.                                                              .
 .....|.. .  ...                                            ...  . ..|.....
 |::::|                                                              |::::|
 |::::| aBHO                                                         |::::|
 ______     __          _____     ____  _ ___ _  __ _ ________  __    __  :
_)     \_ _/ (_______ _/  __/___  \   \ _____ (__) \\_)  ._  (_  (____) \ .
\     ·  ))   _     (_)  _)    /  _\   \\   (_   _  \_   l/  _/_      _  \_
 \_    \ \ _  (_     /      _/.._.__  /_ .__/  _)   .)___\     \_    )   .)
  /_______\/___/  _ /__________||_|-(_____|_  __\____|--/________/________|
 ......      /_____/  -[tHE yARD]-          \/ -[100% lEGAL!]-  /    ......
 |::::| [sTAFF]        - sANE2 - rEZiNE - diPSWiTCH -        [sTAFF] |::::|
 |::::| [gROUPS] - dKB uHQ - sOiA gHQ - wX wHQ - ddB sUPP - [gROUPS] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT1]       - 36k6 - +49.221.9348812 - 36k6 -      [sLOT1] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT2]       - iSDN - +49.221.9348812 - iSDN -      [sLOT2] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT3]       - iSDN - +49.221.9348812 - iSDN -      [sLOT3] |::::|
 |::::| [tELNET] - 3 sLOTS - theyard.dyn.ml.org - 3 sLOTS - [tELNET] |::::|
 |::::| [fiLES]  - aMiGA - aNSi'n'aSCii - gRAFFiTi - mODS -  [fiLES] |::::|
 ·····:·· ·      -[tHiS iS gERMANY'S gRAFFiTi bOARD nO.1!]-      · ··:·····
 - -- · - -------------------------------------------------------- - · -- -

                    /\       a d d i e s   a b o v e       /\
                    ¯¯                                     ¯¯

 .                                                        .......
 .                                                        ::::::::
 ·                                                        ( oo ·::
 .     You cant fuck with those in the major leagues!     / <    )
 |                                                       /  -   //
 ·                            .     _,____,_ .  ________(__..__/\_______
 .                                  \_____  )`-/___       \ ___./       \
 |                            ·         \`\=_\---\______   \//\/   (__   \
 |                            :          ¯¯`          /_    (       _\    >
 |                           :::                        \    \     / \___/
 |     .                    :::::                 ©hP!   \   \\_  / _/   )
 |    .:                  .:::::::.                      (\____/_/) `////
 |   :::...............  ............  ................  / ...............
 |   ::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::· : :::::::::::::::
 |   ::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::.:::::'  : :::::::::::::::
 |   ::: ::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::::. : :::::::::::::::
 | <-----:::::::::::::::--------------------------:::::::-`.::::::::::::::'-.
 |                            <-------------------:::::::-------------------'
 |                                                 :::::
 |     hiro protagonist of..                        :::
 |                                                   :
 |                                                   ·
 |                                                   .
 |                               dAVE?                                     .
 |     __/
 |     \  x                                                                ·
 |   nO  \ _\                                                              :
 |    sTR\/AW! _______         ________                                   .:
 |          ___\_    /___ _____\      /                                  .::
 |         _\   /   /    _\    /  ___/_                        .  . ....::::
 `------- /    /   /    /    _/   \___/// ----------------------------------.
   _____ /    /   /    /     \     /____________________                    |
 _)    /_\____________/\__________/_\                   (_ · wU-tRANK! ·    |
 \____________ _ _____ _ ________________________________/        _____     |
                _\  _/___   _________  _______  __________  _____/    /     |
         ©hP!  /   _____/___\  _____/__\___   \_\____     \_\  _/  __/_     |
              /    \      /    \  /     _     /     /     /    \      /     |
 .---------- /     /     /     / /     /     /     /     /     /     / -----'
 |          \\__________/\____//\\__________/\____/     /\____/     /
 |                                               /_____//    /_____//
 |     the wu-trank clan and..
 |                                                                         .
 |                     wHAT aRE yOU dOING dAVE?
 |                                                       \__               ·
 |                                                      X  /               :
 |                                                    /_ /nO              .:
 |      __________           ____________              oHjAY!            .::
 |     _\        /___________\           \   _________         .  . ....::::
 `---- |        /       /     \\          \__\ ______/____ -----------------.
       |      _/      _/__    /____________/_____         \_  · kTS!aSC ·   |          |
 .---- |      \           \           |         /          / ---------------'
 |     l_______\\          \__________|       _/         //
 |              \___________/    ©hP! l_______\__________/
 |     katharsis!ascii presents his fifth ascii colly..
 |             _/\__
 |·             X                                      oH mUH gAWD
 |:         nO/'mO                                  iTS fULL oF sTARS
 |:           nIC/OLE!
 |::::.... .  .
                                  nO\ X|sTARS!
                                    /_ | \
                        _    .         .
                    /\ (_) o           |
              __.  /__\                :      - -----------.
          ___/  |_        tIGAH sTYLE! ·   .......         |
          \__  __/......... .  .       ____:    .:......   |
           /   \.......:_______  ______\___ \   ...    :   |
         _/     :     \:   ___/__\_  _____/  \_  :     :   |
         \___   :\_    :   \____   \_\   _____/  :     :   ·
            /___:_/    :\______/    \ \__/ :.....:     :
                :......:____ /_______\      _____:.....:
              .      __\  _/______/  |____ /     /... ©hP!
              |     _\_______  \_   __/  _/     /   : _______
              |    |      __/   /   \    \_____/  __:_\_    /
              |    |______\____/     \      \_    \ :  /   /_
              |               \___    \______/    / : /___/  |
              `----------- -     /_____/   :     /__:____   _|
                                       .   :        :  /____\
                                       |   :........:
                   niggas on the left  |
                    rag shit to death  |
                   hoods on the right  |
                    wow for the night  |
                    punks in the back  |
                  come on and attract  |
                                       |  to what?
                    clan in the front  |
                  let your feet stomp  |                         .
                                       |                         .
                                       :                         .
         ______________                ·       __         .   . .·. .   .
        _\____        /_____________________ _(__ __   ___ ___   :
       |    _/      //___        /___         _\ (__\_(___(__/_  :
       |    \_______/  _/     __/   /_______/_                   :
.--->> |__________|____\_______\_____________/ <--©hP!-----------'
|  For those of you who couldn't already tell, I'm Hiro Protagonist of Trank
|  and Katharsis, this is my fifth ascii colly, and it's called Tiger Style.
|  And no, I'm not obsessed with oJ or 2oo1, I just needed space filler.
|  Although the idea of oJ staring in a remake of 2oo1 is bizarre, but I
|  digress from my original point.. which was this is a colly.. spark a spliff
|  and trip as I flip and kick on the ascii tip.. This colly was originally
|  called shaolin seven, but that was a pain in the ass to do logos for. Alot
|  of you may have not seen my work before, or seen much of it. I'm part of the
|  pc-ascii wave which started back in '94 (although I first started doing
|  ascii way back in '89.. but that seems a world away now). With the growing
|  melding of ibm and amiga scenes I look forward to a future where all that
|  matters is the artwork, not the machine it's done on.. peace out.
|                                      .
                ...................... | ....................
                :                      |                    :
 (  t h i s   h a s   b e e n   t h e  ·  i n t r o d u c t i o n   t o  )
                .       ________                            .
          __ __ __ ____/      _/______________   ________  __________
          \_\\_\\_\\_        _)_______\  ____/___\ _____/ _\ __     /
                    /       /       /    \_    /   __)___/   \/____/
                  _/      _/      _/      /  _/    \   _/       \_
          _______   ____/    __/___     ______     ________
        __\ ____/___\_      /     /____/     /    _\ _____/
       _\________    /     /___  /    /   __/____/   __)___
     _/         /  _/       _/      _/    \    _/    \     \_ __ __ __

