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►Cgetfem::abstract_constraints_projection | Abstract projection of a stress tensor onto a set of admissible stress tensors |
►Cgetfem::abstract_hyperelastic_law | Base class for material law |
Cgetfem::accumulated_distro< T > | Takes a matrix or vector, or vector of matrices or vectors and creates an empty copy on each thread |
Cbgeot::Comma_initializer< Container > | Template class which forwards insertions to the container class |
►Clevel_set_contact::contact_body | Base class for the master and the slave contact bodies |
Clevel_set_contact::contact_pair_info | Prepares the final information needed to pass to the contact brick for every contact pair to assemble tangent terms |
Clevel_set_contact::contact_pair_update | Temporary object that updates contact pair, deformes meshes and undeformes when it selfdestructs |
►Cgetfem::context_dependencies | Deal with interdependencies of objects |
Cbgeot::convex< PT, PT_TAB > | Generic definition of a convex ( bgeot::convex_structure + vertices coordinates ) |
►Cbgeot::convex< base_node > | |
Cgetfem::copyable_ptr< T > | A wrapper around a unique_ptr that clones the value on copy |
Cgetfem::copyable_ptr< getfem::omp_distribute > | |
Cgmm::diagonal_precond< Matrix > | Diagonal preconditioner |
Cdal::dna_const_iterator< T, pks > | Constant iterator class for dynamic array |
Cdal::dna_iterator< T, pks > | Iterator class for dynamic array |
Cgmm::dsvector< T > | Sparse vector built on distribution sort principle |
Cgetfem::dx_export | A (quite large) class for exportation of data to IBM OpenDX |
Cdal::dynamic_array< T, pks > | Dynamic Array |
Cdal::dynamic_array< bgeot::pgeometric_trans > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< const std::string * > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< gmm::uint64_type > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< ind_cv_ct, 8 > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< pintegration_method > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< T, 5 > | |
Cdal::dynamic_array< tree_elt, pks > | |
Cdal::enr_static_stored_object | Pointer to an object with the dependencies |
Cdal::enr_static_stored_object_key | Pointer to a key with a coherent order |
Cgetfem::fem_precomp_pool | Handle a pool (i.e |
Cgetfem::generic_assembly | Generic assembly of vectors, matrices |
►Cbgeot::geotrans_interpolation_context | Geotrans_interpolation_context structure is passed as the argument of geometric transformation interpolation functions |
Cbgeot::geotrans_inv | Handles the geometric inversion for a given (supposedly quite large) set of points |
Cbgeot::geotrans_inv_convex | Does the inversion of the geometric transformation for a given convex |
Cbgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool | The object geotrans_precomp_pool Allow to allocate a certain number of geotrans_precomp and automatically delete them when it is deleted itself |
Cgetfem::global_thread_policy | Thread policy, regulated by partition_master (can be true thread- or partition-based) |
Cgmm::HarwellBoeing_IO | Matrix input/output for Harwell-Boeing format |
Cgmm::ildlt_precond< Matrix > | Incomplete Level 0 LDLT Preconditioner |
Cgmm::ildltt_precond< Matrix > | Incomplete LDL^t (cholesky) preconditioner with fill-in and threshold |
Cgmm::ilu_precond< Matrix > | Incomplete LU without fill-in Preconditioner |
Cgmm::ilut_precond< Matrix > | Incomplete LU with threshold and K fill-in Preconditioner |
Cgmm::ilutp_precond< Matrix > | ILUTP: Incomplete LU with threshold and K fill-in Preconditioner and column pivoting |
Cbgeot::imbricated_box_less | A comparison function for bgeot::base_node |
Cbgeot::index_node_pair | Store a point and the associated index for the kdtree |
Cgetfem::interpolator_on_mesh_fem | General structure for interpolation of a function defined by a mesh_fem and a vector U at any point (interpolation of value and gradient) |
Cgmm::iteration | The Iteration object calculates whether the solution has reached the desired accuracy, or whether the maximum number of iterations has been reached |
Cbgeot::kdtree | Balanced tree over a set of points |
Cgmm::MatrixMarket_IO | Matrix input/output for MatrixMarket storage |
Cgetfem::mesh_region | Structure used to hold a set of convexes and/or convex faces |
Cgetfem::mesh_slice_cv_dof_data< VEC > | Use this structure to specify that the mesh must be deformed before the slicing operation (with a mesh_fem and an associated field) |
Cgetfem::mesh_slicer | Apply a serie a slicing operations to a mesh |
Cbgeot::mesh_structure | Mesh structure definition |
Cgmm::mr_approx_inverse_precond< Matrix > | Approximate inverse via MR iteration (see P301 of Saad book) |
Cdal::naming_system< METHOD > | Associate a name to a method descriptor and store method descriptors |
Cdal::naming_system< geometric_trans > | |
