.                   .                             .
              .         .         .                             .
    ________ /____     /____     /_____           _____ _______/____| ____.
  ._\___   //  __/____/  __/____/   __/_______   /    /  ._   /     |/    |_____
  |   \|   /\_____   /\_____   /   _/    /\   \_/    //  |/  /__    |     |    /
__|    _    .   \|    .   \|   .   |    /:   _   _   /   ._    /    |____     /_
\      |    |    :    |    :   |   :          \_/        |/   /       /      / /
      /                    /                                             H7/dS!
 ----. ------------------ .  ----. .-----..  ----.   ----. ---------------------
    .   ASSEMBLY SUMMER    .-----' |     | .-----' .-----'
             2022          |     . |     | |     . |     .
 ------------------------- `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  --------------------
Assembly Summer 2022                                             Aug 4 - 7, 2022

----------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Game Dev ]-----------------------

  1.   368 pts   Porrasturvat - Stair Dismount by Tarzan / tAAt
  2.   217 pts   KAAL by Pizzalaatikko
  3.   211 pts   Tricky Truck by Archee
  4.   176 pts   GUNSHIP by Tekotuotanto
  5.   154 pts   Crisis Wing - Caravan Edition by Pieslice Productions

----------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Graphics ]-----------------------

  1.   303 pts   The Birdkeeper by Darkki / Tekotuotanto
  2.   239 pts   The Log Lady by Mazor / Fairlight
  3.   236 pts   It all stated at the forgotten toyshop...
                   by Korpi / Half Bit Cheese
  3.   236 pts   Sweet Chili o Mine by Duce / Extend
  5.   217 pts   Hiukkas grillatut tajunnan laajennus makkarat by Neotheta
  6.   193 pts   Three Pistons Lodge by Juhani Jokinen
  7.   156 pts   Koi by Egge / Granma

------------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Audio ]------------------------

  1.   193 pts   Sys 4096 by AMJ / Side B
  2.   180 pts   Allnite Groove by Dizzy / CNCD
  3.   152 pts   Pearls by Aisth
  4.   141 pts   When Time Slips Away by Firestorm / Waypoint
  5.   136 pts   High Up A Mountain by Lowland / Astropolis
  6.   131 pts   The Way That Leads to You by HBR & Mari

-------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Ground Breaking Production ]--------------

  1.   286 pts   Unreal by Future Crew
  2.   246 pts   242 by Virtual Dreams / Fairlight
  3.   245 pts   Real Time Demo Wannabe by Maxon / Fake
  4.   243 pts   Sumea - Faktory 2 by Virtual dreams
  5.   226 pts   Extension by Pygmy Projects
  6.   209 pts   Saint by Halcyon + da Jormas
  7.   186 pts   Codename Chinadoll by Katastro.fi
  8.   185 pts   Hätä by da Jormas

-------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Impactful Group ]-------------------

  1.   399 pts   Group by CNCD / Fairlight
  2.   397 pts   Group by Andromeda Software Development
  3.   374 pts   Group by Future Crew
  4.   353 pts   Group by Byterapers
  5.   329 pts   Group by Kewlers
  6.   274 pts   Group by Orange
  7.   252 pts   Group by tAAt
  8.   250 pts   Group by Moppi

---------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Restricted ]----------------------

  1.   370 pts   Chaos Theory by Conspiracy
  2.   298 pts   Zoom 3 by AND
  3.   292 pts   Darkroom by Stellar
  4.   282 pts   Follow the Sign III by Byterapers
  5.   258 pts   The Next Level by PwP
  6.   243 pts   Nucleophile by Portal Process & TBC

------------------------[ 30 Years of Assembly - Demo ]-------------------------

  1.   405 pts   Second Reality by Future Crew
  2.   374 pts   Lifeforce by Andromeda Software Development
  3.   345 pts   Number One/Another One by CNCD/Fairlight
  4.   316 pts   Variform by Kewlers
  4.   316 pts   Lapsuus by Mature Furk
  6.   294 pts   Stars: Wonders of the World by Nooon
  7.   255 pts   Dying Stars by Orange
  8.   250 pts   IX by Moppi productions

----------------------------------[ Cosplay ]-----------------------------------

  1.   979 pts   Empress Celene Valmont by Atricolor Kei
  2.   878 pts   Jayce Talis, Viktor, Vi by VI ja Miekkoset
  3.   855 pts   Yun Jin by Saaraz
  4.   851 pts   Clare by Hellunen
  5.   822 pts   Serana by laurapplique
  6.   792 pts   Armakuni by Kristian June
  7.   774 pts   Anastasia 'Anya' Romanov by Janskuvaan
  8.   721 pts   Sakasagami no Yura by Tseidi