 (          n o w   o n   w i t h   t h e   d a m n   i n d e x          )
                .                                           .
                :                                           :
                        (  f  i  l  e  _  i  d  s  )
                .                                           .
 <----------- - |       o1 - Revival Literature             | - ----------->
                |       o2 - Funky Software Writers         |
        ·       |       o3 - Ganja Digest                   |       ·
                |       o4 - Katharsis!Ascii                |
        .       |       o5 - Higher Mental Plane            |       .
        :       |       o6 - Fongu                          |       :
   . .. : ..... |       o7 - Impulse                        | ..... : .. .
        :       |       o8 - Quad-P                         |       :
        ::::::: |       o9 - Quad-P (IBM CHARSET)           | :::::::
             :: |       1o - Artcore                        | ::
         ....:: |       11 - Whale                          | ::....
         :      :       12 - Contra                         :      :
         :      ·                                           ·      :
         :                                                         :
         :                 (  l  o  g  o  s  )                     :
         :      .                                           .      :
         ·      |       o1 - Phone Losers of America        |      ·
                |       o2 - Wicked                         |
         .      |       o3 - ModemLand                      |      .
             .  |       o4 - Seven Eleven Connection        |  .
                |       o5 - ModemLand                      |
             ·  |       o6 - The Inmost Sanctum             |  ·
             .  |       o7 - ModemLand                      |  .
             :  |       o8 - The Next Dimension             |  :
     ........:  |       o9 - Maestro                        |  :........
     :       :  |       1o - Sparr                          |  :       :
     ·  __...:  |       11 - Anabel                         |  :...__  ·
     ___\/_     |       12 - Jolene                         |     _\/___
    \\  /\/     |       13 - Trank Infofile                 |     \/\  //
      \/  :     |       14 - Gimme a White Line             |     :  \/
       ...:     |       15 - Weird Robot                    |     :...
  . ...:..:     |       16 - Iniquity Menu                  |     :..:... .
       :        |       17 - Pcboard                        |        :
       :::      |       18 - Rules                          |      :::
         :      |       19 - System Password                |      :
         :      |       2o - HPAVC/T                        |      :
         .      |       21 - IBM-PC                         |      .
                |       22 - Ascii                          |
              . |       23 - Ansi                           | .
                |       24 - Help                           |
              · |       25 - Jedi Arts                      | ·
              : |       26 - Arclite                        | :
             .: |       27 - Ami-Wall                       | :.
            .:: |       28 - Disembodied Voices             | ::.
  .  . ....:::: |       29 - Confs                          | ::::.... .  .
                :       3o - Enygma                         :
 <----------- - ·                    #                      · - ----------->
                .                   ###                     .
                :                  ¢###Þ                    :
           _    |                  #####.                   |   _
           ¬qw_                   ¢#####Ñ                    _ùw"
            ¬##æ_                 Ø######L                 sµ##
              9##ѵ_              4######Þ              _æd#Ø°
               ¬0###æw_           Ø######P           _wW###@¬
                 "H####æ_         Ø######L         _æ####H°
                  ¬¶#####Ww_      #######þ      _gW#####K   .
                .   'N######w_   ¬#######P    _w######H`    |
                |    ¬¶#######p   d######K   g######ØK      |
                |      ¬M######Wµ ¶#####ع jW######M"       |
                |        "N######&¶######\æ######@"
                |         ¬7######b#####\d#####@F  who the hell did this??
                |            °0####W###5#####0"             it's fly.. =]
           ¬¬°7Æ@@M############HØP9¯ #¹ ¬9Æ#M############M0#@Y°¯¨
                    ¯¬¬¬¬""""¬"'    dF      ¯"""""""¨¨¨¯"¯¯
                 ^                 .#L                      .
                .                 ¯¯¬""                     |
                |                                           |
                `---- - ---(  aND sO iT bEGINS!  )--- - ----'

  shaolin shadowboxxing and the wu-trank sword style.. if what you say is
 true, the shaolin and the wu-trank could be dangerous.  do you think your
                       wu-trank sword can defeat me?

                engarde, I'll let you try my wu-trank style!

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o1]--.
          |  Revival Literature / Req: MisterE<rVL> (new pack??) |

               R E V I V A L   L I T E R A T U R E
            ....._\________   .... _/___  ______/_.
            : ..:__\___   «\__:__: /  «/__\   «/..:...
            :.:./  ___/  ___/\   \/     /     /___:_ :
            ××:/   \_     \ ¯¯   /     /     /     /.:
            ../_____/     /___  /  ___/___  /     /×××
            : ©hP! /_____/  \______/    \________/:×××
            :..................:  [ XX/96 ]  :....:×××

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o2]--.
          |  Funky Software Writers / Req: Raw Toxic<fSW>        |

             _:____________________ _ _______  ____:_
              |    _________/ ____/___.    ./_/_   |
            ==|   _______/_\________  |   //   /   |===
              |       .\           /  |   /   /.   |
              l___     \\____         |___  _//    |

            they're funky they used this without my tag


                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/__
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o3]--.
          |  Ganja Digest / Props: Evilive<gANJA>                |

             [*]- gANJA dIGEST -[*]   .\:/.  #XXX
              ______    ______   _____.\|/.___ ______ __
            _/  ____)__(____  \_(___   \|.(__ (____  \\/
            \   \__     / _/   \_  /  __/__/   / _/   \_
            \\__  /    /__\     /_/   \   /   /__\     /

            +----»gANJA dIGEST»------------------------+

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o4]--.
          |  Katharsis!ascii / Props: Tinyz<kTS!ASCII>           |

             ______  _____________ _ ____   ________   .
            |      |/      /     /____\__)_/ ______/_ -:-
            |     _/    __/    ______/____\_______   \ |
            |     \      \      \      \         /    \|
            |      \      \_     \_     \_     _/      \_
            -[· kATHARSIS! pRESENTS ·]------------©hP!-'
            ------------------------------------------ -

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o5]--.
          |  Higher Mental Plane / Req: Hooptie<aCID?>           |

            h_______        m   _________  p   ______
            _\   __/____   ____\\_   ___/ _____\_    \
            |    \__    \ _\     /  /  \ _\     /    \\
            |      /    \\|     /  /    \|    _/       \_
            |    _/       l____/  //     l   \\_________/
            l___\\_________\ \___/________\_______\ ©hP!
                [·  Higher Mental Plane Issue XXX  ·]

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o6]--.
          |  Fongu / Req: Ewheat<tRANK>                          |