Cdal::naming_system< integration_method > | |
Cdal::naming_system< virtual_fem > | |
►Cgetfem::nonlinear_elem_term | Abstract class for integration of non-linear terms into the mat_elem computations the nonlinear term is added into the mat_elem_type via mat_elem_nonlinear |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< T, thread_policy > | Use this template class for any object you want to distribute to open_MP threads |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< base_vector > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< bool > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< const_iterator > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< dal::bit_vector > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< ga_workspace > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< model_complex_plain_vector > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< model_complex_sparse_matrix > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< model_real_plain_vector > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< model_real_sparse_matrix > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< size_type, getfem::true_thread_policy > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< std::set< size_type >, getfem::true_thread_policy > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< std::vector< singleton_instance_base * > > | |
Cgetfem::omp_distribute< T * > | |
Cgetfem::detail::omp_distribute_impl< bool, thread_policy, bool_tag > | Specialization for bool, to circumvent the shortcomings of standards library's specialization for std::vector<bool>, we use std::vector<int> instead |
Cgetfem::detail::omp_distribute_impl< std::vector< T >, thread_policy, vector_tag > | Specialization for std::vector<T>, adds vector indexing operator |
Cgetfem::parallel_boilerplate | Encapsulates open_mp-related initialization and de-initialization |
Cgetfem::partition_iterator | Iterator that runs over partitions on the current thread and sets the global (but thread-specific) partition during incrementation |
Cgetfem::partition_master | A singleton that Manages partitions on individual threads |
Cbgeot::permutation | Generation of permutations, and ranking/unranking of these |
Cgetfem::poly_integration | Description of an exact integration of polynomials |
Cbgeot::polynomial< T > | This class deals with plain polynomials with several variables |
Cbgeot::polynomial< opt_long_scalar_type > | |
Cgetfem::pos_export | POS export |
Cbgeot::power_index | Vector of integer (16 bits type) which represent the powers of a monomial |
Cgmm::rsvector< T > | Sparse vector built upon std::vector |
Cbgeot::rtree | Balanced tree of n-dimensional rectangles |
Cdal::singleton< T, LEV > | Singleton class |
►Cgetfem::slicer_action | Generic slicer class |
Cgmm::slvector< T > | Skyline vector |
Cbgeot::small_vector< T > | Container for small vectors of POD (Plain Old Data) types |
Cbgeot::small_vector< scalar_type > | |
Cgetfem::standard_locale | Identical to gmm::standard_locale, but does not change std::locale in multi-threaded sections of the code, which is not thread-safe |
►Cdal::static_stored_object | Base class for static stored objects |
Cdal::stored_object_tab | Table of stored objects |
Cgmm::tab_ref_index_ref< ITER, ITER_INDEX > | Indexed array reference (given a container X, and a set of indexes I, this class provides a pseudo-container Y such that |
Cgmm::tab_ref_index_ref< IT, ITINDEX > | |
Cgmm::tab_ref_index_ref_iterator_< ITER, ITER_INDEX > | Iterator over a gmm::tab_ref_index_ref<ITER,ITER_INDEX> |
Cgmm::tab_ref_reg_spaced< ITER > | Provide a "strided" view a of container |
Cgmm::tab_ref_reg_spaced< IT > | |
Cgmm::tab_ref_with_selection< ITER, COND > | Given a container X and a predicate P, provide pseudo-container Y of all elements of X such that P(X[i]) |
Cgmm::tab_ref_with_selection_iterator_< ITER, COND > | Iterator over a tab_ref_with_selection |
Cgetfem::temporary_mesh_deformator< VECTOR > | An object function that first deforms and then remembers to restore a mesh if it has to be restored for other bricks |
Cgetfem::thread_exception | Allows to re-throw exceptions, generated in OpemMP parallel section |
Cgetfem::true_thread_policy | Thread policy, where partitioning is based on true threads |
►Cgetfem::virtual_brick | The virtual brick has to be derived to describe real model bricks |
Cgetfem::virtual_dispatcher | The time dispatcher object modify the result of a brick in order to apply a time integration scheme |
Cgetfem::virtual_time_scheme | The time integration scheme object provides the necessary methods for the model object to apply a time integration scheme to an evolutionnary problem |
Cgetfem::mesh_region::visitor | "iterator" class for regions |
Cgetfem::vtk_export | VTK/VTU export |
Cgmm::wsvector< T > | Sparse vector built upon std::map |