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Files | |
file | gmm.h [code] |
Include common gmm files. | |
file | gmm_algobase.h [code] |
Miscelleanous algorithms on containers. | |
file | gmm_blas.h [code] |
Basic linear algebra functions. | |
file | gmm_blas_interface.h [code] |
gmm interface for fortran BLAS. | |
file | gmm_condition_number.h [code] |
computation of the condition number of dense matrices. | |
file | gmm_conjugated.h [code] |
handle conjugation of complex matrices/vectors. | |
file | gmm_def.h [code] |
Basic definitions and tools of GMM. | |
file | gmm_dense_Householder.h [code] |
Householder for dense matrices. | |
file | gmm_dense_lu.h [code] |
LU factorizations and determinant computation for dense matrices. | |
file | gmm_dense_matrix_functions.h [code] |
Common matrix functions for dense matrices. | |
file | gmm_dense_qr.h [code] |
Dense QR factorization. | |
file | gmm_dense_sylvester.h [code] |
Sylvester equation solver. | |
file | gmm_domain_decomp.h [code] |
Domain decomposition. | |
file | gmm_except.h [code] |
Definition of basic exceptions. | |
file | gmm_feedback_management.h [code] |
Support for run time management of trace, warning and assert feedback. | |
file | gmm_inoutput.h [code] |
Input/output on sparse matrices. | |
file | gmm_interface.h [code] |
gmm interface for STL vectors. | |
file | gmm_interface_bgeot.h [code] |
interface for bgeot::small_vector | |
file | gmm_iter.h [code] |
Iteration object. | |
file | gmm_iter_solvers.h [code] |
Include standard gmm iterative solvers (cg, gmres, ...) | |
file | gmm_kernel.h [code] |
Include the base gmm files. | |
file | gmm_lapack_interface.h [code] |
gmm interface for LAPACK | |
file | gmm_matrix.h [code] |
Declaration of some matrix types (gmm::dense_matrix, gmm::row_matrix, gmm::col_matrix, gmm::csc_matrix, etc.) | |
file | gmm_modified_gram_schmidt.h [code] |
Modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. | |
file | gmm_MUMPS_interface.h [code] |
Interface with MUMPS (LU direct solver for sparse matrices). | |
file | gmm_opt.h [code] |
Optimization for some small cases (inversion of 2x2 matrices etc.) | |
file | gmm_precond.h [code] |
gmm preconditioners. | |
file | gmm_precond_diagonal.h [code] |
Diagonal matrix preconditoner. | |
file | gmm_precond_ildlt.h [code] |
Incomplete Level 0 ILDLT Preconditioner. | |
file | gmm_precond_ildltt.h [code] |
incomplete LDL^t (cholesky) preconditioner with fill-in and threshold. | |
file | gmm_precond_ilu.h [code] |
Incomplete LU without fill-in Preconditioner. | |
file | gmm_precond_ilut.h [code] |
ILUT: Incomplete LU with threshold and K fill-in Preconditioner. | |
file | gmm_precond_ilutp.h [code] |
ILUTP: Incomplete LU with threshold and K fill-in Preconditioner and column pivoting. | |
file | gmm_precond_mr_approx_inverse.h [code] |
Approximate inverse via MR iteration. | |
file | gmm_range_basis.h [code] |
Extract a basis of the range of a (large sparse) matrix from the columns of this matrix. | |
file | gmm_real_part.h [code] |
extract the real/imaginary part of vectors/matrices | |
file | gmm_ref.h [code] |
Provide some simple pseudo-containers. | |
file | gmm_scaled.h [code] |
get a scaled view of a vector/matrix. | |
file | gmm_solver_bfgs.h [code] |
Implements BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, Shanno) algorithm. | |
file | gmm_solver_bicgstab.h [code] |
BiCGStab iterative solver. | |
file | gmm_solver_cg.h [code] |
Conjugate gradient iterative solver. | |
file | gmm_solver_constrained_cg.h [code] |
Constrained conjugate gradient. | |
file | gmm_solver_gmres.h [code] |
GMRES (Generalized Minimum Residual) iterative solver. | |
file | gmm_solver_idgmres.h [code] |
Implicitly restarted and deflated Generalized Minimum Residual. | |
file | gmm_solver_qmr.h [code] |
Quasi-Minimal Residual iterative solver. | |
file | gmm_solver_Schwarz_additive.h [code] |
file | gmm_std.h [code] |
basic setup for gmm (includes, typedefs etc.) | |
file | gmm_sub_index.h [code] |
sub-indices. | |
file | gmm_sub_matrix.h [code] |
Generic sub-matrices. | |
file | gmm_sub_vector.h [code] |
Generic sub-vectors. | |
file | gmm_superlu_interface.h [code] |
Interface with SuperLU (LU direct solver for sparse matrices). | |
file | gmm_transposed.h [code] |
Generic transposed matrices. | |
file | gmm_tri_solve.h [code] |
Solve triangular linear system for dense matrices. | |
file | gmm_vector.h [code] |
Declaration of the vector types (gmm::rsvector, gmm::wsvector, gmm::slvector ,..) | |
file | gmm_vector_to_matrix.h [code] |
View vectors as row or column matrices. | |