            _ ___ ________ _______________________ ______
             ____/___     \_  _____ ______ _____  /     /
            _\ _____/__    //_\_   \_ ___/__    |/     /.
            |   ______//  /    /    / \__   |   /     / |
            |     \      /    /    //   /   | _//    /  |
            |      \____/____/    /  __/    |_\_____/___|
            |_______/ ©hP! \_____/___\______| fONGU! #XXX

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o7]--.
          |  Impulse / Req: Nivenh<fIRE> (new TT ascii soon)     |

              _____    ________    __________
             \\____)  _\__  __/_ __\__      /
              /     \/    \/    \____/    // impulse bbs
            _/       \     \_   /_________/ version X.XX
            \_____    \_____//    \_   \_ author: nivenh

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o8]--.
          |  Quad-P / Props: Quad-P Ascii Division               |

                ______  [ quad-p XX-96 ]  ____   ______
            .  _\___  \____ __  _____ ____\__ \__\___  \_
            | /«  //  __  //  \_\___ \_«  __/__/ ___/  »/
            |/   //   / _//   / ___/  / _//  \_) \_____/
            /   / \  /  \/  __  \/  __  \/   /    /   |
            \___\  \/_______/_______/_______/_____\   |
            |©hP!\  »/    ..the XXXXX period..        |

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[o9]--.
          |  Quad-P (IBM CHARSET) / Props: Quad-P Ansi Division  |

             Quad-P XX/96 Periodical..
            ÚÄÄ Ä ÄÄÄÄ:ÄÄÄ Ä ßÛÛÛ Ä©hP!Ä ÄÄ¿
            ÛÛÛÛÛ²°²ÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ²°²ÛÛ ÛÛ²°²ÛÛÛÛÛ
            ²ÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ²ÛÛÛÛ²
                   ..Released on ModemLand!

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[1o]--.
          |  Artcore / Props: Manta<aC!>                         |

                   ________ ________                __
             _____(____    Y   _____)_____         _\/___
             \    __       ¦   \         / aRTCORE \/\ »/
              \   \    ____¦____        / pRESENTS!   \/


                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[11]--.
          |  Whale / Props: Misfit<wL!> (thanks for the file_id) |

            ___ /\ _____ ___      _ __________. wHALE!
               // \    /  _/____. _______.    | ________
              /____\  /    _    |_\___   |    |_\__    /
            \ .      /|_   |    |    /  _|    |_  /___/_
             /__/\__/  /___|____|_____._\ ____ /_______/
            /__ ©hP! ----------------------------------.
              /      <  wHALE pROUDLY pRESENTS  >      ¦
             ·                                         ¦
            - -----------------------------------------'

                _________ _     __ .
                 / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
                (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_
          .------ _ __) -------- _ __) --©hP!--------------[12]--.
          |  Contra / Props: Everybody in cONTRA!                |

             _______ ________ ______ ____  ________ __
            _\  ___/_______  \____  \_   |____    /   \
            \   \      /  /   /  /   /   _/ _/ __/    \\
             \___    //__    /__/   /_   |__\   \______/


             you've been lucky, I wish I'ld got you last time.

                        ...···''           ''···...
                   .··'''                         ```··.
                .·''                                   ``·.
              .·'                                         `·.
             :'  .··:::...                       ...:::··.  `:
           .:' .     `:::::::..   .     .   ..:::::::'     . `:.
          .:'          ``::::::::·'     `·::::::::''          `:.
         .:                `````           '''''                :.
         :'                                                     `:
        ::                    ..···········..                    ::
        ·:                 .·''  :::::::::  ``·.                 :·
        `:.              .:'     :::::::::     `:.              .:'
         `:.            :'       :::::::::       `:            .:'
          `:.          :         :::::::::         :          .:'
            ·:        :          :::::::::          :        :·
             `:.     ·           :::::::::           ·     .:'
               `·.               :::::::::               .·'
                 `·..            `:::::::'            ..·'
                    ``··..                       ..··''

     you're worthy of a general.  if you want to fight, fight with me.
                           one to one, man to man.

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o1 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  PLA / Props: Roy Gerbil<pLA>     |

                                                           . ...
        ______.                                     . .......  :
       _\     |...........................................  :  :
  _____|__  __|____  ________   _______   __________     :  :
__\___    \ \___   \/  ___   \__\___   \__\___     /     :  :
|   _/     \_  /    \_  \/    \_   /    \_   /____/_     :  :
|   \_______/_/_____ /________ /__/_____ /________ /     :
|      |_____ ©hP! \/        \/        \/        \/      :
|_     |    /_     have you ever molested a gerbil?      :
 /_____|    _|______  _______    ________________________:_ (( YOU WILL! ))
    |      /  ___   \_\ ____/____\___     /   ______/ ____/__
    |     /    \/    \______   \_   /____/_    \ _\_______   \_
    |     \__________ /________ /________ /_____\____________ /
    |________|      \/        \/        \/                  \/
                       ·  o  f     a  m  e  r  i  c  a  ·

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o2 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Wicked / Req: Bitstream<wICKED>  |

    ______    /     | wicked!ascii   _______ _ ____________  _______
   |      \/\/      | _____ _____   |      /_________     /__\___   |
...|      / \\      |_\____)   _/___|___  /     /   /____/_  ___/   |...
:  |     /    \     |      \   \        |     _/_          | \|     |  :
:..l____/      \____|       \_          | _      \_________l        |..:
       /________\ _ _________/__________l \       \©hP!|____________l

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o3 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Modemland / Req: My own fat ass  |

         _________     ________       _____    _________     _________
     .___\______ /_____\__     \______\__  \___\__     / .___\______ /_
     |      /  /   \    _/      \_    __/   \_   /____/__|      /  /   \
     l_____/  /     \___\        /    \______/___         \____/  /     \_
              ________      _________   _________  ©hP!  _____
             _\    __/______\____    \__\____   /________\__  \
             |     \__    \   __/     \     /     \      __/   \_
             l_______/     \__\_       \___/       \_    \______/

                              ·[ 3O6-652-4359 ]·

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o4 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  7-Eleven / Req: Nitrogen<tRANK>  |

                Cash flow getting low so I had to pull a job
           I found a nice place to visit but a better place to rob
      I left my car outside and the engine still revvin'
 Time to get busy at 7 Eleven   ._______
  ____  ______  ____  _  _______|      (_  ______________________  ____ _____
 _\ _/__________\ _/_    \      |      _/__          ____   ____ __)  __)   /_
_|__          |  ___/_____\__   |    __\ _/_ ©hP!  __\  /___\_ /_\__  \__    |
|   \         |  \          |   |    |  ___/_______|  \/     /   | |    |    |
|    \________|   \_________|   |    |  \          |        /    | |    |    |
|______/      |_____/       _\__    /|   \_________|_______/     | |____|____|
_ ________________________  \  /   / |_____/  _________  \_______|  __________
                             \/\  /
 And I went inside to make my   \/ withdrawl
      I saw what he had had but I had to take it all
           Knucklehead deli tried to gyp me on the price
                So I clocked him off the turban with the bag of ice

                 · the seven eleven connection / usr 288OO ·
         · located somewhere in the 9O5 / lyrics by the beastie boys ·

