\________\------------/ -----\_______________/--------\ck _ /___ respect goes to satans fire. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ have fun, even without roadhogz. /___ ___________ ___________ ___________ __/_ __________ __________ \ ______/____---\_ / ___/--\_ /_/ _ /__ \_______ /----/_______/--------/------/______/-----/_________\ ---------/ _____ _________ /____/ _______________ / ___/___ ______ ___________ _ / _/ _______/ / _ \__ /_______/ /--------/ __________/_______/-------/ --------/ck :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: :: :::::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::::::: ::: :::.:: :::: ::: :::..:::::::: ::: :::: s o m e w e i r d b r e a k ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::: _ , и ,и#_цбm_ humm, guess i had to #бmЦбJиLии_ииии&Е_ i'm dead? feeling dumb __ ииWиииииииииЕЦиииK fill this colly with some qииKииNииииииииииии### when i dont know what уииииииииииииииииииK0 dope-talk, so here goes. ЕЦиииииииииииииииииииK will happen, and what if Цииииииииииииииииии#иии (btw, this is my first JиииииииииииииииибА Jи## the answer is, that i will ЦиMииииииииииииP"_цоJии iff2asc produced using #ЌJиииЖЖЖАААЏ ,иии 7био never know? makes me wish " Жии# __** ЌбP Ц иL cyber_pcx2asc_2000 (tm) :) JиииL 0иии @ иF to live in the future. J#ЖиQ "А" _ ЦД иL uh, that dune thing is JQ иMK 0б# _цK и1 freeze me down until " #оЖбmЕ*___цц#" ЖQ still fucking me up. wondering, 0Q ЌААM@А5F ck " year 10000. makes me `# # 7о ц# how will i know what will happen ЕmЕЕЕ# JNЕциFJL wonder, what is it like to JF~ААА&__#"Џ JF when i'm like dead and stuff? JL Ќб# JF be frozen down? will i # ,ц JF and, how will i know if i will Жо и Ќ1 JF be consious for 8000 years jL # # JL know what will happen when Ц # # Q without being able to move? Ц # # 0 :::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ::::::: ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :: :: :::::::::::: ::::: :: ::::::::::::: ::: :::.:: :::: ::: :::..:::::::: ::: :::: o n w i t h t h e s h o w ::: :::: ::: :::: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :::: _ /___ respect goes to twisted. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ groovy peeps. /___ ____ ________ ________ /___/ ________ _________ _________ / / ___/_ /_ _/\ --------/_______ ____/___ __/_ _ /____/ / /__ ___/ / \ / /_______ / ___/ /_____/_ __ / /--------/-----/\_______/_______/ck--------/-------/ -----------/---/______/ _ /___ respect goes to save our souls. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ hi to xcz and wise-k. /___ ___________ _____________ \ _____/___ ____________ __________ _ / \_______ /---\__ /-----\ / / _/___ ---------/------/_______/------/_______/------------/ ________________ _________ ___________ \ __ /------\ \ _/ __ \__ \______\-----/-------/________/_______/--------/ __________ __________ __________ / _____/___ ____________ ck _________ / \ ____/_____ /_________ / __ /------\ \ /_____ ______ / ----------/------------/-------/________/-----------/----------/ _ /___ respect goes to mo'soul. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ the legend. hoho. /___ ........................ : _ : _ ______________ : `-' : )/ __\ _ _ \__ : / /-----\----\________\ : ________ : ck __/ _____/___ _____ ________ __________ \_________ / \ \ /__ --------/ _ -------/_______/-----------/ : `-' : :......................: _ /___ respect goes to katharsis ascii. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ the pc legend. yew to the whole posse. /___ _________ _______/ /_______ _________ _______ \ / ___/ _/_ _____/__ __________ __/________ __________ _/ _ /_ ____/______ / ---\__ /_ ______ / ________/ /______/________/------/------------/ ------/_______/----------/--------/ ck _ /___ respect goes to wu-tang clan. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ drive-by-MR-shootings is our bizz. heh. /___ /\ ______/ \_________ _________ ____ \ / \ /-----\ \ \__ \_ \-----/\________/------/________/ck /__/ _________ _______________ __/_ _/_ __________ __________ _ / /__ __/---\__ /_ _\ _ \___ _____\ /_ /_________/-------/_______/-----/_________/-----------/ _ /___ respect goes to remorse. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because they're cool. /___ _______________ ____________ _ / ____________ ______________ ___________ _\ _ \__ / _/__ / _ _ /___ __ / _ \_ /_______/-------/----------/----\----\_______\----------/______/-------/ ___________ ck _____________ \ ______/____ _ / \___ / /_______/ --------------/---------/ _ /___ respect goes to style. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because they're cool. /___ __________ __________ _______ _____________ \ ____/______ _/__ /___ __________ _ / \_________ / ___/_____/_ /_ /_ / __/__ ----------/---------/-------------/----------/------------/ck _ /___ respect goes to jedi arts. /___________________________________________________________________ /___ just because they're cool jedis. /___ _________ ______ _________ ________ / / /_____/ / / _ / _____/ /________ __/ / / __/__ __ / / /----------/-----------/----/_______/________/ck __________ _________ ____________ ______________ _/ _/__ __/____ /-----\__ /__\ __ \_ _____/___ / \-------/_______/________/---------/--------/---------------/ цц, __И a f t e r w o r d ____ циибиииич______цциииииииr sos, ja!, pls, aod, бииииицЕЕ_ииииииииииииииииииЖЖ"""" if someone knows, _И ЕЕ?иииииииииииииииииииииии&_ inq, #ascii & #dkscene. jиииЦиибииииииииииииииииииииииииицц_ please do tell! ииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииц_И personals to: jииииPииииииииииииииииииииииииииии"би&Ж credits to: ЦиииP_ииииииииииииииииииииииииииииииЌиич chromatiq, nightsky, ЖиииJииииииииииииииииииииибииииииииибZииF mortimer twang ЌЖЖЦииииииииииииииииибб~ иииииииииибииF mrmox, x-con, heka, цииииииииииибббЖЖ" _цЌ~ ЦииииииииMбииЙ for the iff2asc ииииииииии2 /"иm mиииииии@ Ќбии gluester, zinko, ice, ЌиииииииииииZЖp- " иииииии@ Jии, manga artwork, Jиии"бииииииИ _ ииииии",w_ ЌЖЖ~ enzo, morbid, gollie, Ќ"~ ЌЖЖЖиии&_ИЏ~Џ И ЦибPиЖ>Ќ и poskgubbe for the ЌM@ЖЖЖц_zЖ~_цF--Ќ mL speedy_g, hooligan, ЕP """" _И ЌбИ kts-logo, hiro protagist ио Ќи __j* luxor, stone, patri, иЄ Y ЉMt/dS!_иrЖЖF for the planetlove logo. иFmF "иF и tinyz, morbid angel, JиЦ~ иF Ќ& greetings to: jбF Єи Жч deature, drone, MP бцЕ Жч hos, m's, -t-, kts, rms, ц" Jи]б, "Е locutus and signe. ." ЖЙЖЖ Ќ _______ ______ ___________ __/_ /_ /___ _ / /___ __/ _ \__ / __/__ /-------/-----/_______/---------/ ________ _________ / / / _ / __________ _____/ / / / __/__ _ /__ __ / /-----------/---/_______/---/_______/ck . .: . . : : . . . : . ... .. . . you've been watching, . : : :::::::::::::::::: : : : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : -prototype- ascii art. . : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : -by- cyberkid/kts!asc. : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . -on- his new p100. : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :::::: .... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : . -with- technical editor. : :::::: :::: ....... ........ .... ::::::::: . :::::: :::: ::::: ::::::' ::: :::::::: : . -total_of- 700 lines. . : ::::: ::: '''' '''' :::: :::::::: . : :::::: :::::: ''' ::::::: ::::::: : -contact_him_on- . :: .. ... ::::::::::: ....... : ... .. ... email : dat96x07@it.vejlehs.dk .. . . .. . .. .. .. snail : soren_d, denmark . . . . . . . ck .. bbs : skytower, planetlove irc : us-effnet as cyberkid or cybeer (irc.homelien.no or something) -food_support- the absolute last x-mas-tuborgs we had. -music_support- me & my (jihaa), lotsa old trip-hop records and some wicked background roaring from my synths. -requests- 'cyberkid', 'planetlove', 'klan' and 'soultrain'. -last_words- peace-luv-out, cyberkid (01-25-97, 11:16 PM) (i had it 0-min :)