------------------------------[ Game Development ]------------------------------

  1.  1188 pts   Erinomaiset Eläinnamit Ky (Awesome Animal Candy Factory)
                   by Verkel & Faeriel / Palloeläin Productions
  2.  1084 pts   Massacre at High Castle by MAHC
  3.   845 pts   The Wolfairy by Mielikki
  4.   745 pts   Clover by Team Clover

---------------------------------[ Fast music ]---------------------------------

  1.   495 pts   Fast and simple by Jaffa / Static^Dekadence
  2.   403 pts   vesikäärmeen lumoaja juoksee seinillä by tArzAn / tAAt
  3.   389 pts   Retroneck by Dj Rakofobia
  4.   345 pts   Journey to the Lair of the Frozen Jelly Bean Empress
                   by rawArgon
  5.   342 pts   VOLTAGE 9V by ihanalammas
  6.   322 pts   Lady in Red by Elvann
  6.   322 pts   Back in the Bunker by EPHMERIX
  8.   312 pts   Box full of Beeps by Jarskie
  9.   311 pts   Luppakorva sienimetsällä by Turbo Knight/DESiRE^sTArZ
 10.   307 pts   Fireflies by MELOD
 11.   301 pts   Zenden by malomaz
 12.   299 pts   Summer Compogames by tug
 13.   287 pts   maa, kuu, sinä by windytan
 14.   261 pts   Liver Box in the Synth Wave Oven by BamseKarhu
 15.   250 pts   Mursun kurnutus by Flarbo Beeb buup
 16.   217 pts   Cuculus Canorus by OUTRON
 17.   194 pts   Don't Worry, It's Pretty Short by shi^McBB
 18.   180 pts   Doomsday Duck's Dystopian Disco by Bonkers
 19.   133 pts   Be be be bu bi bu bu bu be bi by StressedVulture

------------------------------[ Listening music ]-------------------------------

  1.   578 pts   Physeter Macrocephalus Stage by Duality Vile
  2.   566 pts   Logic Suppressor by Turbo Knight/DESiRE^sTArZ
  4.   524 pts   The Revenge of the Relaxing Saxophone by Midnight Commando
  5.   518 pts   Back to Orion by Aikapallo
  6.   484 pts   Fast & Curious by EPHMERIX
  7.   474 pts   A bit too much by Bytenommer
  8.   472 pts   Dum'N'Basic by Tuteju79
  9.   425 pts   Temppeli by MjN vs. Euroboy
 10.   411 pts   suburban subway by ihanalammas
 11.   388 pts   Vihoviimeinen valssi by Juustokumina
 12.   366 pts   Saint Matrons of Swift Timbres by Laurikka
 13.   365 pts   Unspeakable Events by zeppe

--------------------------------[ Dance music ]---------------------------------

  1.   712 pts   Infinite Midnight by DJ Joge
  2.   701 pts   Throwdown by Plokk vs. Leaphion
  3.   676 pts   Zeroes 2 Heroes by rewind
  4.   668 pts   Portal by Aikapallo
  5.   659 pts   Ultrawide by eimink / Wide Load
  6.   594 pts   Future House by Jarsk1e
  7.   557 pts   thank you by ihanalammas
  8.   556 pts   Rivers of Mars by OUTRON
  9.   497 pts   Mursu tutina by Yksikkö 303
 10.   493 pts   Karvaperhe by Turbo Knight/DESiRE^sTArZ
 11.   482 pts   Sunset Party Anthem by EPHMERIX
 11.   482 pts   Blazing High Voltage by MELOD
 13.   474 pts   Kuaken valssi by BamseKarhu
 14.   447 pts   Tato No Mato by Akiko4

-------------------------------[ Tracked music ]--------------------------------

  1.   892 pts   Nasty Ways by Mygg / JosSs / Bonefish
  2.   595 pts   Thin Upper Clouds by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers
  3.   577 pts   Killer Pigeon by Aikapallo
  4.   558 pts   Blueberry Plasma Smoothie by rawArgon
  5.   520 pts   Age Is Just a Hexadecimal by OUTRON
  6.   479 pts   Sanity Complex by Yzi
  7.   430 pts   Forcing Constraints by Juippi / faemiyah
  8.   379 pts   The Jolly Crack Sisters by Laurikka
  9.   368 pts   NES & BASS by Jarsk1e
 10.   360 pts   JunoLinn by Jaffa / Static^Dekadence
 11.   355 pts   Comfy Trip by Signal
 12.   354 pts   assy19_tai_ehka_22 by beathawk
 13.   339 pts   Resilar Generation by la_mettrie
 14.   338 pts   Flying Through Time by deetsay
 15.   320 pts   delaymusic by tArzAn
 16.   297 pts   surina by anacron