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o5 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Modemland / Req: Nobody          |

            ................... .   _______   ( modemland )
           _:_________  ______  ____\_    /_______  ___________
          _\____     /__\     \/   __/   /_\_    /__\____     /
         /   / /    /    \    /    \    /   /___/_    / /    /
        /_  /_/__ //\_____\ //\_____\ //______\  /_  /_/__ //
      <---\/:----\/--------\/-_____  \/        \/  \/     \/ . _______
            :                _\   /     _________ ___________:_\_    /
            :  trank whq    /   _/______\____   /_\___    /   __/   /
            :  kts!a whq   /    \    /     _/  /     /   /    \    /
            :  suave whq  /______\ //\_____\ //_____/_ //\_____\ //
            :  quadp whq          \/--------\/--------\/-©hP!:--\/-->
            :                                                :
            :....( +1-100110010-1010001100-1000100000111)....:

           >> that's +1-306-652-4359 for the binary impaired <<

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o6 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  TIS / Req: Stygian<qUAD-P>       |

        _____     _ _________    ______          _/\____ _
       _\  _/________________)___\ ___/________ __/\__
.------|     _______//__      _\\________     /-\ OO //---------------------.
: ©hP! |     \_        /      \_       _/    / //_\/_\ (the inmost sanctum) :
`---:--l______/       /________/_______\____/-----\/------------------------'
    ·        \_______/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o7 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Modemland / Req: Nobody          |

   _______  _____  ______  ______   _______  _____   ______  ______  ______
_:_\__ __/__\ _ /__\___  \_\ ___/_._\__ __/__\  _/___\  __/__\___ /__\___  \
 |   | |   \_ |   \_  |   \_  _)  \_  | |   \_  |   \_  |   \_  |   \_  |   \_
 |   |_|    / |    /  |    /  |    /  |_|    /  |    /  _    /  |    /  |    /
 |___| |__ /_____ /______ /______ /___| |__ /______ /___|__ /___|__ /______ /

 ModemLand is looking for a good amiga ascii group to support as Canadian HQ!


         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o8 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  TND / Props: Bitstream<wICKED>   |

     ______ ______                                           _________  _______
 ___/      _\ ___/_____ ________    ___________ ________   __\      _/_/      /
 \_       /   \_      /_\_     /  __\__       /_\_     /  _\  \   __\_       /
  /      /     /     /   /____/__/    /      /   /____/__/    _    \_/      /
_/     _/     /    _/          _/    /     _/          _/     /    _/      /
\______\_____/_____\___________\____/______\___________\     /_____\______/
         ________                                   ©hP!\___/
    _____\_     /______ ______________ ________    ___________ ________
   /    __/    /_\____/_\_____       /_\_     /  __\__       /_\ _____/__
  /     /     /      /    /  /      /   /____/__/    /      /_______   _/__ _
_/     /    _/     _/    /  /     _/          _/    /     _/       /  (___ _
                                                 ______ _________   ___________
         [· the next dimension ·]           _ ___\____/_\__      \__\__       /
     [· wicked ushq / gen-x member ·]     _ ___)     /    /      /    /      /
 [· +1-718-761-7461 / sysop: bitstream ·]   _/     _/    /     _/    /      /

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ o9 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Maestro / Props: Maestro<nATION> |

                                  _\                               /_
 _______  ______________ _        ¦              _ _______________  ¦
 \_____ \/ ______________  _______¦___   _ __________.______     /__¦_____
  /    \  /    \/        \_\___      /________      _|_   _/ ___/    _    \_
_/      \/      \        \\   /_____/_\__ ___/______ _/   \    \     /     /
\________\       \_ _______\____________/______    / |_____\    \_________//
   ©hP!/__________/           _ __¦______     /   /  |   /_______\  ¦
                                  ¦      \_______/___|              ¦
   sTEVE.. sTEVERINO..            ¦                                 ¦
     tHE sTEVENATOR..             ¦_  · mAESTRO< nATION & iCE > ·  _¦
 mAKIN' tHE mODEMLAND aSCIIS.. ;)  /_______________________________\

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 1o ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Sparr / Props: Sparr<kTS!aSC>    |

            ___________ _________   ________   _________   _________
  _  _.__ _/ _________/_\_____   \__\____   \__\_____   \__\_____   \_ _._  _
      :  _\____      \      _/    /   __/    /     _/  __/     _/  __/  :
      | /     /       \_   ______/    \_     \_    \     \_    \     \_ |
      | \______        /____\   \______/      /____/      /____/      / |

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 11 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Anabel / " mmm.. yummy "         |

                      _  _
         /\        ((( `` )))         /\        /\   (( rock my heart ))
  .____ /  \ _________\  /__________ /  \ _____/  \  ___________________.
  |    //   \  ________\/________   //   \  ______ \/ ________ _____    |
  |   /      \_\ ___  /__\ ___  /__/      \_\ __ /____\__    /_\  _/____|
  |  /        \    /    /    /    /        \   ___   /  /___/__   \     /
  | /          \__/____/____/____/          \_______/_________/________/|
   /____________\ _____________ /____________\ ©hP!_____________________|

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 12 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Jolene / my blunted homegirl     |

          ________ _________  ________  _______    _________  _______
  .------ \_     (_)   _    \_)     _/ _)   __/_ __\_____   \_)   __/_ -----.
  |  ______|      |    |     \_     |__|__   ___)___    /    \_    ___)___  |
  | _)     |_     |   _|      /    _|    (_  _|    (_ _/      /    _|    (_ |
  | \        \    |   \      /    /       / /       / \      /    /       / |
  |  \________\   |____\____/|   /_______/ /_______/___\____/|   /_______/  |

                          she has the body of a woman
                         she has the powers to bewitch

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 13 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  tRANK!aSCII Infofile             |

