Welcome to the NetCologne GmbH open source mirroring service!

This machine mirrors various open-source projects. 20 Gbit/s uplink.

If there are any issues or you want another project mirrored, please contact mirror-service -=AT=- netcologne DOT de !

Index of /slackware/slackware-current/source/x/

Index of /slackware/slackware-current/source/x/

OpenCC/                                            09-Aug-2024 18:15       -
anthy-unicode/                                     07-May-2024 16:48       -
cldr-emoji-annotation/                             13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
compiz/                                            14-Dec-2023 19:51       -
dejavu-fonts-ttf/                                  13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
egl-wayland/                                       23-Aug-2024 02:43       -
eglexternalplatform/                               10-Oct-2024 17:43       -
fcitx5/                                            09-Oct-2024 17:15       -
fcitx5-anthy/                                      09-Oct-2024 17:17       -
fcitx5-chinese-addons/                             09-Oct-2024 17:18       -
fcitx5-gtk/                                        12-Aug-2024 20:02       -
fcitx5-hangul/                                     09-Oct-2024 17:22       -
fcitx5-kkc/                                        09-Oct-2024 17:22       -
fcitx5-m17n/                                       09-Oct-2024 17:23       -
fcitx5-qt/                                         18-Oct-2024 18:49       -
fcitx5-sayura/                                     23-Apr-2024 17:20       -
fcitx5-table-extra/                                01-Jun-2024 17:13       -
fcitx5-table-other/                                01-Jun-2024 17:12       -
fcitx5-unikey/                                     09-Oct-2024 17:26       -
fontconfig/                                        13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
freeglut/                                          10-Oct-2024 17:43       -
glew/                                              13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
glu/                                               22-Jul-2023 17:49       -
hack-fonts-ttf/                                    06-Sep-2022 18:27       -
ibus/                                              09-Nov-2024 19:03       -
ibus-anthy/                                        29-Mar-2024 03:06       -
ibus-hangul/                                       29-Mar-2024 03:06       -
ibus-kkc/                                          13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
ibus-libpinyin/                                    26-Jul-2024 17:47       -
ibus-m17n/                                         08-Nov-2024 18:38       -
ibus-table/                                        12-Sep-2024 18:33       -
ibus-unikey/                                       13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
intel-vaapi-driver/                                13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
libXaw3dXft/                                       13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
libXcm/                                            13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
libdrm/                                            27-Aug-2024 17:13       -
libepoxy/                                          19-Mar-2022 18:33       -
liberation-fonts-ttf/                              01-Oct-2021 02:40       -
libevdev/                                          03-Sep-2024 17:42       -
libgee/                                            17-Sep-2022 18:24       -
libglvnd/                                          16-Aug-2024 19:44       -
libhangul/                                         13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
libime/                                            09-Oct-2024 17:20       -
libinput/                                          19-Nov-2024 13:01       -
libkkc/                                            10-May-2024 23:33       -
libkkc-data/                                       20-Mar-2024 13:12       -
libmypaint/                                        06-Sep-2022 18:27       -
libpinyin/                                         17-Jan-2023 21:01       -
libva/                                             20-Jun-2024 17:39       -
libva-utils/                                       20-Jun-2024 17:39       -
libvdpau/                                          07-Mar-2022 20:26       -
libwacom/                                          02-Sep-2024 18:03       -
m17n-lib/                                          27-Aug-2023 18:19       -
marisa/                                            29-Mar-2024 03:06       -
mesa/                                              13-Nov-2024 23:00       -
motif/                                             06-Sep-2022 18:27       -
mtdev/                                             06-Apr-2024 16:47       -
mypaint-brushes/                                   26-Dec-2023 19:40       -
noto-cjk-fonts-ttf/                                13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
noto-emoji/                                        08-Sep-2024 19:50       -
noto-fonts-ttf/                                    01-Oct-2021 05:29       -
pyxdg/                                             29-Mar-2024 03:06       -
sazanami-fonts-ttf/                                13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
sddm/                                              26-Feb-2024 18:53       -
sinhala_lklug-font-ttf/                            13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
skkdic/                                            15-Aug-2022 19:49       -
tibmachuni-font-ttf/                               13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
ttf-indic-fonts/                                   13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
ttf-tlwg/                                          19-Oct-2021 04:11       -
urw-core35-fonts-otf/                              13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
vulkan-sdk/                                        10-Oct-2024 17:42       -
wayland/                                           25-Aug-2024 17:16       -
wayland-protocols/                                 12-Oct-2024 18:22       -
wqy-zenhei-font-ttf/                               13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
x11/                                               28-Jul-2024 17:37       -
x11-skel/                                          21-May-2022 13:36       -
xcb-imdkit/                                        01-Jun-2024 17:28       -
xcm/                                               13-Feb-2021 05:32       -
xdg-desktop-portal/                                19-Apr-2024 17:27       -
xdg-user-dirs/                                     02-Aug-2022 19:48       -
xdg-utils/                                         06-Feb-2024 20:09       -
xorg-server-xwayland/                              29-Oct-2024 20:55       -
xterm/                                             25-Oct-2024 17:32       -
FTBFSlog                                           22-May-2023 17:51     760