-------------------------------[ In-Game Photo ]--------------------------------

  1.  1060 pts   The Oldskool Way by Jarskie
  2.   975 pts   If you're going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers
                   in your hair by Tethys a.k.a. Leo Koivistoinen
  3.   826 pts   What did you do to my moon? by Jeccu
  4.   771 pts   ASM AE86 by Kurowo
  5.   752 pts   Nap time by Viima
  6.   701 pts   Dodging an SA-5 missile by huhta / pasi toska
  7.   427 pts   Destructo by rewind

-----------------------------------[ Photo ]------------------------------------

  1.  1647 pts   George of the Jungle by malomaz
  2.  1535 pts   Sleeping Giant by Wode / Doomsday
  3.  1389 pts   Haze by tug
  4.  1366 pts   Ötökkä by iiKster
  5.  1215 pts   The Perfect Drop by Manu/Fit^{B}
  6.  1187 pts   Mission ...completed? by Tethys a.k.a. Leo Koivistoinen
  7.  1184 pts   Leds 'n Balls by Speedu
  8.  1171 pts   ASCENSION by @destroyingpics
  9.  1157 pts   RTX Off by Marvel / Future Crew
 10.  1112 pts   Who Dares Sings by florist
 11.  1098 pts   Reflection by Midi
 12.  1092 pts   BAD fragrance by Kasper Leppänen
 13.   950 pts   Brainstorm Manifestation by Foxmagon
 14.   911 pts   Avidikavidi by Emmi Halmela

-----------------------------[ Freestyle Graphics ]-----------------------------

  1.  2135 pts   Dance Macabre by Darkki
  2.  1829 pts   Next move by Partikle
  3.  1690 pts   The Gaze Of Death by Duce / Extend
  4.  1412 pts   Celephaïs by BamseKarhu
  5.  1404 pts   Twelve by Elukka
  6.  1385 pts   SS Artisan by tug
  6.  1385 pts   Furrywave Overdrive by Neotheta
  8.  1186 pts   wildfire season by bergamod
  9.   895 pts   White Horrors by SirRandom
 10.   862 pts   Reborn by Midi
 11.   807 pts   Doomsday Driving by Neon

-------------------------------[ Fast Graphics ]--------------------------------

  1.  1118 pts   Get free oil by Korpi
  2.   939 pts   The only choice you got by Valtteri
  3.   799 pts   Vote Here by Neon
  4.   777 pts   Vote from the rooftops by Darkki
  5.   653 pts   maybe mayor of the city? by Elukka
  6.   650 pts   Entry nr. 9000 by Neotheta
  7.   619 pts   Attractive female, Artstation front page by Zagupi / HBC
  8.   617 pts   Shiny by maxon / HBC
  9.   610 pts   Ääniharava by Toggleswitch
 10.   581 pts   Magic Vote by Felor
 11.   575 pts   Approved Candidates by shi^McBB
 12.   570 pts   Please See Me by malomaz
 13.   553 pts   millenniumin pojan paluun kosto by BamseKarhu
 14.   520 pts   Swag for Votes by tArzAn & DALL-E
 15.   494 pts   Meow by Kisu
 16.   429 pts   Fishy Business by Bonkers
 17.   294 pts   Vote me bro by NerdDuck

----------------------------------[ Tuplain ]-----------------------------------

  1.   287 pts   Choose piano and pixels by stRana
  2.   258 pts   Power of bleach! by Random
  3.   237 pts   Friend by M_Birgit
  4.   226 pts   Enimmäkseen leivätön by keLmUharppU
  5.   223 pts   Second Hikiliikkuja by tArzAn
  6.   213 pts   Fractal City by The Mother of Baggings
  7.   201 pts   Universal Dance Sequence by mayday/hedelmae
  8.   186 pts   arithmetic logic unit by sooda
  9.   176 pts   So Many Frogs by The Mother of Baggings
  9.   176 pts   The dreams you see at 4 am by Tethys
 11.   172 pts   Rolling bones by Sambe
 12.   167 pts   Karibiensfärjan by Magnetismin Tietokonekerho
 13.   165 pts   Kebu laittaa urut solmuun by minapamina
 14.   125 pts   Debrii by Hervannan Demoscene-Akatemia Dropouts
 15.   123 pts   Retro horse show by Walop
 16.   116 pts   Bunny by Bunny