          ____/\_____   ________   ________  _________  ___\     /
       .  \___ _____/___\_____ /___\_____ /__\_____  /__\   \  _/_
     o  _   /  \____  \    __/   \    __/   \     /    \     __   \
       (_) /      l/   \   \___  /_   \_     \    \     \     \_   \
    /\   _/       /     \_    /    \_   \     \_   \     \_    /    \__
 .-/  \--\_______/       /___/      /____\     /___/      /___/       /-- -  -
 |/____\  ©hP!%%/___________/_________\%%%\___/%%%/_________\________/
_|//                       [· trank!ascii pack XX ·]
 `--------------------------[· iMPORTANT.mEMBERS ·]--------------------------.
                               founder: whodini                             \|_
            senior members: cypher hex, hiro protagonist, kaleidas           |/
                                mascot: virago                               |
 .----------------------------[· pACK.diViSiON ·]----------------------------'
\|_           asphixia <as>, black knight <bk>, bitstream <bit>,
 |//             blindman <bm>, cypher hex <ch>, cerebus <cr>,
 |                ewheat <3t>, fahrenheit <fh>, flexor <fx>,
 |            grey hawk <gh>, kaleidas <kal>, lord nitrogen <no>,
 |_         misfit <mt>, nightrain <nt>, pase <ps>, trinitron <tt>,
_|/              the masked marauder <tmm>, and whodini <wd>.
 `---------------------------[· cOLLY.diViSiON ·]----------------------------._
                 ack <4ck>, hiro protagonist <hp>, deep <dp>,              \\|
                      enigmatic <j2>, indiana jones <ij>.                    |
 .---------------------------[· aLUMNi.mEMBERS ·]----------------------------'
\|_                 asylum <ay>, cable <ca>, coleslaw <cs>,
_|/                       don croce <dc>, flick <fk>
\|                 fractal <fr>, mrkite <mk>, omicron <om>.
 `-----------------------------[· siTE.liST ·]-------------------------------.
               <WHQ>   modemland............. hiro protagonist              _|
               <USHQ>  whodini's magik....... whodini                       \|_
     *tmp dwn* <MEM>   the 7-11 connection... nitrogen                       |/
               <MEM>   the empire............ deep                          _|
               <MEM>   alien workshop........ enigmatic                    \\|
               <MEM>   enygma................ fahrenheit                     |_
               <MEM>   genotia............... black knight                  _|/
               <MEM>   pOo................... misfit                        \|
               <MEM>   the next dimension.... bitstream                      |
 .-------------------------------[· gREETZ ·]--------------------------------'
 |//           arclite   jedi.arts   katharsis.ascii   twisted
 `------------------------------[· tHE.eND ·]--------------------------------.
    you can get ahold of whodini on the trank whq, modemland - 3O6-652-4359  |_
           or on irc as wh0d in #ansi.  email is whodini@epit.ganet.net     _|/
 -  - -----------------------------------------------------------------------'

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 14 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  the Incas smoked cocaine..       |

               ________:__      :_____  ______ _____  ______  _________
               \_   _____/___  _\____ \/ ____/_____ \/ ____/__\ ______/
    dis is old  /   \__     / _\ _   \  /     /    \  /   _ /   ____/___
      shit..  _/      /  _ /   \\\    \/_____/\_____\/    //    \/   _ /
       .------\______/    \\....:\_____\------------/_____/\____/    //----.
       :            /______/            ..........             /_____/     :
  _____:_______    ________  ____  ____ :____    :___________  _________   :
  \_______    /_   \_     /_/   /__\   \/  _/_  _\    __    /__\ ______/   :
   /   __/     /    /   _/_/     /   __/     /  \_____\/   _ /   ____/___  :
 _/    \    _ /   _/    \_\_  _ /    \    _ /    :©hP!/    //    \/   _ /  :
 \_____/     \\   \________/   \\ ___/    //     :   /_____/\____/    //   :
      /_______/         /_______/   /_____/      :              /_____/    :
       :                       _________:        :____________  _________  :
       :   she's your life     \_      /:       _\______     /__\ ______/  :
       :   she's your life      /   __/_:___    \     \/    _ /   ____/___ :
       :       cocaine.       _/    \_   _ /     \____/     //    \/   _ / :
       :                      \______/    \\.....:   /______/\____/    //  :

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 15 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  some weird robot thingy..        |

                     .  . ¦
                     |  | ¦
             _ __.--------¦-.__ _
              _) _____  _____ (_
             (    )_o/  \o_(    )
              \__     /\     __/
                \_ ___¯¯___ _/
                  \\_\ //_//       anybody got a use for this or want it
                   ¯/_\/_\¯               attached to a menu/logo?
                 .   ¦  ¦
     ____  _/]___:___¦==¦__.oOo.___  ____      contact me..
    (»  (_ \     · _/¦  ¦\_       / _)  «)
     \\  /==\  ____\ _\/_ /____ //==\  //
      \_/    \_/ |  \\  //  | \_/    \_/
       ¦ ©hP!    |  \\  /   |         |
       ¦      ___|    \/    |___      |
       ¤      \ ·ÕÕÔÔ.  .ÔÔÕÕ· /      ¤
               \__ ·ÕÔÔÔÔÕ· __/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 16 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Iniq Menu / Req: Fiend<qUAD-P>   |

  . /\ __/\_______  /\ __/\_______  /\ ______  /\   /\_______   /\ ______ .
  :/ _\\______   _\/ _\\/  \__   _\/  \\_   _\/ _\ /   __   _\ /  \\_   _\:
  /   \\    \/    \\_ \\    \/    \\_  \/    \\  \\____\/    \\_   \/    \\_
__\____/____/       /__/_____\_     /___      /___/__ _/       /____\_   __/\__
\__________\_______/________\______/___\_____/________\_______/____  /   \ OO /
____________________________\    _____________    /________________________\/__
\_______________________________(_ _       _ _)_______________________________/

 <A> aUTOmESSAGE    <G> gOODBYE        <P> pAGE sYSOP      <%> nEWuSER vOTING
 <B> bBS lIST       <I> iNFOfORMS      <Q> qWKmAIL mENU    <*> sYSOP mENU
 <D> dOORS mENU     <M> mESSAGE mENU   <U> uSER lIST      </G> gOODBYE fAST
 <E> eMAIL mENU     <N> nOTE tO sYSOP  <Y> yOUR sTATS     </!> tETRIS sCORES
 <F> fILE mENU      <O> oNELINERS      <+> cHANGE pSWRD   </?> cOMMAND hELP
 _________________________________ _       _ _________________________________
/____________________________   (_____________)   ____________________________\
iniquity vO.25a             /_____________________\              coded by fiend

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 17 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  PCBoard / Req: Nitrogen<tRANK>   |

                                                    ___\_       /___
                PCBoard Version 15.22              _\  _/      /___/_____
        Clark Development Company, Inc.  1995      |   \______/ \     __/__
                 All Rights Reserved               |      |      \   (____ _
                                                   |      |___________/
    _______      ________  ________  _________ ____|__    |©hP!
   _) ___ /______)  __  /__\____  /__\___    /_    __/    |  - -----------.
 __|_     __    /    /   |   __/   |   _/   /_|    \      |    __/\__     |
_ ___)     /   /    /    |   \     |   \       \    \     |    \ OO /     |
   |__________/__________|____\    |____\_______\____\____| ---/_\/_\-----'
                               \_________ _                      \/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 18 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Rules / For tRK-dISC PCB util    |

     ____________   .___ .______._________   _______
   ._\____      /___|   \|      |  ______/__( _____/__
 ..|   __/   __/    |    \      |   ___)____________  \..tHE rULES tO eNTER...
 :.|   \      \     |     \_    |          \_     _/   \_....tHIS bOARD......:
   |____\      \___________/____|___________/_____\_____/
| In order to proceed with this logon you agree to waive the system operators |
| of this  bulletin board  of any  responsibility  for any  damages  that may |
| occur as a result  of  using this bulletin board or any  of the files found |
| in  our archives.  Furthermore, you acknowledge there exists  no system for |
| the private  transmission of email and that  your email  may be accessed by |
| anyone without your  prior consent.  All uploads to  this system must be of |
| the  public domain, and should  any files to the contrary be found you must |
| report this to  the system operators  so they may  remove the files  at the |
| soonest  possible oppertunity (as that is the final extent of our liability |
| for any material found in our archives).  If you have completely read these |
| rules   and   agree  to  these  conditions  of  access  type   YES   below. |

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 19 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  SysPW / For tRK-dISC PCB util    |

.-----------------------------------------------------\ OO /------------------.
|    _________  · bbsname ·  _________   ____________ /_\/_\ ________________ |
| __/  ______/_________   __/  ______/___\_  _      /___\/  /     __\____    \_
__\__________  \      /___\__________   \    \_____/    /__/     /      /     /
\          _/   \_  _/      /      _/    \_     \_    _/ _/    _/     _/     /|
|\_______________/      ___/______________/______/_____________\____________/ |

 This bbs is protected from unwelcome visitors by a system password. If you do
   not know the password hangup and go ask an elite, otherwise enter it now.

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 2o ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  HPAVC/T / Req: Nitrogren<tRANK>  |

                               ______________             _____
  ________      ___________ ___\___         /______      /    /_____  - -----.
  \   ___/____ _\___      /_\___   \      //_\ ___/___  /    /_\  _/_______  |
  /   \_      \    /_____/    _/    \     /    \      \/    /     ________/  |
 /_____/       \_     \_______\      \_  /______\      \_  /_______\     \_  |
  .   /_________/______/©hP!  /_______/ /     \_________/ /      \________/  |
  |                                 \  /            /____/                   |
  |                                  \/                                      |
  `--------(    h  p  a  v  c  /  t      c  o  n  f  e  r  e  n  c  e    )---'

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 21 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  IBM-PC / Req: Nitrogen<tRANK>    |

               _____ ______    ______\/______   __________ ____
             _(____/_\ __ /____\__   \/     /___\__      / ___/___
            /      |       __    /          _|__  /_____/  \      \
          _/       |        /   /    \/    (___/      \_           \_
        /\\________|___        /______\      |_________/____________//\
        ¯¯            \_______/     /________|©hP!                   ¯¯

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 22 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Ascii / Props: Nitrogen<tRANK>   |

                  /     \   _______     _______ _ ____ _ ____
                 //      \ _\ ____/___._\ ____/___.__/___.__/___.
                /         \ _______   |   \       |      |      |
               /           \      /   |    \      |      |      |
              /_____________\    /  __l     \   __l    __l    __l
                   ©hP! _ __________/ _ ________/ _ ___/ _ ___/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 23 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Ansi / Props: Nitrogen<tRANK>    |

                     /     \     ______    _______ _ ____
                    //      \ ___\___  \_._\ ____/___.__/___.
                   /         \      /    |________   |      |
                  /           \    /     |       /   |      |
                 /_____________\__/    __l      /  __l    __l
                      ©hP! _ ____/_____/ _ ________/ _ ___/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 24 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Help / Pulled from my bbs config |

            .                          _______.             .
            __/\__ _______.     _______\__    |  __________
            \ OO / \      |_____\_  _____/   _|__\__      / ·
            /_\/_\ _\     |      /   __/_____\|  __/     /  .
            : \/ _/       _     /_          /_\_ \______/   :
           \|/   \________|       \____________/    |©hP!  \|/
        |                                                          |
        |  XXXXXXXX    Blah blah blah..                            |
        |                                                          |

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 25 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Jedi Arts / Props: Shock-G<jA!>  |

          ______                    ____
         |     _|__________________|   _|_____
  _______|_    \     __    \      __   \______)  ·· ·
  \       /     \     /___/_\      /    |     |
   \____________|\___________\__________|_____|  ____
                            ____________________|_   |______  ______
                          __\_____   \     __    /   ______/__\ ___/_____
                          \      /    \     /___/     /     /______     /
                      ©hP! \_______.__|\______\ |__________/___________/

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 26 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Arclite / Props: U-Man<aL!>      |




       ________  _______    ________    _______:_       _:______ ________
   ___(_____   |_\____  )___\  _____)___\        |     |       _|__ ____/___
  /     ___/   |   __/  __/_   \       \         |     |      ____/ ___)    \
_/      \      |   \        \_  \       \_       |_    |        |   \        \_
\______________l____\________/___________/________//   |________|_____________/
                                               :.........: ©hP!

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 27 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Ami-Wall / for my PCBoard util   |

  ___________ ____________ ______
__\______   __\____  ____/__ ____) ____ __ _
\      _/   \      \/      /     |(___//_////   Ami-Wall v2.OO - beta test
 \_____\     \______\     /______| _______   ____ __________ _______ _______.
        \______/  /______/       __\  ___/__/   __\_____    _\      _\      |
                                 \    \   _/    \     _/    |       |       |
                                  \____\__\      \____\     |_______|_______|
                                           \______/    \______/©hP!

           (  Code and Design by Hiro Protagonist <tRANK!aSCII>  )

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 28 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  D. Voices / Props: FS<wICKED>    |

      _______       (  718-279-2766  )                             __/\__
______\__  _/___  ____   3 Nodes!   ________  _____      _______   \ Oo /
\    ___/ _\____)_\ __)_____________\__  __/__\ __ )_____\___   \_ /_\/_\
 \   \____|     |______    ___    /    \/    \   ____  \    /    /___\/__ ©hP!
  \_______l_   :|_____/   /  /___/______\     \___  /   \_______/_\__  _/___
>>===\     /____|==\_____/____________/________\=/_______\==\    ___/ _\____)=.
   __/\__   |__________(____/_       ··  ·       ____      · \   \____|     | |
   \ oO /   |    /___   \_    |  -/-  ___________\ __)_____   \_______l_   :| |
   /_\/_\   |   /   /    /   _|_______\___    /_______    /   _\__     /____| |
   · \/  \     /________/____\ ____/___  /___/_____  /   /   /   /____/_______|
          \___/           _/   \      /___________/_____/ · /___________/_  _/|
 Disembodied Voices! <<===\__________/====================\======\    ___/  |='
                                                                  \   \     |
 Wicked World HQ - The Dirty Dozen World HQ - Op: Fatal Sacrilege  \________l

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 29 ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Confs / Req: Nobody              |

                ...............    ..............
          _____:::::::: ::::::::_.:::::::::::::::____        .
        __\  ___/:::::: ::::\___   \:::::...._\  ___/__       \__
        \    \       /: :/     /    /::::::::_____    / __/\__  /
         \___      //:: /_____/   //::::: \___   /  //  \ Oo / ·
        ©hP!\______/::: :::::/____/::::::    \______/   /_\/_\
      - -------`:::::::.:::::::'-::::::::-----------------\/------->

             [1] Ascii        [2] Console        [3] Requests

      - ----------------------------------------------------------->

         _________ _     __ .
  _____   / . __ __  _ _( -/-  ./ __
((____/_ (_(_(_/(_/_( '(_)(_(_/(_(_/_ _  [ 3o ]                      _____
  |        _ __)          _ __)       /------------------------------\____))
  |__________________________________/  Enygma / Props: Fahbitz<tRANK>   |

      .-- ......... _\____     /   __ ______/_  fahrenheit's enygma
      |  ::::::: :::.    /  __/___/  _\ ___/___________ _ _________/_
      |  :::::::.::::___/   \    /      \___    \__  _____\___    /
      `- ::::::: ....  /_________         /        \/     __     / -.
         :::::::.::::         _/     ________/      \____________\  |
            . ..:::::  ©hP!  _\______/      /________\_             |
                               \                      \ ------------'

 wu-style is immensely strong, and when properly used is nearly invincible.