---------------------------------[ Short Film ]---------------------------------

  1.  1738 pts   LeGorski by tAAt 2022 & tAAt 2002
  2.  1666 pts   Ultimate Restore by Zeitball Pictures
  3.  1389 pts   Vacation by Datafox Studios & MELOD
  4.   752 pts   A Day In My Life by StressedVulture

----------------------------[ Cables Demo Workshop ]----------------------------

  1.   235 pts   ...But they were too late by Jeccu / Siils
  2.   232 pts   At the heart of it all by Proxima Centauri
  3.   171 pts   Randombly Blugged Cables by Gimle
  4.   157 pts   boink by jaine

------------------------[ Shader Showdown semifinal 1 ]-------------------------

  1.   907 pts   rimina
  2.   651 pts   Exca

------------------------[ Shader Showdown semifinal 2 ]-------------------------

  1.  1250 pts   provod
  2.   796 pts   visy

---------------------------[ Shader Showdown Final ]----------------------------

  1.  2058 pts   provod
  2.  1728 pts   rimina

---------------------------------[ Real Wild ]----------------------------------

  1.  3063 pts   Kerava by Faemiyah
  2.  1950 pts   skitmonkeyarna returnz again! by cloaking novice
  3.  1415 pts   Sunrise Glow by florist

---------------------------[ Oldskool Demo combined ]---------------------------

  1.  2657 pts   Porridgy by hedelmae
  2.  2209 pts   Vesilintu by Dekadence
  3.  1826 pts   2022: A ZOO Odyssey by Artline Designs & Extend
  4.  1791 pts   PöSö by dA JoRMaS!
  5.  1614 pts   Trainspotting by Ananamurska
  6.  1527 pts   1982 by Senioridevaaja
  7.  1487 pts   TV Eye by Zenon
  8.  1115 pts   Lapin d'importation by Magnetismin tietokonekerho
  9.   991 pts   Pixeled Years by Extend/Artline

---------------------------------[ Widescreen ]---------------------------------

  1.  2211 pts   HBC-00022: MAYHEM .22 by HBC
  2.  2188 pts   Superwide Reality 3 by astral
  3.  2169 pts   Astronaut by Doomsday
  4.  1968 pts   Ultra by Wide Load
  5.  1773 pts   Tribute to Oldskool by Extream
  6.  1744 pts   Something In The Grass by Adapt
  7.  1729 pts   A rather large text interface by Byproduct / SceneSat
  8.  1551 pts   chelidonura by Mehu
  9.  1545 pts   Creation of Late Night Snack by Foxmagon
 10.   972 pts   To the Moooon by maxon / HBC
 11.   791 pts   King of the Hill by rewind

---------------------------------[ 1k - intro ]---------------------------------

  1.  2620 pts   Vivid pixels by Digimind
  2.  2606 pts   M22 by P01 + 4MAT
  3.  1743 pts   1k-meripäivä by rawArgon
  4.  1609 pts   Happy Birthday Assembly! by oo
  5.  1390 pts   untz by knl
  6.  1351 pts   Marsh Critter by qma

---------------------------------[ 4k - intro ]---------------------------------

  1.  2774 pts   Thir(s)ty (First) by oo
  2.  1975 pts   Vekkulan disko by Yzin Humppatehdas
  3.  1896 pts   Hessdalen Valley by wAMMA
  4.  1879 pts   Looking for Alice by C.O.M.A.
  5.  1370 pts   Sorry I'm late... by Seven/Fulcrum
  6.  1347 pts   Surrealismus by papumaja @ Magnetismin Tietokonekerho
  7.   718 pts   aalloilla by akinnA

------------------------------------[ Demo ]------------------------------------

  1.  2993 pts   shine n flow by adapt
  2.  2711 pts   Dreams of Neon by mfx & dcs
  3.  2279 pts   E131 by Ivory
  4.  2102 pts   Stranger Stranger by Velocity
  5.  1925 pts   Neljän viljan by u+1f35e
  6.  1725 pts   Happio by Humane
  7.  1721 pts   LovePainIs by XKikkel7
  8.  1683 pts   YAS Brouhaha! by Mikucom
  9.  1429 pts   vaporware by tähtituho
 10.  1415 pts   Exhibition by Wide Load
 11.  1083 pts   My First Demo by Spot
 12.   714 pts   Malfunction by The Crux


               31580 votes were cast by 1209 registered visitors                

                 Results generated by Partyman - Primitive 2022