   __________ _________________ __________ _______|___      |_ _____
  _\   _____/___.______       /____      /_____      /     __/_\ __/_______
_/     \___     :    _/    __/    /_____/ _   /_____/ _    _| ___________  \
\_________/     :____\      \_____________/___________/    \________    /   \
         /______l     \______\                    |         |  ©hP!/_________\
        shouts out go to the following peeps:

          · whodini<trk> · kaliedas<trk> · nitrogen<trk> · fahrenheit<trk> ·
     · enig<trk> · tinyz<kts> · posk<kts> · sparr<kts> · u-man<al!> ·
 · shock-g<ja!> · misfit<wl!> · ranx<ja!> · scarface<edge??> ·
      · evilive<ganja> · diablo<hny> · chexbitz<trk> ·
           · hooligan<ja!> · mithrandir<qdp> ·
                  · all the other fucks ·
                         · anabel ·

                 And now some boring information..       __________.
    ___  _________  _ ________ _  ___________  _ ___ _  |          |_ __
   _\   /         \  ______     _/     _     \_      ___|___      __/  /_
   |   //          \_\ __ /_____\___   /      /_____/      /       |    |
   |  /_____________\        _     /_________/     /     //________|    |
   |_____ _     _ ____       /    /     _ ____    /      / _ ___________|
                      \__________/        ©hP!\_________/

                                ..Hiro Protagonist.

     My friends call me.......  Devin / Devo
     Date of birth, age.......  06-13-74, 21
     Where I call home........  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
     I'm affiliated with......  Trank, Katharsis, Quad-P, and Revival
     I'm using a..............  IBM compat dx2-66 that needs more memory
     Other interests..........  Music, coding, raving, hemp, and I have a
                                passion for cinematography and movies
     I used to................  Sling 'za with la cosa nostra and fuck
                                club bunnies
     Now I spend my days......  Upgrading my highschool so I can get to
                                university in British Columbia
     And my nights............  Trying to find a real love
     You can email me.........  quadp@harmony.wit.com
     Or call my voicemail.....  1-800-925-9999, ##294
     But it's best to.........  Call ModemLand @ 1-306-652-4359
     I always can use a.......  ModemLand logo, a Hiro signature, or a
                                file_id for Trank or Quad-P.. thanks
                                in advance.. =)

                      __________|   ____/___  ______ _______
               _______\_   \_   |   \  ____/__\_____)  ____/_____
             _/     /  /    /   l   _\______  :  /  \   \       /
             \_____/  /____/\___   /______      /   |\___      /
                     m u s i c   s u p p o r t   b y   . . .

       lords of acid.frontline assembly.wu-tang.method man.chef raekwon
          nitzer ebb.new order.rage against the machine.beastie boys

          and my thanks to CFCR, community radio 9O.1fm, for playing
       music people want to hear, even if it's banned from the airwaves

               hiro protagonist will return with..      ×        ¼_
                _        __________      _             /___     ___\
        .------(_) ______\__      / - --(_)-/\  ©hP!  (<   \_ _/   >)
        :        __\__     /    _/_______  /__\        \\\  / \.º //
        ·       /    /   _/    (_________)   _______    \\_/   \_//
              _/_  _/    \     /         | __\ ___ /____ \       /
              \_/__\     /\___/|         |/     __    _/_ \  -  /
                    \___/  _  _|_        |       /      /  \___/
                      - --(_)-\_/_______/_      /      /        ·
        ( mEN.iN.bLACK )               \_/____________/ _       :

                                       ______ _
                          /\        /\ \____
         .         ____  /  \  /\  /  \ _ ______                  .
              _ ______/ /    \/  \//   \     __/______ ©hP!
         :             /     /   /      \    \      _/__          :
    . ...:.....      _/     /   /        \   /\    (___//     ....:.... .
         :           \      ¯¯  ¯¯        \_ ¯¯       \_          :
         ·           \\_______/\___________/___________/          ·

            · be sure to grab these other trank!colly releases ·

HP-RSDGS.TXT P  19477  10-25-95        _..._     .
                                 .¦ .xXXXXXXXx. / ¦    -  - -------------
                                  \ XXX'_"- XXX  "nAW nAW nAW! lEMME tELL
                                  . XX' o.O `XX Ö yAH wHAT lIKE a vIRGIN
                                 /  XX       XX   iS aBOUT.."     ½   .
                                   .`X\  -  /X' .¦ ___________________ \
                                 ¦/   `\___/'  /  / __  / __  / _____/. ¦
                                 ____.-|   |-.___/  /__/ ____/___  /  ¦\
                                 Ö .°\ \___/ /. /__/  /_____/_____/
                                    .:\_/ ::::::. .:::::. .:::::. .:::::.
                                 rES  " : ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: `::...
                                 dOGS!  ° ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :.. :::
                                        ¦ ::::::' `:::::' `:::::: `:::::'
                                 ..a hiro protagonist colly!  :::   .
                                 ----------------- -  -  . ..:::'  /¦ hP!
                                      ROAD HOG THIS AND YOU WILL DIE!

HP-RSPCT.TXT P  281O7  11-10-95    //// _/_ _  _  __ /_.
                                  ( oo  (_ ( '(_\( // )
                                 .)  >ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù.
                                 : \_| ·RESPECT·FOR·DA·HOMIEZ· :

HP-FID.TXT   P  251O6  12-21-95  ······released·at·modemland_on_12-21-95······
                                      ______   ___________/_  «/ of tRANK!aSC
                                 ..../     /../«  ______   /  /...............
                                  __/     /__/_   \_______/  /    presents a :
                                  \______      \    /  /____/ file_id colly! :
                                 ./     /     «/   /..______.................:
                                 /_____/     //___/   \____/   also includes a

WD-RD2  .TXT P  53623  02-27-96  ________ _______ _____ _____________
                                 \____  /   __  /   __/__         _ /
                                 _/ _ _/_   \__/__ ___  /         //
                                 \__\    \_ _____/_____/ _________/
                                 ___ \____/___ ____   ______ ______
                                 \ _          _\__ \ _\___  \_  __/__
                                  \\        _/   /  \_   /   /  __  /
                                   \_______ \________/______/______/^2
                                  __                                 __
                                 _\/_ rES^dOG^2 bY wH0D/tRANK!aSCII _\/_
                                 \/\/ ............................. \/\/

WD-EDIES.TXT P  34729  03-21-96           ______      ______
                                   ______/     /_____/     /_____ ________
                                 _/           /     /     /     /_\___    \_
                                 \_____/     /       ____/     /     '     /
                                 wH0  /_____/_____/    \ _____/_____/     /
                                           tRANK!aSCII presents...
                                      "In This Colly... Everybody Dies"
                                          by Whodini <TRANK/SUAVE>

ACK-KOL1.TXT P  16449  03-26-96   g$Qgyy   ,gyQ$$'    a.  jaded
                                   $Ti$$$   $$Ti$$   ,$$; .gQ$ý"^$$Qy.
                                 yy$STi$$yyg`;STi$ ,g$ý',g$$$    $Ti$'
                                   $Ti$$$   ;$Ti$$g$ý'  `"ý$$    $STi
                                   `"ý$$$ý"^ýö.`$$ `$Qa, g@Q$ý"^$$Ti$
                                       `ý.  $Q@g$$  `$$$.ý$S$    $S$$
                                 trank!ascii `^"ý$' ,g$$$$;;$$,   $$$$a.
                                    presents...      ``"ý$'`^"ý$Qg$$$"$$;
                                       aCk tRk/kTs/bSc...        `"ý' `ý'
                                          a colly called "Tribute v1.o"

KAL-CRAP.TXT P  1O19O  04-19-96             /_       ______
                                 ____________/____. /     /______/ __________
                                 \         _/     |/     /      /__\___     /
                                  \        \      /     /._____/.     _    / .
                                 . \________\_____\______|______|_________/ .:
                                 :. Trank!Ascii Colly Division Presents..  .::
                                 :::.. "Crap" by Kaleidas [TRANK/BASIC] ..::::

WU-FDTD.TXT  P 1449O4  05-01-96    ___________________________________
                                  _\ _/_________ \_____ /____  /___  /__ ©hP!
                                 _\_  _____/_ _/  /_ _/   \ /    \ _/ _/_ _ _
                                 _ /   \    / \    / \    / \    / \    /_ __
                                   \____\ //___\ //___\ //___\ //___\ //
                                 ¦          » From Dusk Til Dawn «          ¦
                                 ¦    A joint ascii Colly featuring work    ¦
                                 ¦    by Hiro Protagonist and Fahrenheit    ¦
                                 ¦                                          ¦
                                 ÷------[· a wU-tRANK! pRESENTATION ·]------÷

LN-NN01.TXT  P  16659  05-03-96  ________________________ _______  ____
                                       ____    /  _      \|     | /   /
                                 )___  |  / __/  _   |  \       |/   /
                                   /___|-/___\___/---.__|\    __|\___\
                                 : Lord Nitrogen [TRANK] presents...  :
                                 :           Nitrogen's Neighbourhood :

IJ-KWBG.TXT  P  40214  05-11-96  ._______         ______      ________
                                 |       \______./     /____._\____   \
                                 |__\     \     /     /     |    |/    \
                                 Trank!Ascii Colly Division Presents...
                                        ...Indiana Jones [kTs/Trank] with

                  ..................... ...................
                ..:.     : ....:  ....:... .....:   ..     :
                :....    :     :  :...   :  ..:....  :.....:
                  :      :     :     :   :        :  :
                  :......:.....:.........:........:..: ©hP!
                   ...... ............... .....  .........
                ...:  ..:...     .:..   :...  :  :  .....:
                :  :......  :   ....:   :  :  :..:.. ..:....
                :        :  :     :..     .:  :    :       :
                :...........:.....: :.....:........:.......:

                      tiger style ends..... .  .   now.

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ    ____   /\  /\\  _____ ( wU-tRANK! )
   _\   \\/  \/  \ _\    \ ______   ___
   |     //  /    \|     \\     /_ (__//
   |   _/  _/      \_      \_     \_
      ·[ wU-tRANK tIGAH stYLE! ]·
 * an ascii colly by hiro protagonist *

                    __                                     __
                    \/       a d d i e s   b e l o w       \/

         _)¦               __               ¦(_
                   _) |             __\/__             | (_
                  _)  |             \/__\/             |  (_
                 _)  .|               \/               |.  (_
                _)   :|     /\                  /\     |:   (_
               _)    :|   _/  \   __  __  __   /  \_   |:    (_
              _)     '|_  \_   \_ )/  __  \( _/   _/  _|`     (_
             _)       '(_ _)   ((_ _ _\/_ _ _))   (_ _)`       (_
             \        _ /_\_   ¯  ) \\/\// (  ¯   _/_\ _        /
              \· /\__ \/   )__  _/ (-\__/o) \_  __(   \/ __/\ ·/
               \/ _  _ __ ___ )_\__/\_()_/\__/_( ___ __ _  _ \/
              _ __)  \_\__)   _) _/ __  __ \_ (_   (__/_/  (__ _
                _)       __ _ \__\__\//\\/__/__/ _ __       (_
                \       (_       _)`\/`'\/'(_       _)       /  ·Mo!/c!·
                 \_ __ __/_    __\_/\ /\ /\_/__    _\__ __ _/
               _./ Y  Y  Y \._\\\ ___Y__Y___ ///_./ Y  Y  Y \._
          _____\|  |  |  |___/___\/________\/___\___|  |  |  |/____
       :_/      \__|__|__|\__)                  (__/|__|__|__/     \_:
       |                                                             |
       |                ModemLand ( +1-3O6-652-4359 )                |
       |          Trank/Katharsis!Asc/Suave/Quad-P World HQ          |
       |          Ganja/Infinity/Revival/Revolt Canadian HQ          |
       |                 Wicked/PLA/SAZ Distribution                 |
       |                               ______                        |
    ______  ______  __________________|_     | ___________ _____  ______
   /      \/      \|     _       /    _/     |/    _     /      \/      \
 _/                \_    \      /     \      |    /_____/_               \_
      _________   -uMn\aL-  ________         _______________|_     | |
     |        /_____________\_      \_______|          /    _/     | |
     |       /       \      _/       \_     \         /     \      | |
     |________________\_____\_________/_____\________/_____________| |
       |             Sysop: Hiro Protagonist <wU-tRANK!>             |
       |    It's conviently located in the Middlanowhere, Canada!    |

      .                                                              .
 .....|.. .  ...                                            ...  . ..|.....
 |::::|                                                              |::::|
 |::::| aBHO                                                         |::::|
 ______     __          _____     ____  _ ___ _  __ _ ________  __    __  :
_)     \_ _/ (_______ _/  __/___  \   \ _____ (__) \\_)  ._  (_  (____) \ .
\     ·  ))   _     (_)  _)    /  _\   \\   (_   _  \_   l/  _/_      _  \_
 \_    \ \ _  (_     /      _/.._.__  /_ .__/  _)   .)___\     \_    )   .)
  /_______\/___/  _ /__________||_|-(_____|_  __\____|--/________/________|
 ......      /_____/  -[tHE yARD]-          \/ -[100% lEGAL!]-  /    ......
 |::::| [sTAFF]        - sANE2 - rEZiNE - diPSWiTCH -        [sTAFF] |::::|
 |::::| [gROUPS] - dKB uHQ - sOiA gHQ - wX wHQ - ddB sUPP - [gROUPS] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT1]       - 36k6 - +49.221.9348812 - 36k6 -      [sLOT1] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT2]       - iSDN - +49.221.9348812 - iSDN -      [sLOT2] |::::|
 |::::| [sLOT3]       - iSDN - +49.221.9348812 - iSDN -      [sLOT3] |::::|
 |::::| [tELNET] - 3 sLOTS - theyard.dyn.ml.org - 3 sLOTS - [tELNET] |::::|
 |::::| [fiLES]  - aMiGA - aNSi'n'aSCii - gRAFFiTi - mODS -  [fiLES] |::::|
 ·····:·· ·      -[tHiS iS gERMANY'S gRAFFiTi bOARD nO.1!]-      · ··:·····
 - -- · - -------------------------------------------------------- - · -- -